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Posts posted by sanity_lost

  1. 28 minutes ago, Jane M. said:
    1 hour ago, Apollo said:


    That's horrible. Thank goodness that piece of shit and It taste good, don't it weren't included in any album. IMO.

    I like Cornshucker! It can almost always cheer me up when I hear it. The first time I heard it my reaction was something liked What the...? What? Really?  I find it funny/fun. :)

    I wouldn't want it on an album by any means. It just floating around on the internet is perfect for that song.


    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, Izzyslash said:

    Agreed that is not way the world works sometimes,. but in this case, it is exactly how the world works. 

    By all mean, each to his own, but the CD-era was Guns N Roses by name only, even though it was enjoyable at times.

     Sure you dismiss CD era guns as In "name only". The next fan over will dismiss the end of the Illusions line up as In "name only" because of lack of Izzy. Then the next fan will dismiss the entire Illusions era because of no Steven- Everybody knows only the complete Classic lineup makes the magic that Is Guns n' Roses and  any one who accepts any line up other than the classic lineup Is not a real fan. And so on...

    I guess I find It a bit silly to try to draw lines and dictate how much of a fan someone Is or Isn't.

    (Sorry about some of the weird formatting and capitalization In this comment. I hit quote before I wrote my reply and my phone hates that)

  3. 16 minutes ago, Izzyslash said:

    I will never understand why this is a discussion at all. 
    If you prefer the Axl/CD-era lineup over the old guys, you are not a fan of GNR. Period. 

    Hate to tell you this, but there are no rules on who can be a "real fan". Sure it may suck that others may not like what you like or even may like what you like but prefer something else more. But that is just the way the world works sometimes.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd love to know more about what inspired different aspects of different songs because I have an insatiable curiosity. 

    But with that said...

    You shouldn't need the artist to tell you what their art is about. What they were thinking when they created it. That isn't what music/art is about. The arts are about evoking emotion. Something that is individual to the person consuming it from their own experience and perceptions. Knowing where the creator was coming from can give it texture, but the ones who consume it are the ones who gives it meaning.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Fansince88 said:

    Speaking of Perla.....




    I guess this doesn't apply to Slash's money. :max:

    (But I would totally read her trashy and hilarious book:lol:)

    Amusingly enough that looks like something that could come from Axl.

    11 hours ago, Nightrain92 said:

    Just wanted to share this with you? Axl is...:drool::drool::drool:


    Hmm... I wonder if Axl's hair ever got tangled up in his nipple piercing.

    • Like 1
  6. 44 minutes ago, Funky.Monkey said:

    Here is the link to the book at Monarch Publishing.  It looks like you have to pre-order through them to be entered into the contest for signed drumsticks and possibly GN'R tickets.



    I've had a sudden thought. Do we know if Steven going to be playing at the show they are giving tickets to? 'Cause it'd be kind of weird if it was to a show that he wasn't participating in.

  7. 5 hours ago, Towelie said:

    I don't necessarily buy into the fan theory that the label sabotaged NuGuns in an attempt to stronghold Axl into a reunion. Would a GNR album with Slash really have sold any more copies than Chinese Democracy? I really don't think so. Now if we're talking in a live setting, then yes, clearly Slash's presence in the band is something that concert-goers will want to see. But in terms of a new record, I don't think Slash coming back to GNR is suddenly going to make all the difference in terms of hit singles and massive multi-platinum selling albums. 1991 ain't ever coming back.

    I think so. At least before it stretched to ten years. There was a nasty divorce and while some of the kids supported both many of the kids took sides. There are still people who 100% blame Axl for the break up of the band.  If momma and poppa got back together in those first ten years I think more people would have been willing to give it a chance. Of course they wouldn't sell what they once did but it would have been much more accepted than Chinese was.

  8. My instictive response to seeing this was "No, this is an awful idea". Then after a seconds thought I realized that I read Steven's book (as unreliable source of information that it is) and that she should be able to give her side as well.

    If it is truly an autobiographical account of a mother trying to raise a troubled child who turn into a drug addicted troubled adult with the exacerbating fact that he was part of/then kicked out of a band that ruled the world for a short amount of time and it focuses on their relationship and struggles then I think it could be a really good and informative book.

    If it is a self promoting exposé that uses her son's fame to sell a book then there is a chance it could win worst GnR related book ever written... and that is a really low bar.

    I'll reserve judgement. I know which I hope it will be closer to but I also know which my cynical nature thinks it will be about.

  9. I think we have a new wonder of the world. How on earth has this topic made it to 11 pages? I have read all 11 pages (I curse myself for navigating the forum by using the Next Unread Topic button- this topic is like a trainwreck I can't look away from when it comes up) and I still can't figure out how this topic has stretched on this long.

    I am bemused and in a strange way you have brightened my day. Thank you. 


    By the way... Has anyone considered that Guns N' Roses doesn't have a small catalogue? That everyone else you are comparing them to simply has an obscenely large one? :rofl-lol:

  10. 2 hours ago, Billsfan said:

    By far the most interesting section out of that entire quote from sorum about Duff: "So when they went out there to do it without me, I was like, oh ok. That's weird. .But it wasn't his decision, obviously" 

    1 - Further proof sorum is jealous and butt hurt he's not involved.

    2 - Also more proof that it's Axls band like I've been saying this entire time. They didn't vote on frank or fortus, slash and Duff joined an already functioning, evolving version of Guns N' Roses. But then again, I guess the term functioning well, we all may have our different definition of that :P 


    On point #2... or he is just telling himself that to make himself feel better about not being asked. :lol:

    It'd be best for him to blame the new girlfriend others for not letting his best bud bring him along. He'd be really heartbroken if was actually a case of "You know, been doing this for quarter of century- give or take a few years- I think I'd like to try something new."

  11. 2 minutes ago, wasted said:

    I guess it sold more like 1 mil? Did it sell more than CD? 

    I think the 100 mil tag comes from articles rounding things up. I read a piece about GNR selling the same as Zepp by 94. More or less probably. 

    GH sold 4.26 million in the U.S. by 2008.


    (unless you have something against Blabbermouth citing Nielsen SoundScan as a source, then I can't help you)

  12. He quotes Slash's book but still calls the rehearsal studio/storage space on Gardner the "Hell House". Slash clearly stated the "Hell House" was a house (shack) and that was a Del and Wes thing where they all hung out at. It was a separate place from the storage space.

    (Not that it changes what went on at their storage space, but I find it weird he sticks with the name.)

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    thanks! i did and they said if he wasn't better to bring him in tomorrow. strangely he has gone back to normal, he is sitting at my feet trying to get me to share my tacos at the moments and he barked to go outside then jumped up the stairs when he was done with his business. but if he goes back to appearing sick i will definitely take him in tomorrow :) 

    My spotted one lives for food. Once he left half of his food in his bowl and I worried about him--- until I saw that he snuck a nearly full loaf of bread off the counter and ate the entire thing. 

    I am probably a little quicker to call my vet than most people. I don't know how many times over the years I've called my vet up or stopped by to ask questions when I had concerns. I have a really good relationship with them and trust them a lot. My step-dad was taking his dogs to the same clinic when he was a kid that I take my dog to now. It was a father/son practice when I was a kid and now it is only the son running the place.


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  14. 4 minutes ago, BlueJean Baby said:
    7 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

    i am really worried about my 6 year old black lab. he has always been healthy as a horse but today he is very lethargic, not interested in food, playing with his toys or going outside... all things he normally loves to do. he was shaking earlier and heavily panting. should i give him a while and see if he feels better or take him to the vet?? i would appreciate any advice.

    If not better in the morning, call the vet.

    Yeah, I would call my vet and ask for his advice.



  15. 20 hours ago, AxlisOld said:

    I used to have a German Pointer that looked just like that. Her name was Blizzard, she was damn near indestructable. She ate rat loison...twice. and then lived 7 more years. She had also been hit by a car. She died at 19. You may have more time than you know.

    We know he is at least 1/2 German Shorthair, but don't know about the other half for certain. He's much bigger than most of the breed get and his hair is also quite a bit longer. About twice as long as a lab's. He has been having hind-end trouble for a couple years already (and it never really bothered him much, he just obviously didn't have the strength or maneuverability in it  that he used to) but we are now starting to battle arthritis as well. The arthritis is what has me concerned. Winter sucks. However, for his particular case global warming has been a blessing as we haven't had too many bad days. He's never done well in hot weather either. I suppose our only option is to move to someplace in California where the climate is always temperate. :)


    20 hours ago, AxlisOld said:

    My Malamute cooling off in the 9" of snow we got yesterday20170102_130854.jpg

    That is an awesome pic.


  16. My old boy is 15 now. It is gut-wrenching to know that he won't be with me for much longer. I've had dogs all my life and I have loved them all deeply, but the bond I have with him is special and unlike any I have had with any of the others. Probably because he is much better at being manipulative than any of my other pets. I doubt he will make the end easy for me as he will likely hang on to the bitter end and make me make the hard decision for him, but I will enjoy him and spoil him rotten while I have him and let him drive me nuts as only he can. 

    He doesn't like his picture taken and gets all smiley and anxious about it, but I take pictures of him anyway.



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  17. 1 hour ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    I'd take any sort of release from this band at this point. Even if it was just a 3 second track of Axl farting, at least it shows the band cares about the fans.

    ... can't say I am that desperate. I am not sure how that would show he cares about fans either...


    1 hour ago, shotsfired cro said:

    what is the point of these 'what if' threads!?

    nobody ever mentioned a possibility of a vinyl boxsete in the first place

    It is fun to think about the possibilities that could exist and chat with other fans about them. And maybe a miracle will happen and someone from the GnR camp will see the desire and think, "Hey that is a good idea." Not likely by any means, but we can dream right?

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