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Posts posted by History2010

  1. 3 hours ago, downzy said:

    It all depends on whether sales of Chinese Democracy repaid the money owed to UMG.  And what kind of album commitments had (or still has) with UMG. 

    If Axl repaid his debts and isn't contractually to deliver additional albums, he likely retained rights to unreleased material without payment

    I thought Best Buy already paid off the debt back in 2008 when they purchased the US exclusivity for the album? So every copy sold of Chinese Democracy would have been profitable for UMG.

    • Like 2
  2. On 2/12/2024 at 12:58 PM, adamsapple said:

    I don't mean to be disrespectful but outside the US no one really gives a shit about the Superbowl. The halftime is a freak show peak of decadence and self indulgence. No one in his right mind takes that shit seriously. It's like a caricature of the roman empire.

    I don't have numbers for this year yet but the 2023 Super Bowl was broadcast in 190 countries and had 56 million viewers outside the US. That is a huge global audience and it's not just a bunch of American expats. Your opinion does not line up with the numbers. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 - Kansas City 2016 (great vocals, great energy, my first GN'R show)

    2 - Wichita 2019 (good vocals, Axl was in a great mood, Locomotive played live for the first time since '92)

    3 - Kansas City 2023 (weak vocals but an incredible setlist puts this show above St. Louis)

    4 - St. Louis 2017 (good vocals, loved hearing Sorry live, comes in last place by default because the setlist was weaker than KC 2023 and Wichita 2019)

  4. On 2/1/2024 at 1:54 AM, AxlRQ93 said:

    The best thing they could do would be to quietly semi retire. Never make any large public appearance again. Quietly release music. If they go public again, she will go public 10x as hard and anyone Axl has pissed off in the last 30 years will also go public 10x as hard. This would destroy the reps of Slash, Duff etc by proxy.

    This lawsuit isn’t about money, given her statements, it is about ending Axl as a public person. This isn’t a battle Axl can win in the court of public opinion. In the court of law, perhaps. But a lot of people still hate Axl and will readily believe the worst because of the bad reputation he cultivated in the early 1990s. 

    None of that is going to happen. GN'R will continue just as they have been. The Steven Tyler allegation is just as bad as Axl's and Aerosmith will be playing arenas this year. Nick Carter has six rape allegations against him and yet the Backstreet Boys are continuing to tour and are playing festivals this year. There's no need for GN'R to quietly semi retire because unfortunately the general public doesn't take these kind of allegations against rock stars seriously. They don't care if the artist is a good person or not. They just want to hear the hits and they will be happy to show up to see them perform. 

    • Like 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, Scream of the Butterfly said:

    I suppose one option for Axl is to just ignore the lawsuit and not even acknowledge that he's been served. The judge would then probably eventually rule in Sheila's favor, but Axl might prefer that outcome to having to show up in court.

    Default judgement could be worse financially. Courts really don't appreciate being ignored so the penalties could be a lot more severe than if he just participates and is found liable.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Old_school_gnr_fan said:

    It’s a really, really, really bad song. The band would be wise to never play the song live again, and stick with songs from Appetite and the Illusion records, unless they want 20,000 fans to get up at once to take a piss break while they grind through The General. I know that’s where I’ll go.

    Absurd is so so so much worse and they play it all the time. 

    • Like 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

    As someone wise here once said:

    "The real The General are the friends we made along the way."

    Let's all gather around, everyone. Group hug! :) 

    (There's still hope for more leaks of the Buckethead and/or Robin mixes of these songs)

    I really appreciate your input on the forum, Robin. You're very talented guitar player and you take a lot of time out of your busy days to post here. 

    • Haha 3
  8. On 10/28/2023 at 1:47 PM, Karice said:

    I must confess that I think it's time to get rid of the smoking Slash symbol for MYGNR. Slash doesn't smoke anymore and hasn't smoked in years after his Mother died from lung cancer or something like that, so Slash's emoji for MYGNR shouldn't be smoking either. He should just be smiling without a cigarette. Besides, Slash has said that seeing images of smoking triggers intense smoking cravings, wouldn't want the Slash smoking emoji on MYGNR Forum to trigger any intense smoking cravings for Slash, would we? 🤔

    Even Slash's POP figure has a cigarette. It's an iconic part of his persona. 


    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Free Bird said:

    Never heard of that. What is known about it?

    Velvet Revolver song recorded in May 2006 for the film "Monster House" but was left off the soundtrack for the film and has never leaked. Speculation is that there was a problem with the record label that caused the song to get removed from the soundtrack. Produced by Dave Sardy. A finished mix exists. It's a bit of a 'Holy Grail' for VR fans. 

    From a 2014 Dave Kushner Interview with AlternativeNation:

    When it comes to unreleased Velvet Revolver material, there’s this song called “The House Is Alive” that was talked about in 2006 as well. 

     “The House Is Alive” was a theme song for that Monster House animated movie.

    I remember Slash saying that he fell asleep during the screening for that movie.

    Yeah, I remember that, he totally did. But it was a kids movie, it wasn’t The Hulk or Fantastic Four.

    • Like 3
  10. 9 minutes ago, DTJ80 said:

    I got a response:-

    I have absolutely no information about this item other than what's written on it. This version feels like they were experimenting with a Nu Rock sound, which made sense given the vibe of the 2000s and 2005. Check out the clip here: 

    I removed the link because….well you know. It was a 10 second clip.

    I won't be answering any more questions about this item. But thank you so much for your interest.

    Is the clip any different than what we already have?????

  11. 8 hours ago, Underhardy said:

    That was a great conversation/interview. Regardless of his reputation on these forums, Matt’s a solid dude in my book. 

    He has a bad reputation professionally as well. Not just on this forum. Everyone agrees he's a great drummer but is difficult to work with and has a notoriously bad attitude.

    • Like 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Underhardy said:

    No one outside of these forums will ever even hear these songs.. the circle jerk in these threads is wild

    Who cares? Not every song has to be a hit or be accepted by the public. It's okay for Axl to make art just because that's what he wants to do. Just because it's not the type of music that general audiences want to hear doesn't mean that the song doesn't have artistic value. 

    • Like 1
  13. Obviously we all want the digital release but even if we only get the vinyl we will still be able to have a high quality version of the song. I've heard plenty of needle drop recordings that sound excellent. Just need someone with a good cartridge and proper recording setup. But I still believe that won't be necessary because a digital release is certain.

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