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Posts posted by Fansince88

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nightrain92 said:

    Love it :wub: which song is this? I can't hear well in the video 

    I don't know either.  Going to have to devote some serious time to YouTube after this show.  There was a new thing (or at least I don't remember) during Sorry where Axl got the crowd waving back and forth.  

  2. 7 minutes ago, BlueJean Baby said:

    Note to self - next month take her fuckin' bank statement away from her and reconcile it yourself. I don't care if she wants to learn how to do it herself, she's trying to turn basic accounting into rocket science, she cannot understand how you do it after ten explanations of why and how.... not worth the hassle. :crazy:

    I had to do just about everything for my Mom in the last few months of her life (I know your circumstances are different though). My own lesson was I didn't even bother trying to get her to do things she would struggle with. However, I always tried to give her little projects -- like organizing my recipes or  putting pictures into an album.  It didn't matter if those things got messed up (which they did), but it made her feel good to see that there was stuff she could still do and felt like she was needed.  Aging parents is a tough gig so     :hug:to ya!  

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, dgnr said:

    Oh god, look at that smile :wub::wub: And you gotta love a man who loves his cats that much, it's cute!

    He looks like someone who is happy with himself and where he is in life.  And the hat......:thumbsup:

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  4. 1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    The snippets in between him talking about dolphins he talks about being back in Japan with guns n roses and they totally cut it to shreds ? Did hear him say "the shows dare I say have been magical"

    So nice to hear him speak though and such a great cause :wub:


    Magical is to 2017 what "tender" was to 2016.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, BlueJean Baby said:

    Ok ladies... sitting here watching some of the Axl ACDC videos and was wondering am I the only one who finds him singing songs like Shook Me All Night Long, Dirty Deeds and TNT, reminiscent of the younger, more dangerous Axl, but now the more mature Axl with an extremely evil, sexy glint in his eye while singing them incredibly sexy as hell? :heart:

    I think the Dirty Deeds walk is the sexiest thing on earth. I bought my tickets to Axl/DC specifically at the end of the catwalk just to see it in person (though it was slightly ruined by the stupid flannel shirt tied around his waist because you couldn't see his ass). The whole Axl/DC experience brought out the best of him on so many levels. So, to answer your question, yes I agree.   :drool::drool::drool:

  6. 13 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Wellll, seems i accidentally stumbled upon some weirdo stuff that's going on between Meegan and some Instagram girls who are spreading lies and rumours about her again. That's what it's about. 


    When I first saw Slash's post and all the hearts from Meegan I thought it was some sort thing between them  and ..... oh never mind, you know where my mind went. But, yes there has been a lot of hate since Meegan's pictures from Japan started.   What do these girls think?  Slash is going to read their posts and dump Megan?  Imagine how her kids feel.  

  7. I was a little freaked out when I saw the Reddit interview yesterday. However, after some thought, I've chilled a bit.   It's really hard to interpret what someone's intent is when you are just reading the words.  And there were typeos and mistakes in those few sentences so all we can really do is make some guesses to what he meant.  It's not like Izzy's tweet that they didn't want to share the loot - that was pretty clear. So I hope everyone who is doing the Axl/Duff/Slash hate just settles down and appreciates the amazing shows these guys have been putting on. They can go back to whining about the setlist/Axl voice in a few hours anyhow. 

    • Like 4
  8. 30 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    I thought Fernando was already married. 

    Wonder if GnR are playing at the wedding? 

    Imagine this place if they do take a break to play Fernandos wedding :lol:

    ........with Steven on drums  and Izzy playing too :lol:

    • Like 1
  9. I was thinking of buying it to read on the plane for a work trip I have to do soon, but she kind annoyed me today, so now I'm not sure.  I hate the title ......it wasn't Guns N' Roses fault she lost her son and she only put it in the title to use the GNR name.  

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Kris_1989 said:

    I think what he was trying to say was without all 5 guys the magic wasn't there. So when he played with them in 2016 it wasn't what he thought it was going to be.

    I took it a little different. I thought when he said that it wasn't what he thought it would be, he meant that he had been misled somehow. Like he went into it thinking it would be the five of them and then when it wasn't the magic wasn't there. But trying to figure out this band is like :wow:

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