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Posts posted by GoodOlJohnnyK

  1. 1 hour ago, bmus1 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's the only song that is 100% confirmed to have actual vocals that hasn't leaked? That plus the intro being played at soundcheck and getting list as a set alternate, while Atlas hasn't been mentioned at all outside of the Spotify stuff.

    Out of curiosity - how do we know this is confirmed? I'm not as up to date on the ever-evolving list of what's out there, what's changed, etc. I just heard the cellphone clip recently and couldn't pick apart any vocals. Also, when was it listed as a set alternate? 

  2. 2 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

    It's so annoying, i just skim over the new posts now. Keep hoping some real news will come soon. I really don't care about the neverending speculation about which songs have which titles etc. 

    I'll take this any day over "Guns N' Roses comes up when I search for The General in Spotify! SPOTIFY HAS THE ALBUM AND IT WILL BE UPLOADED ANY DAY NOW! Quick - let's call customer support to see if those guys making $20/hr. know when the new Guns N' Roses album will appear online!"

    That was simultaneously my favorite and least favorite time ever to come on these message boards. What a time to be alive.

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  3. 1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:
    1 hour ago, Cosmo said:

    Looking now, all of that stuff seems fake to me.

    1- Who the hell has a LIST OF ENEMIES? Like "Better put Gilby in my Enemy list.... let's see... Files > Documents > Top Secret Folder > List of Enemies FINAL VERSION... Gilby... Clarke....There. Right between Gene Simmons and Gordon Ramsay."

    2- Why the hell would Hard Skool be referred to as Jackie Chan? The only explanation, IMO, would be when artists get attached to demo names and find it hard to remember the new track names after they have proper lyrics.

    3- It could have perfectly been just a blatant lie to pretend to have more stuff for hoarders. I mean... why would anyone write down that Ashba earned more than the other members and that Bumblefoot was jealous? Only if there's a leaked conversation by email that either involved Bumblefoot or someone talking about him behind his back, which would be so strange as Beta and Fernando used to live/live in the same house as Axl, why would they email each other compromising stuff like this?

    Re: point 2: Axl himself referred to Hard Skool as Jackie Chan in 2009  (or 2008), so that is fairly plausible. 

    I agree. A lot of bands do this as well. Lars Ulrich frequently refers to Metallica songs, particularly newer ones, by their demo titles. 

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Subtle Signs said:

    What songs has Fortus written on the level of More Than Words, Hole Hearted,Hip Today,Get The Funk Out,Rest In Peace or Rise?

    More Than Words is considered a late classic of the hair band era, just before grunge came through and wiped it away. These days, you can hear it at karaoke nights and just about every college acapella group gives it a try. Get The Funk Out was a minor hit at the time, but it was always incredibly cheesy and lame. The rest of those songs, the overwhelming majority of people have never heard and don't care about. It's irrelevant.

    Furthermore, no one's debating who wrote better songs (by the way, I count only *one* song that Nuno Bettencourt should boast of writing, and that's More Than Words). It's a debate over chops, and who could handle the Rihanna gig. Richard Fortus has handled the Rihanna gig, so that's not even a debate. And if you don't think he has chops, you're not paying attention.

    This is what Nuno Bettencourt is up to now, by the way:



    Directed by EXTREME guitarist Nuno Bettencourt, "Rise: Generations On A Mission" tells the story of two young musicians living the same dream which generations of rock fans and EXTREME fans have lived and breathed for decades… creating music, playing music and sharing that passion on stage or in the audience. As a part of this, EXTREME and earMUSIC have created a space where fans, bands and musician friends of EXTREME spanning the years can come together and share their covers of "Rise". EXTREME and earMUSIC's mission is to share fans' "Rise" covers using their platforms to spread the word, reach the world and unite all generations on the journey to keep rock and roll alive.

    "It is not a contest and it is not a competition, but the winner is rock ‘n' roll," says Bettencourt.


    'Keep rock and roll alive,' and 'the winner is rock 'n' roll,' are two of the cringiest, most embarrassing things I've ever read. Grow the fuck up. If you're over the age of, say, 25 and you're still talking about "rock n' roll forever," or shouting things like "rock ain't dead," or worrying over young people not listening to the same boring guitar shredders that they used to, then you're a loser. You're going to start an 'initiative to keep rock n' roll alive?' Maybe start by writing a song that people actually like to listen to. It's that simple.

    By the way - "rock n' roll" is doing just fine. Many of Extreme's contemporaries like Metallica, The Foo Fighters, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, U2, Green Day, etc. are all selling out arenas and stadiums. It's just that no one gives a shit about 80s butt rock shredders like Extreme anymore, because that shit is boring and always has been.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Nick85 said:

    Not that common sense or smart marketing have ever existed in this dojo, BUT if the idea was/is for new single(s) to boost ticket sales for the US run, it’d make sense for that to happen *before* that run begins, as in this week or next. 

    I believe Absurd was released after the 3rd show of the 2021 NA summer tour, in early August. Hard Skool came I think a month or so later.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, hollywood_democracy said:

    Axl is just playing it safe and releasing songs that were leaked... He has plenty of other stuff that we haven't heard that he may just be too afraid to release at this point, or figures business-wise, let's officially get out what's already out unofficially. Those leaks are from 1999, and we know he recorded vocals for at least Shackler's, Scraped and Sorry since those—so I think it's pretty naive to assume there's no other stuff out there. It may never see the light of day, or it may not be great, or a number of other things, but trust me, there's not just 3-4 more songs with vocals left. 

    I really hope you're right. I just really doubt it.

    I also wonder how much interest Axl even has left in recording rock music. He seems to enjoy performing the songs he already has, but when he's asked about it, he often points out that he likes listening to movie soundtracks and things of that nature. If he has any creative muse left, I wouldn't be surprised if it's more in that direction than anywhere else.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    you do realize that the Locker leaks don't represent the entire Axl "vault" though, right? if not, we are too far apart when it comes to how we look at it. Also, I don't believe there is a good reason for Axl to lie about having completed a version of CD ll, a full album worth of material that was probably ready to go a decade ago.

    it doesn't make sense to go just by what got leaked in 2019 imo. 

    I hate to say this, but I think we're pretty far apart. I used to think that the Village Leaks didn't represent the entirety of the vault - and I still don't, I guess. I'm sure there are earlier versions of, say, Madagascar and Prostitute and all of the other songs that made it on to Chinese Democracy.

    But in terms of 'new' music? Yeah, I think the vaults are what they've got. Perhaps, Atlas, SoG, and maybe The General.

    After Absurd got leaked, that was one. Hard Skool being leaked was two. Now that it looks like Perhaps is up next, it's just too much smoke for me to not call it fire. I hope I'm wrong.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    we don't have to look far to find a good example imo: we have an almost complete version of an earlier version of the album that got officially released. So shit like Catcher, TWAT, title track, Riad, etc with full lyrics and vocals. That was ready 8 plus years before the offical release in 2008.

    Axl said in 2014 that he always considered Chinese a double, and that the second unreleased half of Chinese was completed. I'm not talking about instrumentals with no vocals or lyrics.

    Yeah I hear you - I guess where we differ is that I believe that all of the songs that were complete have been released or are going to be. Catcher, TWAT, Chinese, Riad, Better, etc. all have demos that leaked - and they were all included on Chinese.

    Of the other demos, it just sounds like Hard Skool, Absurd, Perhaps, State of Grace, and Atlas Shrugged are the only completed ones with vocals. *Possibly* The General as well - some state they can hear vocals in the cellphone clip but I certainly can't. Also I'm leaving open the possibility that Zodiac has vocals, simply because it's listed on CD#2 as "(no vox)" which implies that a version with vocals exists (though it's also possible that it's like Quicksong - which has a scratch melody but no lyrics).

    I just don't buy that there's another album in the can.

  9. 1 minute ago, metalavenger99 said:

    lol no way you haven’t heard about The General, if you really mean that, yes you missed it man, a cellphone recording of it leaked and they officially played the intro at some shows in 2010 i believe

    I'd certainly heard *about* it - I just never heard the cell phone recording until a few weeks ago. A poster here was kind enough to forward it to me (thanks again!). 

    I didn't hear a whole lot there. There were moments where I was like 'wait - is that an Axl vocal or just some ambient background noise?' I was a bit disappointed, because the way people talk about it like it's a sure thing, I figured there'd be more to hear.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    technically, the metric is when the artist/musician considers it complete. I did mean material with all the lyrics and vocals. I believe what Axl said about having completed the second half of Chinese including all vocals and lyrics, at least a version of it that most of us if not all of us would consider complete, so I don't think that lack of material or quality material is the reason for why Axl almost never releases his music.

    Sure, I suppose - though I guess we're speaking in personal metrics. If Axl's telling me Tonto is complete, he just has to put a melody, lyrics, and vocals to it, then he might consider it complete, but I sure don't.

    Sometimes this is true even within a band. Adam Clayton says in U2's biography 'U2 By U2' that often Bono will present him with a very rough melody over some chords and think he's playing Adam a new single - because he can hear how it's going to go in head head, whereas Adam Clayton simply hears some chords and a melody that need a lot of work before they can be considered a song, let alone the band's next single. 

    Out of curiosity though - if it's not lack of material, or quality material, what do you think the reason is that Axl is so guarded of his music?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    why does material have to be played and/or released to become more than just ideas? sure, Axl can always tinker with it some more, but there comes a point, like the Locker leaks has demonstrated, that a song is considered finished by most people.

    I don't know if the metric is that they have to be played and/or released, but I'm not counting anything as more than an idea unless I hear Axl on it. Especially after the numerous reports that for so long it was just the band going into the studio and jamming on ideas without any input from Axl. 


    14 minutes ago, metalavenger99 said:

    I consider Zodiac, Soul Monster and Seven to be the 3 big guns enough for a CDII release back in the day. (You can swap Zodiac for The General of course)  

    Zodiac we know from the Village Leaks, but have you heard it with vocals? Have you heard any piece of Soul Monster or Seven? I'm just curious why you consider them the Big Guns. Is it just based off their titles/descriptions in previous interviews? I'm not being snarky - I'm legitimately asking to make sure I haven't missed any leaks (I've only heard what people are calling The General about a week or two ago).

  12. 19 minutes ago, smokingarthur said:

    This is simply incorrect. Most of the song titles were grafted from interviews and were just working titles for ideas in various stages of development, the song “list” from an alternate CD was not real. Aside from this, it was full of song titles that were never developed. Most likely Axl never finished writing lyrics nor recorded any vocals for a vast majority of the working song titles from the CD era.

    During the hunt for unreleased tracks, what became apparent was the lack of completed material which seemed to be in contrast to what some of the earlier rumors suggested. Those who actually worked on the album painted a picture of lack of continuity and direction. With the band leader seldom showing his face or presenting completed ideas.  

    Based on Axl’s own disclosure, there would have been 26 tracks in semi-completed form prior to the release of CD. We can assume this includes the tracks on the album, the leaked tracks as well as OMG, Going Down and The General. We will learn in the not-so-distant future that we’ve already heard some of the tracks that were hidden under different titles previously and/or deconstructed and used in those other tracks. 

    I think you're on the money.

    Again, language can be tricky - especially with this band (no trickery my ass!). 

    Slash calls some new songs 'epic' and people assume he means it's a Coma/TWAT-esque song, when in reality he could just be using 'epic' as a synonym for 'cool,' as people often do.

    A crew member says a new song is dropping any day now and people assume that means within the week, when in reality it could be weeks and weeks. It's like when someone says something is coming "soon." There's no definition on the timeline.

    Similarly - when Axl/others involved say they have vaults worth of songs they've worked on, I believe them! I just think their definition of 'song' is different than mine. Brain, Buckethead, Robin Finck, Stinson, Dizzy, Fortus, Tobias, Bumblefoot, DJ Ashba, Frank, Pitman, Shaquille O'Neal, James Earl Jones, Fuckface Johnson, and whoever else has been in the band over the last 27 years have probably worked up dozens if not hundreds of pieces of music - complete with multiple sections. And I'm sure the band counts those as songs. But until Axl touches them or lays something down on them, they're not completed songs to me. They're ideas.

    My personal favorite of the Village Leaks is an idea called Tonto. Seems ready to go to me. It's energetic, aggressive, and perfect for the band. But, as far as I can tell, Axl hasn't given it a thought because there's no evidence to suggest he has. 

    Perhaps, State of Grace, and Atlas Shrugged are songs we know they have in the tank. I've heard rumors of The General, but I've been sent a clip of it and it doesn't sound clear enough to hear anything outside of a basic tempo and vibe. 

    It just seems to me that Axl put in some work in the mid 2000s and finished the best of what he had - and we got Chinese Democracy. I'm just having a hard time believing there's much more.

    6 minutes ago, jacdaniel said:

    it's easy to say you have lots of material. But until it's actually played / released, then it's just ideas. 

    I commend your brevity. While I was typing my long-winded response, you summed up everything I was trying to say in just a sentence.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Sweersa said:

    I don't think there needs to be. It certainly wasn't because of a lack of quality material. A "CD2" song list leaked and the list itself was dated months prior to the 2008 album release that has a list of songs, of the songs listed, only one of them was on the 2008 album. (Catcher) and it has been said a few songs bounced between the first two records because of how they fit in the others. 

    1 hour ago, hollywood_democracy said:

    No explanation is needed. Everyone knows Axl is too insecure and/or indecisive to put new music out. The middling and underwhelming reception of Chinese Democracy probably didn't help the matter either, unfortunately.

    And this doesn't come from a hater. I wish we had more music—I'm a fan of Chinese Democracy and the leaked demos. But here we are...

    I don't see how 'no explanation is needed.' If the band has vaults of music ready to go, why not release them? Absurd got a mostly terrible reception (though I quite like it) but that didn't stop Axl from putting out Hard Skool and playing them both live every night. All these plans - multiple albums! - and they're suddenly just gone?

    I just think there's not much left. I really think the process of having Chinese Democracy wrested from him and released to a very tepid reaction killed any excitement Axl had for creating anything new. His attitude is probably "why bother? Let's just release the shit we have left to drum up some ticket sales while we still can."

    18 minutes ago, bmus1 said:

    No way CDI was "the best of the best" with songs like Scraped on the record and songs like Hard Skool and Soul Monster on the backburner.

    Wait, "songs like Soul Monster"? How do we know Soul Monster is good? Has *anyone* heard it? How is it already better than Scraped?

  14. 54 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

    Haha me too. I think stuff like Robin's IRS solo is the extreme case, but also his TIL solo has some of this weird tempo (lot of sudden stops) and attack with lots of micro-slides. This is why his solos are way harder to play exactly on his style. His tone too: 20 years later and I'm still trying to get it.

    It’s also possible that a lot of the solos were comped in the studio. So Axl and the producer could have listened to a bunch of takes of Robin doing different solos and taking a lick from this take, a lick from that, and editing them together in the studio. Metallica records their solos this way - Kirk improvs over the solo section a few times and then Lars and Greg Fidelman compile their favorite parts into one solo. It could explain why some of Robin’s parts sound choppy or as if he has interesting perspective on timing.

    After all, Chinese Democracy is full of some very choppy edits on Axl’s vocals as well, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

    Edited to add: Buckethead’s solo on TWAT is also comped, seeing as how licks were added in between the demos and the final product.

  15. 15 hours ago, jacdaniel said:

    Axl might be the boss but Slash and Duff have a huge amount of power. What would Axl do if they left? 

    With Axl losing his voice, if they leave then he's not selling out stadiums or maybe even arena's. 

    If they leave, they’re not selling out stadiums or arenas either. All three are necessary to the success of this thing (though Axl and Slash together onstage is the real moneymaker).

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