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Axls Rocket Queen

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Status Updates posted by Axls Rocket Queen

  1. An afternoon learning about cleaning floors. Riveting, vet school...

  2. Love a nice early finish. Nap time, then down to some actual work!

  3. So it seems Amos and Roma decided to break into the cupboard, throw a packet of catnip everywhere and help themselves to an entire box of treats. Naughty kitties -_-

  4. Nick Jonsson- comic genius

  5. Just passed a boy of about 10 on the street, who nearly walked into me because he was so engrossed in the book he was reading. Faith in humanity restored

  6. Hey =)

    Just wanted to say, I applaud your posts in the 'Questioning...' thread. It's really encouraging to see a fellow Christian explaining the theology so coherently and knowledgeably on here!

  7. Madison, of course =P

  8. How do you measure a year in the life? ^_^

  9. In the midnight hour

    She cried more, more, more

    With a rebel yell

    She cried more, more, more

    In the midnight hour, babe

    More, more, more

    With a rebel yell

    More, more, more

    More, more, more

    Long time no see, miss! How are you?

  10. Well, as charming as these tangerine Barbies are, it's lovely to see some real natural beauty in there =P

  11. Hi Axl.

    Thanks for interacting with the fans and offering to answer questions, it is truly appreciated, it's just a shame some can't follow simple instructions =/

    Hopefully this won't deter you from coming to the forum again =)

    (Brief fangirl-moment to say the album is immense, great work!)

  12. Haha, fair enough.

    Cool of you to get in touch anyway ^_^

  13. Aww thanks ^_^

    Haha, did that comment really have that big an effect on you? =P

  14. Ahh nice! ^_^

    As you could tell I was a lot less flustered and more bouncy than the last time you came to say hi to me (and I must make it clear I do not normally dance around to the Ting Tings, ha!)

    How was the party then?

  15. Haha, indeed it was.

    Nice to see you, and apologies for my utter tardness- it had been a long day =P

  16. Entirely possible, as I only work Saturdays and you do look vaguely familiar...you should come say hi sometime :)

  17. Definitely a good thing...God knows, we have enough immaturity on this forum

  18. Aww thank you! ^_^

    Are you seriously 18? I imagined you as a bit older for some reason

  19. Only live. Overall, GN'R are still my number 1 ^_^

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