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Posts posted by CaioAKR

  1. 2 hours ago, Slugworth said:

    Rose: I originally wanted to make a traditional record or try to get back to an "Appetite [For Destruction]" thing or something, because that would have been a lot easier for me to do. I was involved in a lot of lawsuits for Guns N' Roses and in my own personal life, so I didn't have a lot of time to try and develop a new style or re-invent myself, so I was hoping to write a traditional thing, but I was not really allowed to do that.

    Loder: What prevented you from doing, like, a traditional rock record?

    Rose: Slash.


    Loder: [Laughs] But you could have found another guitar player or something, right?

    Rose: Well, not really.... Not to make a true Guns record.




    Well, I stand corrected. lol Totally forgot about this interview. But at least my point stands that the band wasn't seeing eye to eye, so it would be really hard to get a cohesive effort from that. Also, we all know Axl has, let's say, changing desires, and this desire of making something close to AFD wouldn't last for long. lol

  2. 56 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    It depends on whether we're talking about popularity during their time or in later decades and currently. Also popularity varies in different parts of the world.

    I think that Zeppelin were more popular during their peak than GN'R were in theirs. And even at GN'R's prime, the '70s were not too far back in time, so Zeppelin's popularity and impact was still huge.

    But currently GN'R may be more popular and recognizable, because, even though they haven't released music, they've been active as a touring band. Also because their hits are closer in time - the 70s are now 50 years ago - and the odds of a kid knowing a GN'R song through their parents are bigger than knowing a Zeppelin song. The bigger picture, though, is that rock is not relevant anymore, so we're talking about popularity within an irrelevant genre.

    Zepp might have been more popular at their peak, but there were more artists (and, more importantly, more genres) fighting for a piece of the pie when GN'R was king, so one could argue it evens it out. Of course, Zepp is more influential, as it came first. 

    I wouldn't say rock is irrelavant this days. It's even coming back these days, just not the old school rock some are accustomed with.

    Anyway, this wasn't supposed to become a dick measurement context between GN'R and Zepp. lol I just briefly mentioned them in my point that it's unfair to compare GN'R to The Stones.


    58 minutes ago, vloors said:

    Grunge actually died out pretty quick and same as new metal.

    Thing is the big popular singles off the illusions records are not hard rock Anyway. NR, KOHD, yesterdays, civil war, dont cry. Even AFDs SCOM is not hard rock.

    I think they would have still sold really well if they had the similar formula of some hard some soft rock and stuck together.

    Axl in most parts continues to f up the legacy with lack of recording and releases. If it was up to the rest of the band they would be 10+ albums deep. 

    In all honesty they can only sell tickets to tour because of how popular AFD or UYI are which also kind o throws out that theory of rock being dead.

    Grunge actually cast a huge influence on rock going forward and new metal was extremely popular well into the 00s.

    About the singles, they might be ballads, but they're very clearly hard rock ballads, with all the trapping of the genre, guitar solos and all. That's not the type of rock that's being pushed right now.

    I'm not saying new GN'R albums with Slash in, say, 1995, 1998 and 2002 wouldn't sell well. They most definitely would, but they wouldn't make GN'R anymore legendary than they already are or closer to being "the new Stones". They already were the biggest band of their generation.

    For example, if Metallica called it quits after The Black Album, I don't think that you really affect their legacy that much. Same thing for Iron Maiden after Fear Of The Dark and AC/DC after The Razor's Edge (one could argue they could stop much early and it still wouldn't change much). All of those bands sold very well and pleased their fanbases with their 90s, 00s and 10s albums, but those won't be the albums they'll be remembered for in the eyes of the general public.

    • Like 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:



    26 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    You think GNR were more popular than Zeppelin? No way, not even close IMO

    I believe they're comparable in size, each on their time.  Depends how you compare them, I guess. There isn't a very good way to gauge popularity between two bands from different time periods. If, say, we use Spotify listeners, GN'R is actually much bigger. But of course, if you're looking at Spotify, you'd think Queen was much bigger than The Beatles. lol It's not a very reliable metric at all, but it IS a metric.

    Of course, Zepp sold more albums, but their discography is give or take twice the size of GN'R's. Recognizability? I'd say more people know SCOM than Stairway to Heaven. All in all, of course it depends on where you live. Here in Brazil, GN'R is more popular for many reasons. I'd say GN'R is bigger in South America. I'm pretty sure Zepp is considerably bigger in the UK, though. Your mileage may vary.

  4. 1 hour ago, Martin Riggs said:

    A huge part of their legacy is what could’ve/should’ve been. That’s not nearly as satisfying as more quality releases/songs during their prime years. It is what it is at this point but it could’ve been a lot better. 

    A fair point, but I just think people romanticize too much what could've been. Hard rock was already falling in popularity pretty fast, so I don't think they would have another smash hit had they released more albums in that period. Grunge was dominating and new metal was taking over and we know Slash wouldn't want to mess with that (and Axl wouldn't want to do another Appetite, for that matter). 

    The Stones are bigger also because they were popular much earlier, being pioneers and influencing, like, all rock bands in a time where rock was fresh. There's no way any band could replicate that in the 90s. There were a lot more things to listen to and everything moved much faster than in the 60s.

    When The Stones started their career, it was them, The Beatles and The Beach Boys (and The Beatles and The Beach Boys were much closer to each other in style than they were to The Stones). It was a completely different time, really. 

    I geniunely think GN'R was as close to The Stones as they possibly could be. It's actually crazy to think they managed to be roughly as popular (arguably more) as Led Zeppelin.

    Sucks we didn't get that many albums, but I'm pretty happy with the band that actually was/is. And bring on The General!

    • Haha 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Martin Riggs said:

    Yes, it did. Slash wasn’t in the band for 20 years and Axl made a mess of the name and himself in his absence. They still have accomplished a lot in totality, but nothing close to what they could have with the 20+ mostly wasted years. 

    I really don't think it would do much in terms of legacy. GN'R were the last rockstars. The world was changing quickly and they wouldn't stay on top for much longer anyway. GN'R is already the biggest band of its generation. No need to fantasize what could have been. One could even argue that if the band didn't implode sooner or later, it wouldn't be GN'R to begin with.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, vloors said:

    I remember when GNR were supposed to be the next rolling stones. Now we await 20+ year old Axl vocals and CD scraps. Sad thought.


    I mean, I always hear this, but the thing is: they kinda are the next Rolling Stones, anyway. They're most likely a top 10 all time rock band in recognizability. Top 20 at the very least. It's not like putting 2 more albums in the 90s would make them any more relevant. Ask Metallica. Of course, I would rather have more GN'R music to listen to, but I can't agree with this notion that the band's legacy got tarnished by a lack of releases.

    • Like 4
  7. 12 hours ago, rumandraisin said:

    We're not getting Seven, Atlas and General. Maybe a reworked OMG. 

    I mean, I'm not even saying we're getting more songs soon, but why would you think a reworked OMG is more likely than any of those? If anything, Atlas is more likely than OMG because of the pattern of releasing Village Session songs.

    I assume you meant Soul Monster instead of The General, because we're absolutely getting The General. But the funny thing is if you said three months ago that a reworked OMG was much more likely to be released than The General, most people here would probably agree.

    Not saying a reworked OMG couldn't be the next song released. It absolutely could be. But the point is we can't be sure either way.


    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    With the Universal Store email, they are likely only able to confirm or deny products that are actually listed. Since the vinyl is the only product listed with The General on it, of course their answer will be 'vinyl exclusive right now'. They won't be making any announcements before the band does on other releases (be they CD, cassette, digital, etc) because those products don't exist publicly yet and they are not authorised to make those sorts of statements. Even then, customer service would know much less than the actual distribution and promotions team.

    Yeah, I didn't post this to confirm that it's not coming to streamings. On the contrary. What this actually confirms is that the "never coming to streamings" bit was baseless. lol

    • Like 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

    Could not initially having CD and audio cassette versions of the Perhaps single, but only a vinyl be a way for them to make it harder for folks to rip and share from vinyl before it's released digitally? I'm almost certain we will see a CD and cassette release, this may be a tactic to sell more vinyl, but something is fishy here.

    On second thought, wouldn't it be funny if they included a slip with a digital download code for the track in the vinyl sleeve? :P They did that on the 2008 album on vinyl, it was in 256Kbps MP3. 

    Right, but they could have also chosen not to respond at all.

    Perhaps. But I sent this to their customer service, as it was a description on a product they were selling. They kinda had to respond. Even when I sent the message, I got an automated response saying they would answer in 48 hours. And this is pretty much a non-answer anyway. What I got from this is they very much want to keep us guessing about a digital release.

    • Wow 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:



    I was the one who got this response. lol It doesn't confirm anything, though. They backtracked in the website and here they left it open for breaches. They very clearly stated the band decided not to release on streaming "for now". This screams to me "you're not allowed to confirm nor deny it". lol To me it still seems they're trying to sell more vinyls before streaming it. lol But let's wait and see what happens.

    • Like 2
  11. My top three was always:

    1. The General

    2. Soul Monster

    3. Seven

    So yeah, I'm happy. lol Hopefully someday we get a Soul Monster with vocals and Seven, but it feels surreal enough that The General got officially announced. Officially. Guns N' Roses doesn't officially announce anything. lol

    Honorable mentions: Oklahoma, Cuban Skies, Ides of March (very probably this one changed names early on), Quick Song, State of Grace, Tonto, Zodiac 13, Monstrocity, Curly Shuffle, Devious Bastard, Dummy... I'll take what I get. lol



    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, evader said:

    This is some great discussion and speculation.

    Regarding whether or not the recreation was fantasy, I suppose in a sense it at least partially was. Maybe like apophenia/pareidolia (not sure if that's the right way to describe it). But, since we already knew way back then that there was an unreleased tune about child abuse, and since (among other instances) I thought I'd heard the word "child" sung in the screaming section at least once......well, who knows?

    Anyway, like I said before, my work on that clip was not complete, and a number of things on that version were intentionally seasoned with Buckethead material that IS NOT part of the cell clip (including the replaced solo).

    When it was used in a trade and subsequently leaked, I quit working on it, and pretty much quit working on anything related to GNR.

    The legend himself. Even if the lyrics are not 100% accurate (how could they be, anyway?), just listening repeatedly to the cellphone leak and then to your rendition, I'd say you did a phenomenal job, but you already know that. lol I figure you would be very curious to hear how the real deal stacks up, aren't you?

    I myself cannot believe we're getting the most mythical GN'R song of all. If we get Soul Monster and Seven, then my mission is complete, but really, if we were to only get one more song, it HAD to be The General. Glad Axl thinks the same.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

    I knew as soon as I commented on that, I would get some flack for that.

    I mean, I'm giving my perspective as a Brazilian. Obviously I have some language barriers, but I've been part of this community for a really long time, and I know how things work. 


    I agree about their lack of professionalism, but in the current case, there's absolutely nothing to do with that. Still, who gets the blame? 

    Even though their communication is unpleasant at best, they are doing their jobs in the tour and everything else that Axl wants.

    Also: is it nepotism when is a family business? 

    Sure, according to me. You can disagree, but IMO you're not seeing the underlining message. 

    BTW, not so underlining when you have to call her "housekeeper/nanny". 

    Surely I am sensitive, and that's why I can say how some of the stuff can be disrespectful. I wouldn't expect anyone to point at this because I know it can get under the radar when it's not hurtful. 

    Indeed. And of course I'm not calling everyone racist. I'm just looking at the overall picture about how things can go sour when there's even a small hint of blame (even if unjustified) to TB. 


    It's a lack of better word. I didn't even call it racism at first, mind you. But the prejudice towards latin american people is not just classism, in my opinion.

    One thing I can say: it's very annoying to have to justify why this need to bring the nationality or the name calling bothers me. 

    To be clear: I'm not defending Beta, Fernando, Vanessa or whoever. I don't know them, I don't care about them and I'm not trying to have any kind of special treatment with them. I don't like how they treated some of the online fans. But the response of the fanbase is not proportional. 

    THANK YOU. I too am brazilian and have a similar feel on this topic. Also, I know you from the Perfect Crime forums (was active there as ckspider) and you always had good, level-headed takes.

    Of course, everyone can criticize TB for their work, but it often feels as there's something underneath it. Calling them cons and grifters, for example, is totally uncalled for. They're there because Axl wants them to be there and they're certainly not the reason Axl so rarely releases new music. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

    I revisited the 2019 thread about the Perhaps leak. It was hailed as if it was the second coming of Jesus, as were some of the other leaks. "One of the best GN'R songs ever", "one of the best songs ever". With that rave response, it's logical that GN'R might have thought that it was one of the tracks to be prioritized for release.

    Maybe the response was the result of a collective delusion caused by the euphoria of hearing previously unheard songs after a long time, but it's interesting to observe the partial shift in regards to the song from then to now.


    I'm also team "still love it". My favorite leak with vocals. It 100% could fit in the Illusions and in my opinion it's better than more than half of the songs on those albums (and I love them). From what I gather, most fans like/really like/love the song, but those who don't, really don't. Which is completely fine. People will agree to disagree. I much prefer this song to Absurd and even Hard Skool and I'm very happy it's finally getting its moment.

    • Like 3
  15. 4 minutes ago, Zeppelin said:

    It really isn’t that hard to comprehend. 

    You can also be hyped without responding to skeptics and calling them clowns. I’m not sure what snapping back at them really accomplishes here. It’s just two sides barking at that point. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    Either way, one side will be correct about the 11th. No one wants to rub it in. Everyone just wants GNR to release some damn music.

    I mean, I'll stop feeding the troll now. It's really not a big deal. I just think it's fair to call out people who basically call other people stupid for being hyped. There's absolutely nothing wrong with skeptcism. 

    But that's all. At this point I'm repeating myself. Don't know how to my point any clearer, so I'll stop right here.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Zeppelin said:

    That’s fine and all that, but you can’t say to not shame people and then proceed to use clown emojis for those that are skeptical about the 11th actually happening. I think it’s pointing to a release, but it’s not exactly as simple as saying GNR is going to release a song. They don’t exactly make it easy.

    And trust me, no real fan of this band is going to live longer than the average person.

    I think we all agree being skeptical is more than fair. The clown emojis are for calling people who simply are hyped for a probable release "doomsday predictors" that have "cult-like behavior". That's two very different things. You can be skeptical without being rude.

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