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Posts posted by marlingrl03

  1. 9 minutes ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

    Rudolph the red nosed reindeer  It's my all time favorite Christmas show.

    Gremlins is mine lol. Even got my mom to watch it again, I was like you have to, it's Christmas!!!

    and Gremlins is a Christmas movie! :lol:

  2. Taylor's excuse was lame. She is a doc and should know better. That honesty is important in a marriage. Period. But if Ridge does leave Taylor and tries to go back to Brooke, I hope she kicks him out. Or at least makes him wait months and beg and grovel like the pitiful wishy washy guy he is!

    Wow, GH was crazy funny....on one hand with a turkey running around and then poor criminal turned Holly running around on fire. Holy crap!

    That part was obviously not funny but shocking! Woah.

  3. Well Monday's Bold did NOT disappoint! But Taylor, you serious here? You were ready to get married and start off your marriage with a big lie like that. Wow, doc....just wow! Steffy thank goodness redeemed herself and told the truth and man is Ridge angry! This is soooooo great lol. I do feel badly that the actor who plays Thomas has to play the bad seed once again, but it makes for such good drama.

    And as far as Cody, I don't know how long his contract is but I don't think he is going anywhere. But what storyline does he have? The woman he pursued Britt will have passed away and he could just take that diamond necklace and leave town. Unless the truth comes out about him being Mac's son...then another story could develop. We will see how GH plays this...

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Busy cooking the potatoes, rice and rolls right now and have not been able to watch GH yet....but did watch Bold and it did not disappoint!

    Thank you Steffy for finally making the right choice. Although if it was my mom, I would NOT have given her a choice. I would have been like mom, you tell dad or I will. Period. I do love how she snuck Douglas' cell back to him. Can't wait for next week!

  5. Yeah, I'm over this hook storyline...wrap it up already! but that is hard for GH to do. 

    I feel really bad for Mac. :( He so wanted a son AND Cody is his son but it looks like he just wants the necklace and the money that comes with it. Maybe Mac is better off. He deserves better, he truly has a heart of gold.

    I was sooooo hoping that on Bold, that Ridge and Taylor would have gotten married on Friday. I want this secret out, on pins and needles here lol! 

  6. On 11/15/2022 at 7:24 AM, downzy said:


    Republicans currently have a lock on 217 seats. 

    Of the remaining uncalled races, they're up in two districts that many expect them to win (CAL-3, COL-3).  Though in COL-3, Boebert's is leading by 0.35 percent and will likely prompt a recount.  

    They're also up by 5 and 9 point margins in two California districts, but those races will tighten as only half the votes have been counted and much of the outstanding vote is expected to favour the Democrat candidates. 

    So there's still a chance Republicans end up with 221 seats, but many are expecting a 219 and 220 seat total.  

    Alaska has not been called yet. Mary Peltola (D) is expected to be called the winner on November 23rd. We have RCV so it takes longer....so we get forgotten!

  7. Man, I love that young little actor who plays Douglas. I mean those looks to his Thomas his dad! Woah! I am on opins and needles, this will be so good when he lets out the truth. Because we know he will.

    Tyler said that?! He is by far the best and only real Nicholas and I know he burned his bridges with GH years ago, but people can change. Maybe his alcoholic demons are gone and he is really ready to work and be responsible again. But I don't see GH firing the Nicholas that they have now and hiring Tyler I am sad to say.

    As far as Austin, we probably won't really know about his past or what he did for another 2 years! 

  8. OMG, love Douglas! When everyone was fawning over Ridge and Taylor being engaged and Douglas is just sitting there in disbelief cause he knows his father did Grandma Brooke wrong. It was awesome. 

    I wonder how long the old Nicholas will be out for...wonder what Elizabeth will do with the information about Esme being his captor? Hmmmm.

  9. So not sure if you watched Beyond Salem but both Bo and Hope were in it. The old Jason too of course who played a bad guy. But anyways every time they showed Bo, he was in heaven. So maybe he is a ghost in heaven and not on earth or else an angel in heaven? I don't know but you could tell by the stage that the setting was "heaven."

  10. I heard about Jenn's dad, very sad yes.

    So was the actor who played Nicholas on GH before or maybe I saw him in a Hallmark movie or another soap because he looks soooooo familiar! But I just can't place him.

    I am glad that Trina and Spencer are finally letting their real feelings and truths out, hope they can remain friends. And wow, Dex definitely will owe Josselyn for all that she is doing to help him. Wonder how she will get the antibiotics.

    And Douglas, poor Douglas always gets caught in the middle because once again he finds out the truth and he is just too honest a kid to keep it to himself. CXan't wait to see how this plays out...

  11. I read about Steve...you will have to let me know how he does. I did catch him in that special Days show on Peacock Beyond Salem,  but I don't watch regular Days! Already too busy watching the other 3 soaps when I come home from work! :)

    I'm glad that Trina finally went to see Spencer. All the lies need to end and they should both be honest about their feelings. 

    And its November and Britt is feeling her Huntingtons Disease....I just really really hope that GH doesn't kill her character. I want her to come back!

    And everyday I am waiting for the day that the truth comes out about Thomas and that stupid app on his son's phone. I hope that kid doesn't delete it!!!! Its proof! 

    Have a good weekend.

  12. I bet the actor who plays Thomas is just soooo sick of this storyline and can't believe his character is still obsessed with Hope. Just hope he does not get as crazy as he once did.  and yeah, Ridge needs to step up, be a man and open his damn mouth and talk to Brooke. Come on now! But seriously if he can't communicate with his soon to be ex wife, then she is better off without him.

    So Esme escaped but still running around the house. Oh brother! :facepalm:

  13. Ohhhhh boy, Thomas tried to kiss Hope? and this time I think this scenario is real and not played out in his head. AWKWARD!!! :facepalm: Let us see how this plays out....as far as Brooke. Well the whole time she has been on the show, she has always been the most desirable one. And she may be older, but men still gravitate towards her. Especially Dollar Bill!

    So I don't know if Willow will leave the show, I don't think so.....have not heard or read anything about that. 

    and I hear you about coughing. I had to have a minor procedure done with general anesthesia and woke up with a cough. Did not go away for 3 weeks. Coughs are the worst! Hang in there.

  14. 13 hours ago, EvanG said:

    Well, I’ve managed to avoid getting it for over 2,5 years, but I finally got it. So far only mild cold symptoms but I’m only my third day in. I got my last booster back in March, so I am guessing it’s not helping much anymore.

    Feel better Evan. Fingers crossed it stays mild! Watch some good shows on the couch. :)

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hope you are feeling better! Like I tell my students parents....rest is best. A lot of my little ones have been sick with Covid like symptoms like cough, fatigue, runny nose etc. 

    Speaking of Covid, I heard that Emma aka Holly was not going to be on GH too long because she is still experiencing Long Covid symptoms. 

    And yeah I am not sure why they brought Heather back after all these years. Will be interested to see how this develops! And Willow...yeah, like if you love and trust your husband, you don't keep something like this to yourself. 

  16. Bold is REALLY bad about having characters, then making them disappear and then NOT addressing it like having maybe Wyatt talk about how Flo is on a months long vacation. Nope! They just ignore it and pretend that she was not even on the program. It is crazy! 

    Yeah, Liam is a fool. The fans were coming down hard on him saying that yes he has beef with Thomas, BUT....he should have been there in the end to support his wife. End of story. I did like the collection, beautiful dresses. Although I was not too keen on the show stopper. 

  17. 1 hour ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

    I'm fighting a very sore throat right. When to the doctor yesterday and get meds but everytime I sawllow it feels like my throat is on fire. Don't like being sick.

    Oh no! I assume they tested you for Covid? Because a severe sore throat is one of the main symptoms. Glad that you got meds though....feel better!!

  18. Well GH is bad about a lot of things.....adding new actors/characters, too long of a storyline, way too long! and the worst one is starting new storylines and never finishing them OR trying to finish them a year later!

    Ridiculous. :facepalm: 

    Like Austin's back story. What gives? When will we see Lucy? How long is Chase's singing career going to go on without him knowing that their is a petition going around to get him reinstated as a cop? Shady of Brook Lynn to hide that from Chase. Not a way to start a relationship with lies! And Monica, well I mean her , Bobby, Mac, Robert, they are all bit players sadly who are either rarely seen or never seen. Anna is the only one out of that group who has a much bigger story and must be contracted versus a recurring role.

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