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Posts posted by Lumiere

  1. What were Metallica thinking when they let this guy go?  absolute retards if ya ask me

    Mustaine was incredibly hard to work with, his raging alcoholicism/drug addiction was getting in the way of work and he often missed live performances.

    No, I can't think why Metallica fired him either. What retards!


  2. After Out of Time,the band died..only boring songs.

    Monster is fucking excellent, actually.

    Although, Life's Rich Pageant takes the cake (it's small and vegetarian) as far as the best R.E.M. album goes.

  3. Geddy is a bass God, and Peart is a drum God. I like some Rush music, but Geddy's vocals tend to grate after a while.

    Speaking of which, I've had 2112 for quite some time, and haven't really explored the album. I'll stick it on tomorrow.

  4. The Stones, obviously. Of course, they're in poor shape now, but they're responsible for 4 of the best albums ever - Let It Bleed, Beggar's Banquet, Sticky Fingers and Exile On Main Street.

    I have a strong hate for Aerosmith. The band members must rank among the most arrogant, annoying rock stars ever.

  5. Bon Scott:

    1. Powerage

    2. Highway To Hell

    3. If You Want Blood...You've Got It

    4. Let There Be Rock

    5. Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap

    6. High Voltage

    Brian Johnson:

    1. Back In Black

    2. Fly On The Wall

    3. Flick Of The Switch

    4. Razor's Edge

    5. Blow Up Your Video

    6. Stiff Upper Lip

    7. For Those About To Rock, We Salute You

    8. Ballbreaker

  6. Death are an amazing band. Shame Schuldiner died.

    I only own Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy, which are two of their poorer CDs (they're still pretty good).

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