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Posts posted by RooSaa

  1. 47 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    Just saw something on Tumblr about Meegan's younger daughter calling Axl daddy in one of her Instagram posts (in the new snap-chat like ones that disappear after a while, so you won't see it anymore if you go there now). She apparently posted a picture of Axl on stage and captioned it "Daddy". Now we know who the people are that call Axl daddy on social media @Andy14 People like Meegan's daughters apparently :tongue2::laugh:

    (Or maybe she just knows about Axl's and Slash's epic love, so that kinda makes Axl her step dad too. Or something.)


    @RooSaa Thanks for posting that Myles quote, I've never seen that one before. Cute! :heart:

    You are welcome :)

    The thing with Meegans daughter is weird .... never heard of that story before.

  2. 21 hours ago, Lumikki said:

    How can you hear that and think he's joking? That's obviously Axl in one of his douchebag/temper tantrum moods. And you can clearly hear Slash is upset and trying to defend himself.

    The only good thing I can say about this is that at least Axl realized he had fucked up and then apologized to Slash afterwards.

    But yeah, it fits a pattern of Axl being really awful to Slash and treating him like crap. There are a number of incidents like that both on and off stage.

    @Babooshka I would like to know more about Axl refusing to go on stage unless Slash apologized for being an addict (wtf?!) as well. Don't think I've heard that one before.


    What other incidents?

  3. 35 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Yeah, well, I don't understand.... I mean, yes, t-shirts, jeans and jackets are normal, common clothes for men. What should he be wearing? Dresses? :shrugs:

    I don't think they look normal as in quality and price. My friends also wear jeans, shirts and jackets but most of them are not of the quality that I see in Axl's clothes, especially those designed by Mike Amiri. The fabrics, the leather, everything you can tell he didn't buy them on an H&M kind of place.

    Of course he should not wear dresses :) with normal i meant, not overly priced or deisgner clothes. Looking at pics i dont see any difference, as i am not familiar with all those designers, etc ... so for me they look like a tshirt or a jeans.  And not like: oh look how awesome this 4000 dollar designer t-shirt looks on axl. :) Didnt wanna offend anyone, Sorry english is not my first language :)

  4. 1 hour ago, killuridols said:

    Axl's clothes look ordinary? :rolleyes:

    I only wish I'd go out and see so many guys in the street wearing what he does..

    I just meant that they look so normal, at least what i see on pics of him onstage. T-Shirt, torn jeans, jacket. All those things look normal to me, didnt know that they have been sooo expensive :)

  5. 11 minutes ago, cheesecake said:

    Quite level headed there Michael McKagan... you don't need to splurge crazy amount of $$$ on Tshirts even though it's a gift to one of your best buddies, as long as it looks great, and comfy. :thumbsup:

    Unlike Axl's clothes...which cost an arm and a leg and then some....:wow:

     Yes :) and it is such a thoughtful gift :) And based on the fb-page, Duff seems to get some of his own clothes from there too :)

    Never have guessed that Axls clothes cost that much, they look so ordinary and normal :) you know, tshirt, jeans, shirt, hat, etc ...

  6. 6 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Ha ha yeah, I would nick that Dino rocker too if I could. Slash's dinosaur collections were the best thing about the video that I watched, he must be a dino nerd ( me too ) I wanted to go and rescue those totally awesome ornaments from being stuck in with the tackiness of Perlas decor. 

    I think the straightjacket idea was cool, a shame Axl is a mard arse and left it lying about for slash to find :max:

    They were fighting that day and Axl probably knew that he could hurt Slash a lot by doing this. We all do sometimes mean things when we are in a fight with someone ... i wonder if Slash gave it back to Axl again once they have been sorting out their argument ...

  7. 4 hours ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Axl seems always gave Slash His fav things like rocking dino N' fake nake

    Better than Slash gift to Axl :max: Straightjacket :facepalm:

    Its like called Axl crazy

    I just looked at his book and he said that he gave Axl this really cool straightjacket. So dont think that he bought it for him because he thought Axl was crazy. Seems more like he liked it a lot and thought Axl might like it too. :)

    And i hope nobody hates on me, but i think the fake snake was a lame present. Yes Slash likes snakes, but then give him a real one ;)

    But the dino thing was a real cool present. IF it was a present. Maybe Slash stole it from the set - as we know he liked to steal a lot of things - but told everyone that Axl gave it to him. Axl finding out about it: "This is where my Dino is, i didn't gave it to him, LIAR!" *lol*

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  8. I was never a big fan of the CD songs and probably will never be, but i can understand Axl why he wanna have at least some of them in the setlist. He put so many years and work into those songs . If someone tells me to abandon something i put my heart into and spend so many years with, it would be a slap in the face for me.

    I always thought that Axl kinda forced the songs on Slash and Duff. But the more i think about it, it maybe was really just mutual understanding and respect. Both Slash and Duff wrote their own songs with their own bands and probably know very well how hard it is to abandon songs they worked hard for, because nobody else apprechiates them.

    The best solution to this 'problem' would be that they play an 4 hour concert so that they can stuff some more old songs into the set ;)

  9. 36 minutes ago, Frey said:

    Yeah I know they're rumors, I just want to hear the opinions of people like you and others who seem to know more about Slash and Perla than me. I've never payed much attention to them because I can't stand Perla. So I've never come across these fucked up rumors before.

    She doesnt come across as a very nice person at all. The more i read about her, the more i see about her, the more i am disgusted by her. And the more i believe the rumors ...

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Frey said:

    Do you or any of the other Slash experts here know if any of these rumors are true? Or do you think they are true?


    Because what @RooSaa posted sounds pretty extreme and terrible.

    Like I've never before heard about her blackmailing Slash when she was mad at him (and letting his guitars get stolen?! wtf?)

    Or about her stealing money from Slash's mom's nurse

    Or cheating on him all the time

    Or sending people to harrass Slash and Meegan

    I mean that's some seriously awful shit if that is all true. That would make her not just obnoxious, but actually an incredibly fucked up psychotic bitch :scared: I don't understand how he stayed married to her for so long.

    I dont know if those rumors are true. After all they are just rumors. But i do believe that Perla is not the innocent angel she portraits herself on IG, Youtube, etc ... There are just too many stories out there ...

  11. 1 hour ago, Lumikki said:

    I'm not even gonna comment on the language or their topics of conversation, but it reminded me of that story someone told (who was that?), about Perla teaching the boys (when they were much younger, like kindergarten age) to make obscene gestures and say very inappropriate sexual things to all the little girls around. And Slash had to step in and tell her to stop doing that. I mean, if a guy from GnR tells you to stop that crap because he thinks what you're doing is inappropriate, misogynist and crass, then you know it's bad. :facepalm:

    Never heard of that story before ... wow, mom of the year ... :facepalm:

    Thanks for posting all the nice pics of Slash and Meegan. They seem really happy all the time :)

  12. 29 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    I really dnt understand why she hate Axl when she doesnt have any connection to Axl, is it just at tht time Slash hate Axl :facepalm: N' why she still has lot of followers, N' tht follower of her keeps disturbing Meegan N' Her kids on socmed :facepalm:


    Dont disturb Slash life, Slash is with Axl now, Youll get the wrath of Axl Rose if You disturb His Friends N' Family especially Slash :awesomeface:


    That is something i also dont understand. Why does this woman have fans and followers? I understand if someone is a fan of Duff`s wife, because she is a successful model and designer. Or Fan of Duffs Daughter, who has a band. But how can someone be a fan of someones ex-wife? That doesnt even make any sense. And some of them kinda worship her and believe everything she says, praising every move she makes, etc ... that is kinda creepy ...


    29 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:
    16 minutes ago, Padme said:

    Yeah I heard those rumors too... In fact I heard it was the truth, the whole thruth and nothing but the truth. However I wasn't there as witness of that stuff. So I guess it's fair to still call it a rumor until some reliable source makes a public statement on the matter.


    yes you are right :( Lets just be happy that Slash got away from her and that he is happier now than he was the last couple of years with Perla.

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  13. 1 minute ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Thats nasty

    Talk about perla, snce when N' why Axl hate her? Did He ever said tht?


    I dont know. Not very familiar with Axls Interviews. But lots of people seem to complain that she always wanted the attention, even though it was Slash who was the star and not she. Always having a word to say when it comes to his business and pressing him into some really poor carreer-decisions. I can imagine that it must have been pretty weird for people, she kinda seemed to have his balls in her purse ... and Perla openly hated on Axl so i understand that Axl doesnt like her. Most people related to Slash doesnt seem to be very fond of her, not even his own family ...

  14. 20 minutes ago, SerenityScorp said:

    Wht rumours

    Perla said that Slash cheated on her, but the rumor that goes around is that Perla was actually the one who cheated with various guys - including her now-boyfriend - on Slash. Having sexparties at their house, everything paid with Slash´s credit card while he was away with the conspirators. Drinking and celebrating while the kids were sleeping next door. There are claims that she stole lots of money from various people, one of them was ola's nurse. Other rumors are that she blackmailed Slash all the time. Let someone have stolen Slash`s prized Les Paul, because she was angry at him. Having people go to Slash and Meegans IG to harrass them, etc ...

    There was a whole thread in another forum abut that topic too, but it got deleted by now. Of course those are all just rumours, but the way Perla comes across in the public and the way sooo many people dont like her - and i dont mean fans, i mean people who work for Slash, etc .. and many friends who abandoned Perla after the divorce with Slash - makes me think that they might be true.

    Perla seems to like to act as the victim of awful, horrible Slash, never missing a chance to make him look bad, but i always thought that there was more to this story and that Perla is not as innocent as she wanna make the public believe ...



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