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Posts posted by Binge_And_Slash

  1. One of my favourite guitarists is Justin Hawkins, I realise he isn't the best guitarist in the world but to me he has the overall package, he can write brilliant songs, brilliant solos and he has stage presence/showman ship. To me all the GREAT guitarists are lacking one of those. Satriani for example, he can play, but his songs aren't fantastic, and he just stands there on stage. Vai is quite similar. Yngwie can't write a decent song. Gary Moore was another that just stood there. Page had pretty much the overall package come to think of it. I think Hendrix probably had the overall package too, however by today's standards I don't think his "live act" would have stood the test of time (Other than setting the guitar on fire).

  2. I know they were sold at concerts.

    So far I know, every country of Europe has a t-shirt.

    If anyone knows where to buy one from Portugal, please tell me!!

    I found one from germany ... -» HERE

    That's not official 'cos they didn't play Germany.

  3. Me, personally, yes. I downloaded the leaked Chinese Democracy album, and I then went on to own 4 copies of the album (one for me, one for my Dad, one for my Car and a Vinyl edition).

    In general? No, I know alot of people who would download it and whether they liked it or not, still not buy the official album.

  4. Best : The Darkness - One Way Ticket To Hell....And Back! (Alot of people hate this album, I love it!)

    Skid Row - Slave To The Grind

    Worst: Audioslave - Out Of Exile.

  5. Other than the outro, that was god awful.

    I liked his vocals on this version better than the studio...

    The vocals weren't bad, if anything that was the only alright part about it. The guitars just sound crap, probably not Guns' fault but the soundboard mix. To me that sounded like some crappy band of 14 year old kids who have just learnt their first song together.

  6. Some songs off it.

    Really would like to hear studio versions of Jungle, Nightrain, Paradise City, SCOM and You Could Be Mine/Patience. Possibly Mr Brownstone too, but I'm not too fussed about the others.

  7. At Reading Festival they were HORRIBLY out of time (and I was drunk!) , I have to say at the 2 O2 shows and Birmingham I didn't even notice they were out of time (and I was sober at those 3!)

  8. I think alot of fans would be alright with it if the doors opened later too. I certainly don't have a problem with them starting late but having to wait 90 minutes after a support act for them is tiresome, and drinks at a venue are fucking outrageously priced.

    Just show up to the venue late. If I'm going to see GNR I don't show up to the arena until around 10 pm. My only complaint about the late starts is when the venues cut off liquor sales early. Now that is just wrong!

    I wanted to see Bach too...

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