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Status Updates posted by Rick

  1. Get off my profile, lad. Hope you're well.

  2. *shrugs*, 'fat' is a loose term. I'd suggest you looked into the Body Mass Index, also known as BMI. It gives a much clearer overall picture of someone's health, particularly when related to their weight.

  3. Report yourself

  4. Hello oldie!

  5. Mony that was the geekiest lock ever!

  6. Monty - that was the geekiest lock ever!

  7. believes in the girl who wears the dirty shirt...

  8. We're at Leeds, Reading is too far mate. Indeed, we will need to keep the forum updated - looking back there weren't too many surprises in the 2006/2007 sets - but it's great at the moment with all the different songs creeping in here and there.

  9. Alright mate - how's things? Yeah - Wembley, seems like forever ago!

    I'm good ta - looking forward to the Summer. Did you get Reading tickets?


  10. Hey Jack, hope you're well?


  11. Rick

    Hey ARC, you still in Preston or back home now?


  12. Snobbish, you - never! Ha!

    I'm always knocking around. Looking forward to seeing Gn'R in August, Aerosmith in June. That's about all i've got coming up gig wise. How's 2010 looking for you?

    How are things picking up nicely?! Do tell!


  13. Come back Mel!


  14. Destiny - do some more posting!

    Hope you're well =)


  15. Been a long time Lawrence.... how's things?

    Rick / x_Estranged_x

  16. Rick

    Welcome to the forum, keep posting =)

  17. How's things Paula?

  18. Have a wonderful time at the gig =)

  19. Ha nice one! How's things?


  20. Rick

    I was a mod - then I wasn't, now I am =)


  21. Rick

    Welcome back, it's been too long....!

  22. Thanks for stopping by Axl.

    Merry Christmas.


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