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Posts posted by Ubukitty

  1. 5 hours ago, kevinb said:

    Opening song Reckless Life, I cannot remember the order of songs after that but It's so Easy, My Michelle, Sweet Child O' Mine, Think about you, Mr. Brownstone, then Civil War, then it was so crowded and late and became less and less fun so I left at around 12: 30 AM.

    I believe Nighttrain, Welcome To The Jungle and You Could Be Mine also played, probably after you left. They did go on late and it was so crowded, people pushing and mostly kids in the audience screaming for Constantine. It got so annoying at one point I left outside for a break then returned later.

  2. I just wanted to add a little about the ride for Ronnie shows. All bands that played were experiencing audio problems. I'm fully supportive of Steven being successful again in a band. I was at the front of stage and when Constantine first started singing I thought, hmmm not too bad. Now here's where he started to lose me. While he was singing he started doing the Axl snake dance....... that's when I said to myself noooooooooo, you're getting way too close to Axl, you can't do that and expect to succeed. That completely turned me off.

    I am going to the VIP friends and family private show tonight to give it one more chance. This will most likely influence my decision on this band and whether or not I will attend the show on Thursday or sell my tickets. Here's hoping for Steven that things go well and Constantine doesn't drive this band into the ground. Also the female bass player isn't a member of Stevens band, she's just a fill in.

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  3. On 5/7/2018 at 12:34 PM, Blackstar said:

    I don't really know, but I vaguely remember reading something (I'm not sure if it was in the WT or elsewhere) a while ago about Perla posting something about Steven on her IG, also Perla and London talking about Steven in an IG story.

    I was at the show and Perla was spending a lot of time with Steven before he performed and after. They all seemed to get along great.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, Politania said:

    I really dont know what I was expecting from managment, or others ppl reaction, but it is lack of respect for fans. It got me thinking that maybe all the band never gave a damn thing about fans, never respected us-fans? 😐 

    Got question for all of you? Do u think that for GNR, fans were important of not?

    I think fans were and are still important, after all we pay their salary. They didn't have to give us 31/2 hour shows and they put their all into the shows. I think they're paying attention to what everyone is saying and I know they will release a new album when they're done with their side gigs. They will never be able to please  everyone as you can see from the bashing they're taking on Insta. 

    Imo Steven and Izzy will never be a part of guns again in the sense of touring.

    Would you prefer to have the main 3 on stage and continue to enjoy their shows or would you prefer that they didn't reunite at all?

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  5. On 3/27/2018 at 7:08 AM, StrangerInThisTown said:

    Bach, Corey, Jack Black, Marilyn Manson, Scott Stapp, M Shadows are all people I could see doing that. My money is on JB. If it can be Jack Black it could even be someone like Weird Al lol.. he chose "entertainers" instead of singers so that's something.

    I'm going to guess either Bach or Johnny Depp. :shrugs:

  6. 22 hours ago, killuridols said:

    Ok, I'll try to quote the least as possible...

    @Politania I really don't understand why you and Ubukitty had to bring up Axl to this story.... Seems like a desperate attempt to justify your harsh comments against Erin, but ok, I'll tell you this:

    - If you think Axl is being attacked for his aesthetics, you can always step up and defend him. I don't think there is a majority of people who attack him or call him fat. I know there are women who are still attracted to him, so if you are one of them, more power to you.

    There's an entire thread in this board dedicated to treat Axl as a piece of meat, where criticism about his physical appearance shines by its absence. You might feel more comfortable in that kind of thread.

    - The physical appearance or sexual attraction are mostly subjective things. You say you don't find Slash or Izzy attractive and that's fine. I don't find them attractive either. I don't see anyone here telling you to like this or that guy.

    - The other criticism we practice mostly here is about character or the things they do or have done as people. I don't consider that "shaming" of any kind.

    Well, your example is a bit complicated because you are mixing up a bunch of things.

    First, like I said, if you are attracted to Axl the way he currently looks, that's ok with me :shrugs: I have never attacked anyone because they are attracted to Axl or to the other guys. I have not seen anyone else doing that here either. But all in all, that is a subjective feeling you are entitled to have.

    Now you thinking Stephanie is Axl's true love is an opinion, hence it can be discussed and even argued. If you don't want people arguing your opinions, then you shouldn't post them. It is that simple. Of course, it is better to argue with facts and applying logic but it can happen.

    Yes, it is funny to me too. I don't know why she did it... I guess it was a joke :shrugs: I once took a pic of myself grabbing my bf's crotch... If I posted it, I'd have all the puritans giving me hell but does a picture tell a lot about who I am? I don't think it does.... 

    Erin's kids are old, her son is like 20-21, the oldest daughter is 16 and the little one is like 8. I think the 16 years old actually commented on that pic. Doesn't seem to be traumatized about it.

    I don't know much about the USA but I guess there are plenty of hypocrites over there when it comes to sex and things like that. Their porn industry is one of the biggest in the world, yet a nipple or breastfeeding makes Facebook and Instagram lose their mind. It is ridiculous.

    Anyway, Erin is FAR from being naked in that picture.

    Yes, you are making up lies about me because you say "that's who you are" and you have never seen the white of my eye. You don't know me AT ALL to say this is who I am but ok, whatever, I don't care.... I said I wasn't personally attacking you when I called you out on it.

    I am not hypocritical about Axl. I am a fan with a critical view of his character and his actions and I never hid it, so I don't know how is that being hypocritical in your eyes. As for the physical appearance, I rarely ever comment on his looks. You are confusing me with someone else. I'm not saying I never said anything about him either, but you make it sound like the majority of my posts are about his weight and that is not true at all, so check your facts straight.

    I am sorry about the emoji, I didn't use it with the intention of calling you particularly crazy but the demand of having Erin explain why she is wearing an alleged engagement ring is what I think it is not "normal". I apologize about that if it personally offended you.

    And last but not least, I have never asked to Axl to explain his life to me or anything he does. If you think I did please show me because I am sure I have not. Ever. If anything, I must have asked for information about the band or new music, never about his personal life.

    It was used as an example of you being able to post what suits you but other members cannot.  Harsh comments do not include vague and attention seeking. I never attacked her for her body shape, I said it's a form of wanting attention to post a naked pic in social media and then I followed up with, "just my opinion". There are obviously hypocrites in every part of this world.

    You've never seen the white of my eyes either but you blasted me immediately with the crazy emoji. That was seriously uncalled for. Thank you for the apology. Can we leave this alone now?

    • Thanks 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Tori72 said:

    I don’t think we are bodyshaming Axl here. Are we? What makes you think so, @Ubukitty? Honest question, I really don’t see it. Is it bodyshaming when I say that he used to look better in his youth than today? Or when I say that I hate his moustaches?

    I didn’t see any bodyshaming in your, @Ubukitty, remarks on Beta, either. It was a pic Sasha posted on her account, right? That’s something else than posting it on your own account so I understand why Beta might have wanted Sasha to put it down. Maybe it is totally different reasons.

    I can’t find Erin’s Insta so I cannot say if she is being alluring and trying to make people more curious or whatever... She doesn’t have to explain her life, that’s true. She might not be famous for her own achievements but in the GnR fanbase she definitely is. And she knows somewhat famous people we know as well, like Tracii. When she comments with them on her social media that doesn’t necessarily make her a show-off or trolling others.

    I missed the bit about mom and dad bodies? :lol: What is that referring to, @killuridols? Anyway, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Europe are all different cultures with different concept of nudity and what it means to you. So if we’re discussing nakedness we should be aware of different social / cultural concepts. Just sayin ... :confused:



    I feel you're body shaming Axl here because he's being called overweight, also mocking the clothes he wears, making fun of his mustache or his previous cornrolls. These are all things that are definitions of body shamers or/and bullies. Is it ok to see a man, woman or child on the street and say that they are overweight? Just because you may be stating a fact doesn't make it ok, it's still bully behaviour.

    As far as Erin goes, I never said I didn't like the woman, I just said she seems to be an attention seeker, regarding her posts, and if you read the post after mine someone reiterated that they think she is vague with her posts so that we will talk about her on here. I'm sorry but when you post naked pics of yourself on social media then you open yourself up to all kinds of different comments from various people, one of them being an attention seeker.

    As for Beta, you're right, I didn't body shame her at all. I would never do that. I also didn't body shame Erin for her naked ass. What I said is posted and can be reread over and over if needed.

    As far as @killuridols comments, I expect it from her. What I don't expect is the emoji insinuating that i'm crazy for what I posted. I didn't call her crazy did I? That was a bully move don't ya think? Maybe @killuridols should think a little more before responding to members posts so hastily. 

  8. On 3/9/2018 at 11:12 AM, GuitarFanfromNYC said:

    @Ubukitty I think Erin's post on Instagram is vague on purpose. She's probably trolling us cause she knows it'll make us talk! ;)

    @dgnrhas raised two excellent questions for CSI: Women's Thread:

    - why are Axl's nipples always hard? Hormones or does he flick them before every photo? :P

    - what's up with Sasha's deleted post? Trouble with TB? Over the unmentionable photo? :bitchfight:



    Why does she feel the need to seek attention. She's not famous, never really was except for a few songs written about her and a few modeling ads. Why does she feel the need to be so vague in her posts? Also regarding the pic with Beta, I could tell she was a little tipsy and she probably didn't know it would end up on Insta. When she saw it she was probably embarrased and asked Sasha to take it down.

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