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Posts posted by Billsfan

  1. 19 hours ago, soon said:

    Does he always speak in such a cautious and fractured way, or just about GNR?  His pauses and dropped sentences make me anxious.

    He speaks very cautiously because he doesn't want to upset Axl

    17 hours ago, wasted said:

    I didn't realise this was such an issue. Both Fortus and Frank are the best suited to old Guns out of the Nu Guns line ups. It was Tommy, Pitman, Dj and Ron that seemed more fiesty. Remember when Dj stole a police helicopter to propose to his girlfriend? 

    Dj was wasted, that's why!! :lol:

  2. 5 hours ago, Jane M. said:

    Why everything within this band must always be so conflictive? and how come nobody, not even people working for them, can ever get a straight answer? LMAO

    So stupid. 

    Agreed completely. It's amazing how everyone who works for the band, even people in the band, have to walk on eggshells all the time. Information is incredibly hard to get and it's absolutely absurd.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Im all for getting proshots in any form

    'Nuff Said. We could potentially getting more GNR releases from this guy than anything the band could give us since the band could care less.

    I'm not ready to name call the guy just yet... some around here need to get a grip. He may have a legit gripe and if he has a case, he should pursue it. We'll see what happens..

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Kris_1989 said:

    I guess I'm just not getting the 'WIN' vibe like you guys are.

    This guy is pissed and as Alfie said seems a bit unhinged. He wants revenge. Not to make the band look good with pro footage. I think if we get footage it's going to be something controversial that will stir up crap for the band.

    I guess we'll see soon enough. :shrugs:

    Probably but what's the worst that could happen? Axl and Slash start fighting again? :lol:

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    Yep. If they offer guest spots for Izzy and Steven I hope they do not accept anyway, because everybody including these 2 knows those guys guesting in their own band is..fucking stupid. Unless Izzy publicly states he doesnt want to do full time, guest spots are horrible. Even for the band as you said, remember what happened after Kiss unplugged 95? They even scrapped their new album with the then current guys

    I hope they do show up and people lose their shit. It would prove to Axl that Izzy deserves his cut of the loot...

  6. 1 hour ago, jamillos said:

    The Appetite line-up will play the entire Appetite at the Troubadour; later they will be joined by the rest and play the rest. Later that year, it gets released on DVD.

    Hey, nobody said you can't dream...

    The best time to do that, from a marketing standpoint of course, would be at the launch for a massive reunion tour. It would also feature the actual old band who started it ll since they'd be going back to where it all started. Oh wait..:facepalm:

  7. On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 8:08 PM, RONIN said:

    Yeah -- just a good level headed dude. Probably the nicest guy to ever be in the band. I bet he's probably under strict gag orders about leaving the band since Axl and TB know he isn't a happy camper. I'd take what Tommy says with a grain of salt given that he didn't like Ron. Tommy is also tight with Axl and is probably set for life financially from his days in GnR. He doesn't need a gag order -- the dude had a great experience with GnR. He was unemployed before GnR iirc. Going from Ron's words, it looks like DJ was booted out but allowed to save face by claiming he could have still been in the band. It's laughable to think this clown would ever share the same stage with Slash. But then again, it was a laughable thought to even think he would be hired as the lead guitarist for GnR. 

    I actually feel bad for a lot of these guys like Bucket, Finck, Ron, etc. Imagine these talented, in-demand players making the decision to join Guns and expecting Axl to take over the world with GnR 2.0 only to realize that they've been set up to lose. No new music and becoming glorified touring musicians playing 30 year old songs night after night. Sometimes money just isn't enough to stay when you're that talented.

    For the life of me, I'll never understand Axl. The common thread from Slash to Bucket was basically them sitting in the rehearsal studio bored and frustrated...waiting for Axl to show up. He never showed up. And when he did, it was too little, too late.

    Agreed for the most part. I mean, I don't think DJ was booted. I'm listening back to the interview as we speak and, he just said "no comment, I honestly don't know. I wasn't there for the conversations" when he was asked abut DJ claiming he could have stayed on. I mean Eddie reacted like maybe Ron smiled at him about it but, chances are even Bumblefoot knew that it would have been a silly idea to have Dj and Slash sharing solos. Idk, DJ quitting when he did was completely out of left field, and going back to the thread in here about him leaving people's reactions seem to confirm that. Axl has always had a pretty wild eyed vision for how Guns N Roses should look like so, as much as some quiver in here at the thought of Ashba and Slash potentially sharing a stage, I just don't see how it's shocking. No band needs two lead guitarists, Buckethead didn't need to share leads really based on his talent. The fact that Axl wanted two people to be replacing Slash at all times shows you how much Slash meant to him and the band... Idk, he could have been saving face but I doubt it. And I think he wanted to evolve GNR in his own way that was different and made them still big but, it just never worked. It was never going to work without Slash.

    I do agree about everything else though and you're spot on. I think Bucket, Robin, and Ron just had literally had enough at the times they quit. Brain probably quit for reasons other than impatience to release new material but, he had an opportunity to come back and clearly didn't miss it enough/moved on. Tommy I think always felt too loyal to Axl to publicly quit until the threeunion was announced, I think you're right there in that he probably felt he'd be cool about the thing.

    I can't tell if Ron had a gag order or not, the band denied it but, it wouldn't surprise me if he actually did. Like we both know, coolest, most honest and down to earth guy GNR probably has ever had. But if anything was his Achilles heel, it was that he was too honest. Dj Ashba would get asked about new material and he'd give the same "Yeah we've been writing and working on some really cool, really gnarly new material! It'll be out next year" type of BS that the fans saw through... meanwhile, Ron would get asked the same thing and be like "We've worked on nothing. Nothings in the works so don't expect anything" type of answer, which Axl Rose hates but, at least Ron didn't piss on our ankles and convince us that it was raining.

    Anyways.. rant aside but like I said I don't disagree with much of what you said. I just get a kick out of Eddie saying that Tommy made comments suggesting that he could have stayed on, when for over two years Tommy made more comments suggesting he was out that Eddie completely ignored. LOL :rofl-lol:

  8. 4 hours ago, trev said:

    :facepalm: Axl knew everyone would shit on Bumble and DJ's GnR songs and they prolly weren't that good...that's why whatever they wrote went no where.

    I don't know if that's believable. I doubt they even wrote together... IMHO I think after the whole Chinese Democracy fiasco, I think it just ripped it out of Axl and I think that's why he's probably hell bent on ever releasing new music again

  9. 23 hours ago, MADDOGJONES said:

    I'm with you, but I'd take Eddie over Stern any day. I love the Howard Stern show, but he doesn't let people speak, cuts them off constantly. Great show, but I don't know where he got this rep of being a great interviewer from, I just don't see it. Kurt Loader was great in my opinion.

    Eddie was one of the few who had info for the fans on this threeunion tour, I don't mind him but, I get that he can be annoying to some at times

  10. 28 minutes ago, WhazUp said:

    I always liked Ron's genuine appreciation of the fans and fought hard to get Estranged back in the set, for one example.  Hearing all the stories of him and an acoustic guitar playing for GNR fans outside hotels (or something like that) and whatnot always gave me a positive impression of him as a person.  If there was anyone in the nuGNR lineups I would have a beer with Ron would easily be that guy

    See, we do agree at times. I completely agree with every word said here!

    Bumble is a great guy, I was a little bit frustrated with him just for not at least admitting that he quit GNR but, it's his own thing..

    And TBH, I really always felt terrible for the guy. I think he really bought into what Axl was selling him, which was the new lineup. As tough as it was t replace a guy, who replaced a guy, I think he genuinly believed that in the long run he would have gotten something more significant out of it. And I think the biggest factor for him was just the lack of production from the band when it came to writing, recording, and releasing new material.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, MrSoftie said:

    "I have no fucking idea guy" - Axl Rose, 2016

    (or something like that) :lol:

    Actually, he said "That's a good question. And that's all you're gonna get hahaha" in response to a where's Izzy sign at the first Adler show in Cincy. Who are we kidding, he wouldn't drop an F bomb he would dodge the question or give some vague response to hide the real reason, which would once again make him look bad.:rofl-lol:

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, MrSoftie said:

    Yep... brexit joke. I still think Axl has the right to use his Twitter account how he pleases, novel idea I know.. :shrugs:

    Sure, he has a right to his opinion...and I have a right, to have an opinion myself, right? Especially, if I too have a twitter. And, I think his opinion is hypocritical, silly, and a little bit laughable. Like it or not, if he puts it out there, he's going to be judged. And I think it's pathetic he's putting so much effort into something he has no control over as well. Not rocket science, really :rolleyes:

  13. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 5:55 AM, MrSoftie said:

    So if he's pro-Trump he can use his Twitter however he wants? :lol:

    LOCATION: Ununited Kingdom. Thanks for that :lol: At least you got your cheap likes tho

    On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 5:06 PM, RONIN said:

    I wish Axl would share a pic of him hanging out with Duff and Slash. 

    It really amazes me how difficult that is for him. He can tweet all this nonsense, we're all just supposed to blindly keep scrolling and can only comment if we like it, yet he clearly has to know that a picture of him arm and arm with Slash would melt the internet. Yet he won't give the fans that...I'm not mad but, like, really?! Cmon..

  14. 7 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    I personally wish politics were completely omitted from anyone in the band. I follow this band for the music and entertainment, not for politics. So when Axl or Del rant about trump or bring a caricuture of him on stage, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care if they hated Hilary, Trump...fucking Bernie Sanders. Politics isn't why I came here and I wish the band would just omit it completely.


    (unless it means new music)

    This. And I've been told that people like Axl are entitled to share their opinions because they can be very influential... if you're looking to base an opinion based off of what someone unqualified with a questionable resume themselves has to say, there's probably something wrong with you.

    And bottom line, it's just a big distraction attempt by the band from the issues that really matter...new music, Izzy, Adler, etc.

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