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Posts posted by Lumiere

  1. Every band today is in for the money, we live in a capitalitic society unfortunatly.  ;)

    You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong.

    And you're a grotesquely ugly freak.

    CoF pretend to be Black Metal for publicity/monetary purposes.

    Tr00 BM bands, like Darkthrone, don't even play live because they would make money.

  2. a greatest hits CD is a must have for a serious music collection

    A greatest hits collection? Serious music collection? Same sentence?


  3. Not really. As ridiculous as the corpse paint, leather clothing and weapons BM bands brandish are, they're not a patch on CoF, who are in it for the money.

  4. I don't see in which context. I like their music, they are not the best ban I've ever heard in that genre but they are cool.

    If you like COF, I strongly suggest you listen to Dimmu Borgir. They're heavier, more melodic, and cleverly mix symphony and melody with focused, raw blast of melo-BM.

  5. Ever heard for Van der Graaf Generator?

    Yeah. I own two of their albums. Mojo ran a piece on them, calling them prog Gods.

    I bought an album, and it was appalling. I bought another album, it was even worse. Endlessly parpy keyboards, random noises, whistling, flutes...VDGG epitomise everything that was wrong with the 70s prog scene.

  6. rem were a great band back in the 90's, but the stuff they've released recently has been really shit compared to what they used to do, but they've some great songs...

    R.E.M. were a great band in the 80s. Apart from Monster and New Adventures In HiFi, their albums from 1990 onwards have been increasingly bad.

  7. Best Metal Band Ever.....


    the creators of death metal


    Reign In Blood is the best 28 minutes of music ever made by man


    Slayer are excellent, but they're not that good.

  8. cradle of filth and alll death metal bands r shit 2 me. n e 1 recommend?

    That's because you have an incredibly limited musical horizon. COF is, however, shit.

    Try listening to some Cannibal Corpse or some Dying Fetus.

  9. there just sooo different to my type of music, there isent any spark in it...

    I suppose you listen to really, really exciting music.

    If you want something with spark, get Life's Rich Pageant.

    As for my favourite album, Monster.

  10. I really hated it...the slick production hinders the band, the songs are samey and derivative of earlier AC/DC material, and the band sound like they've downed 50 sleeping pills each before recording.

  11. 1 - Appetite For Destruction (Gnr)

    2 - Use Your Illusion 1 (Gnr)

    3 - Razors Edge (ACDC)

    4 - Use Your Illusion 2 (Gnr)

    5 - Contraband (VR)

    6 - Back In Black (ACDC)

    7 - Lies (Gnr)

    8 - Californication (RHCP)

    9 - Spagetti Incident (Gnr)

    10 - Highway To Hell (ACDC)

    Really broad musical horizons you have.

    1. Sigur Ros - ()

    2. Joy Division - Closer

    3. Duran Duran - Rio

    4. Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

    5. Dying Fetus - Purification Through Violence

    6. Strapping Young Lad - Alien

    7. Genesis - Wind & Wuthering

    8. The Residents - Commercial Album

    9. Love - Forever Changes

    10. Orange Goblin - The Big Black

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