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Posts posted by kevdo242

  1. For anyone who's interested - I'm not a Radiohead fan but I'm currently studying at Oxford and Thom Yorke lives two streets away from me. I've walked past him in the street twice, and seen him in a pub once. I think I've figured out which is his house too and I quite want to knock on the door and say hello, but I don't have the courage (and I don't wanna come across as a crazy stalker fan..)


    Haha, maybe you could just say something to him next time you pass him in the street.

    You know I nearly did once...

    First time I saw him I didn't immediately realise who it was, so I kinda stared right at him for about 30 seconds! Eventually he gave me a sort of worried, paranoid, 'why the fuck is this guy looking at me' look... so I mumbled 'hi' as if he was some acquaintance and then I walked the other way.

    If on the next Radiohead album theres a line about being stared at, I'm blaming you.

  2. Oasis are the most immense greatest and just...totally full circle 360 degrees perfect rock n roll band for the last almost 20 years..

    Which is why I don't like them. Their music is just too safe. Tried and tested formula that was done to death by the mid 70s.

  3. Anybody here into them? I think their one of the coolest, most original bands out this decade (and there have been a lot of great bands).


  4. Pick Your Artist: Biffy Clyro

    Are you male or female: A Man of his Appaling Posture

    Describe yourself: It's Always the Quiet Ones

    How do you feel about yourself: The Weapons Are Concealed

    Describe where you currently live: Saturday Superhouse

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Corfu

    Your favorite form of transportation: Christopher's River

    Your best friend is: Travis Perkins

    Your favorite color is: Glitter and Trauma

    What's the weather like: Semi-Mental

    Favorite time of day: A Day Of...

    If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Get Fucked Stud

    What is life to you: Only One Word Comes to Mind

    What is the best advice you have to give: Living is a Problem Because Everything Dies

    If you could change your name, what would it be: Theres No Such Man as Crasp

    Your favorite food is: Bodies in Flight

    Thought for the Day: Now I'm Everyone

    How I would like to die: Some Kind of Wizard

    My soul's present condition: Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave

    The faults I can bear: Loneliness

    My motto: Pause It and Turn It Up

  5. I own/ed 30 +.

    You own/ed a few shit records then man.

    According to you.

    Unlike some people I'm not ashamed of the music I like.

    I don't mind saying I like some N'Sync songs, Backstreet, Mariah Carey etc.



    You're definitely Miser/Vincent Vega.

    ? dunno wat thats supposed to mean...?

    I just been readin some of uyour posts dude and admire that u dont take shit from anyone, and that even tho a lot of ur opinions are controversial u still stick 2 em.

    Yeah, and this pretty much confirms it.

  6. Ok, I saw the Killers at T in the Park on saturday and as much as I hate to say it. They totally blew Guns N' Roses out of the water. Brandon Flowers is the best frontman in the world right now.

    The highlights were; 'A Dustland Fairytale', 'All These Things That I've Done', 'Bones' & 'When You Were Young'. The best part of all was that, during 'All These Things That I've Done', Brandon threw a glowstick into the crowd and I caught it. No joke. I basically died on the spot.

    If you have the opportunity to see the Killers live, please accept my very strong reccomendation. Best band in the world.

    They didn't play Losing Touch though...

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