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john lennon

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Posts posted by john lennon

  1. 13 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Yes, you may very well drop dead....or throw up a little bit, depends on your disposition. 

    Just some crazy psycho stalker babble and some woman who always post pictures of her tits :wacko:

    Oh god.

    You know, I don't understand that stuff? I think they might need mental help. It's one thing to be a fan, maybe even a bit of a crazed fan, but that stuff? that's just sick.

  2. 38 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I used to think things were a little bit out there on here, then I made the mistake of reading some of the comments left on Axls Twitter :wow:

    Here in normal after reading them! 

    What did they say? Will I die if I read them? You're makin me curious here

  3. 3 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    I know but he always posed it like "I'm so hippy I don't need this bloated band, bloated tours, bloated videos, I'm gone to be an indie artist" whatever bullshit he was selling for the last 2 decades.

    Ah yeah that's true perhaps?? Idk guess I just don't really give a shit

    I don't know the guy, he can do whatever he wants to, sorta, you know? 

  4. @Rickodez his hair color is still red??? I mean it's probably going gray n shit but the guy's like 55 what do we expect?


    Anyway peeps so are we gonna try n ppsychologically analyze these guys soon? Feels like the perfect thread to so so. 

    • Like 1
  5. I don't want to have your black thing up my ass cos I know you're like 7ft tall and so is the thing, but I think maybe Hitler was just a man who wanted to accomplish something and due to him being stupid or delusional or whatever, he just decided to do it the way he did. I don't know if iot has nayhitng to do with religion, cos asx far as I'mn concerned religious people don't walk aroumnd demanding people to be killed every day. Or maybe they do, but that's not part of this story right here.


  6. 56 minutes ago, Slash787 said:

    Thanks to @pacu44 for the lyrics, now lets try to decode this

    Walkin' Song by Izzy Stradlin

    Yes, I am walkin down the street
    yea I am walkin down the street
    walkin past a concrete wall (made out of money)
    I hear a big dog barkin there (Axl)
    So I keep walkin down the street
    Got no place I need to be (No place for him in the band which he created)
    Sky is blue, the trees are green (Smoking Weed)
    So I keep walkin down the street
    Walkin past a chain link fence (Passing by who used to be his friends)
    Couple big dogs barkin at (Duff and Slash)
    Yea I am walkin down the street
    Future's just a mystery (Guns N' Roses)
    Past is just your history (Guns N' Roses)
    So keep on walkin', I'll just see (Moving forward in life)
    Yes I am good today, tomorrows better, if you find a way
    Yes I am good today, tomorrows better, if you find a way            (FUCK THE REUNION)
    Yes I am good today, tomorrows better, if you find a way
    Yes I am good today, tomorrows better when you find a way

    I think you're reading into this way too much. Like, my brain might very well be failing me right now, but I think you're over analyzing shit. Izzy wrote a song. Izzy wrote a lot of songs. Do you think they're all and all have been about gnr??? Because that feels like... you know, it feels like maybe you need to wear a fendora or whatever. But like, I find it interesting tho. I think maybe Izzy uis really cool. I think he knows what you're saying too. He's watching ou. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Mfegz said:

    Can we have 2 "social media" topics? One for social media from the band members only, and one for little bitches to fight about stuff regarding social media from the band members.

    You guys are so pathetic sometimes :facepalm:

    Whatever man, I think it's sort of amusing truth be told. Sometimes people are fun. They've weird theories. Shit like that. You can always laugh at it with me if you wanna. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Fitha_whiskey said:

    Go for it... Will you get mad when we boo or throw shit? Will you demand a chicken wire fence? Cuz it takes balls to open for Guns in Nashville imo...

    Nah I'm more of a punk kinda chick. I'll just spit right back at yaust spit right back at ya. Maybe flash my tits. Throw some empty beer bottles at ya.

    You'd like that, don't lie.

    • Like 1
  9. Can we please share our weird dreams because I always have weird dreams.

    Like, last night I had this dream in which I was desperately looking for a job, so I went job hunting. Unfortunately I was naked and hadn't showered for a week. I realized that, got sad as fuck, and as usual decided to go for some beers in order to cheer me up. Met a bunch of guys I'd never seen before there, n decided to join them. So we had our beers n then I decided to jump in front of a train but they wouldn't let me, so we went to this BBQ thingy instead. Well there I saw a bunch of famous people that I for some reason decided to fight, n so I did. Everyone around was like "hey it was really fun when you were fighting yourself" afterwards n I didn't get it at all, but then they explained to me that no one else had been there. I got really upset cos I'd really seen them and for me they'd really been there, you know? Anyway so I got really upset with them and didn't wanna stay anymore so I went to hop on some bus. When I did it started shrinking and in the end it was only a toy bus and I was like "ok I guess I'll sit on it n see if it takes me anywhere" but it didn't. Then a real bus came by and I got on it and all my friends were there n they all yelled at me like "YOU NEED TO GET OFF!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!!!" so I asked them if they saw stuff too and they just got completely quiet and then I don't remember anything else.

    Oh, and there was something about this midget who looked like a baby too, and I cuddled it and spoke to it like you speak to babies and it got really pissed off and told me it wasn't a baby but in fact a midget man??? Then it grew like 10 inches right in front of my eyes.


    Share all your weird dreams with me pls!! 

    • Like 1
  10. I always wanna respond to this thread but then I remember at my age being drunk every day isn't very much of a big deal hah

    But anyway today I'm drunk on wine. Old wine. I'm sure it's mildew n shit but who gives a fuck anyway??? It did what it was supposed to

    22 hours ago, darknightfan said:

    Drunk Art selling at $1,000,000



    you dould definitely lower your prixe with a bunch of 0's just saying. I'd buy it for -20120 bucks. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Ya, I think he looks more manly..like a lumberjack type of dude. Not sure how that works for a keyboard player though, ha!

    Maybe he should go for a Melissa kinda look... suits the keyboard playing perfectly. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Dayam, Dizzy looks great with a beard! Anyone with me?



    Dizzy never looks good imo but that beard certainly makes him look better

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Frey said:

    A lot of his tweets feel like they were made by a 12 year old girl trying to be cute. Don't you remember the recent "Un42nutzly I's won'tz b signing things 4 a while... (insert row of emojis)" tweet? 

    Guess Axl's just a 12 year old kid inside or something :shrugs:

    Ah yeah. Actually thought that one was funny. 

    But yeah you've a point. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Powerage5 said:

    We don't know they're rehearsing, we only know he's in Detroit. Someone posted a pict with Duff in LA last night. He also didn't say he wishes he was still singing with AC/DC, he said he misses it. You can miss something still care about what you're currently doing. You jumping to a lot of conclusions based on a 5 word tweet. 

    I think Duff's going to Detroit 2nite??? At least that's what I've read on here. Or think I've read. 

  15. Is it just me or is that "I miss singing ACDC"-tweet really... ahh? Like, I get it. He misses singing in AC/DC n that's understandable. But still... feels like it was tweeted by a 13 y/o. Maybe it's the emojis. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, Whiskey Rose said:

    Why was it cringeworthy? I don't get it..as @Powerage5 said, he pretty much had to thank them..he horned in on their band, he had to thank them for their eventual gracious acceptance of him..and he can't go all completely gushy with GnR bc there are still other people/history involved and he has to be careful..besides, he said "its been 23 years" at the troubadour show, so he saves that kind of stuff for real, in the moment, connections. He said there are new songs coming, Richard Fortus hinted there are new songs coming, heck Izzy said he is not involved in the "actual shows", but is obviously very active musically right now, so I wouldn't doubt he is going to be involved in some new GnR songs..it's all good people, don't worry, good things are coming! (imo).

    I didn't mean it like that. It just looked... I don't know, man. Maybe it's all the emojis. Maybe it's just me. My brain's been fucking me a lot lately. I think I've become stupid. 

    I think it's great he thanked them. Any decent person woulda. It's the other tweet that made me go a bit "ahhh...?" 

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