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Posts posted by mr.b

  1. People on this forum are so fucking negative. I cannot help but think that 9/10 posters here hate Guns N' Roses. It's crazy.

    Boggles the mind.

    This comment is not directed at anyone in this thread necessarily, just a general observation.

    But apparently if you make any slightly positive remark, your an axlite, because as we all should apparently know, there is no gnr, apparently... :book:

    I love the band, and when I saw them in dublin they put evey other band I have seen to shame, including the who and the chilli peppers...

  2. This has nothing to do with the release of CD or the fucking around with the fan base through vague release information or vague responses from Merck's side, so 'back off bitch'. That's another topic.

    For the cancelled show: If you read the review of last night show in Chicago, it says that Axl had major problems with his voice, sometimes even no voice. So it is kind of logical that the Milwaukee show is cancelled due to illness, when we already had the first signs of ilness yesterday. I do feel sorry for the Milwaukee fans though!

    Damn, it feels so good to be smarter then the rest!

    What happened to Axls spirit from the UK tour. Down with low blood pressure and exhaustion, doctors tell him to cancel the show and he says "Theres no fuckin' way I'm cancelling this show".

    Theres gonna be a lot of pissed people at milwaukee. They should have postponed it to a later date, no?

    low blood pressure and exhaustion are different then throath problems. If you have no voice, you can't sing...you stupid fuck.

    He managed to sing in Chicago. Why wouldn't they cancel that show too? Maybe because they had more ticket sales?

    Fuck you, you fucking retard! A lot of artists cancell shows due to illness, so why can't Axl without being bashed? You're not a fan, you're an ass-fucked-no-good-pussy-bitch-slapped GNR hater.

    So, if he's so sick, why was Chicago ok, but Milwaukee not? Answer the question fuckhead, don't go on a senseless rant when you know nothing about me.

    Sir, did you ever hear the saying "it will get worse before it gets better"? He struggled through the last date, as we have heard, he probably can't go on with it...

  3. Yes, Axl doesn't use his 'moves' like he used to, but I think it allows the rest of the band to be highlighted. Just watch Fortus or Finck - they have amazing presences on stage and are glorious to watch more on stage.

    Eh, I don't know. While I agree that Fortus and Finck have more stage presence than they did in 2002, in my opinion there isn't a great chemistry with Axl. I think Axl has the best chemistry with Tommy. Tommy is great, he has a lot of energy and is kind of all over the place like Duff used to be. I'm not such a big fan of Finck. He sounds great in the studio but I think his playing live is inconsistent and his stage presence is fairly weak, but this is judging by the recordings we have. I haven't been to one of their shows, and I've heard he has better stage presence when you see him live.

    I think as of right now, Ron has the weakest stage presence, but that's not his fault. He's the newest member, brought into a band with four guitarists (including Tommy on bass). There are so many people on stage that it's hard to really stand out.

    To be brutally honest as much as I like Ron as a person, I think dropping him might be beneficial to the band. It just seems too "cluttered" at times. Fortus can do all the stuff Ron's doing on those songs, and Finck can handle the bluesy stuff really well.

    But hey, that's just me. I know a lot of people think Ron is a god. He's a damn good guy regardless of whether or not he fits in the band. He's the only one communicating with the fans at this point.

    You haven't seen the band live, yet you think the stage is cluttered and they should drop a guitarist? Sorry, this just doesn't make sense to me. I really hope you see them live so you get it...

  4. This is an insane thread.. I read like 12 posts that defends Bumblefoot and pwns It's So Sleazy because he obviously don't have a clue what he is talking about (and a few of the posts bash BH or maybe bash everyone except Slash) and then It's So Sleazy posts again and says "Tapping".

    So I go on and read like 12 posts that defends Bumblefoot and pwns It's So Sleazy because he obviously don't have a clue what he is talking about (and a few of the posts bash BH or maybe bash everyone except Slash) and then It's So Sleazy posts again and says "Tapping".

    So I go on and read like 12 posts that defends Bumblefoot and pwns It's So Sleazy because he obviously don't have a clue what he is talking about (and a few of the posts bash BH or maybe bash everyone except Slash) and then It's So Sleazy posts again and says "Tapping".

    So I go on and read like 12 posts that defends Bumblefoot and pwns It's So Sleazy because he obviously don't have a clue what he is talking about(and a few of them bash BH or maybe bash everyone except Slash) and then It's So Sleazy posts again and says "Slash sometimes wore a shirt that said Wasted Youth. An L.A. band from back in the day.. " out of nowhere...

    AAARRGGHHHP??!"!! Whats ther fuckin problem with this shit

    Agreed, this tread should be gotten rid of now. Theres notting creative coming outta it, just bashing and bull...

  5. I think the '02 nightrain would have been the best. I mean, Pukkelpop and Boston blow me away every time. But out of these I'd say the '06 version is proably the best.


    And another thing that bothers me is that the dude who made the vid dident take a very cool part of the song on rir 01'. He should have take the solo

    Yes, that's true.

    And I also think Rio '01 wasn't that good of a performance. As I said, if he had taken one of the '02 nightrains I would probably chose it. I think Axl's "helium voice" sounded really cool on nightrain and I mean, Buckethead's outro is just ingenious. ;)

    Any GNr song Bucket tounched, he improved. Nightrain is unreal IMO, one of the best solos I have ever heard...

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