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Posts posted by Fansince88

  1. 7 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    What was in the video? I missed it.

    It was about 10 seconds long and it was Axl walking through that black curtain at the entrance to the stage and you could hear the gunshots going off in the background.  He had that swagger walk going, where you just know he's going to tear the place down.  

    I am wondering if Kat has some sort of contract that says only she can shot/post that type of footage?

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, marlingrl03 said:Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor

    Blame these guys for not writing the correct name lol! Izzy guys....it's Izzy! :D

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor


    Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

    Speaking of Axl.....

    Im blaming the guy with the mun :facepalm:.   They probably weren't even born in1987.  


  3. 6 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Axl must surely look at this forum at least once in a while. It must be virtually impossible to not wonder what your die hard fan base is saying, even if you don't care for their opinions. 


    I can't think of a single man who could resist looking at  a women's discussion thread that is 95% about him. God, no wonder he doesn't have a serious relationship-- we probably scare the hell out of him.  So, as @BlueJean Baby said, we love ya Axl, just don't wear the pink bathrobe and we'll all be friends again.:P

  4. 1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Why is being a fan of this band such a rollercoaster?? One minute I love them and the next I don't even know...

    Theres no other band I've ever felt like this about it's :) then :unsure: 

    Gutted with what Steven has said about him and Izzy but then still excited to be seeing Slash, Duff and Axl - you see :) :unsure: at the same time! 

    Fucking GnR!! 

    Pretty much all of this ^^. I got to see them twice last year and  you could just feel that those guys still had something together.  I thought that there was no way this band wasn't going to keep going. There would be (eventually) some new music, sooner or later we'd see Izzy and Steven come back, they'd do something epic for the 30 year anniversary for AFD.  Now though, it just kind of feels like the last year has been exactly what all the skeptics said it was - a big cash grab nostalgia tour.  Damn you Steven Adler for bursting my bubble.  

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Archtop said:

    Is anyone going to post a question to Steven on the Q&A? I don't know the site and won't be around at the time. 

    Would love to know who was involved in the early talks about the reunion and if we have to ask questions about the book, I want to know if it's been  a cathartic experience for them both. No matter what I might think about his mother writing a book, having to watch what she has with Steven must have taken its toll on there relationship, I hope they reached a closure of sorts. 




    I'll be at work, so I'll miss it.   I would love to ask him about the reunion as well and I'd also like to know what he would like them do to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of AFD.  

    The book was picked by Kathy Lee Gifford as her favorite thing a few days ago. She's a  very spiritual person so I can't imagine there being anything too salacious in it for her to recommend it.



  6. 10 minutes ago, marlingrl03 said:

    Exactly! I never ever thought that the big 3 would reunite and be on the same stage again...it is a dream come true!!!  You can tell by the audience size how much they were missed. :heart: That is the most important aspect those guys keep forgetting imho.   :headbang:

    You go girl! Speak up for fraidy cats like me lol! :thumbsup:

    Based on those threads you'd have thought that day one of this tour was Rock in Rio and day two was Bridge School. WTF????  I'm with you though I don't have it in me to argue with strangers about rasp and whatever else. I'd much rather spend my time talking about  Axl/Erin/Steph, Slaxl, and how good Axl looks these days :P:P:P:P and let @BlueJean Baby rant for us.  I think she is way tougher than me (and I mean that in a good way). :thumbsup:


    On another note..... I'm interested to see Steven's Reddit AMA. Although, no tweet about his bday from Axl (unless I missed it)???

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Italian girl said:

    that red horrible bathrobe :wow:

    We've seen Axl in other fuck ugly bathrobes (which is weird to begin with), but if I'm remembering correctly those pictures looked like they were taken backstage or in a hotel, not on stage.  Who puts on that Elmo leopard print robe, looks in the mirror and thinks "Perfect!  Ready to go!"   :facepalm:

    He was doing so good for while.  

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Nightrain92 said:

    I watched the show via periscope and he was fine! As you said he as some songs where he struggles a bit but overall it was a very good show especially OTGM! :headbang:I hate the show threads cause there are a lot of people bitching and whining about everything the voice, the setlist... It's very annoying to read always the same shit! I prefer staying on this thread :P

    I agree with you and @marlingrl03 100%. It wasn't their best, but certainly not terrible either.  I understand that ticket prices are ridiculous and make expectations high, but I buy my tickets (for all bands)  knowing that there  is a certain risk factor. Some bands   can be flat at the end of a tour,  sometimes they are jet lagged and it shows, if it's an outdoor show, weather can  have a huge impact on whether I personally will enjoy the show.   I'm a "the glass is half full" kind of girl and if I  feel that a band gave 100% to a show, then I can forgive the mistakes and I still see a huge effort from these guys.


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