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Posts posted by Kwick1

  1. 5 minutes ago, Towelie said:

    Reunions are always shit, mostly because they're never about a genuine desire to be a creative unit again and almost always about cashing in on nostalgia. When Slash and Axl reunited I hoped for the former, but predictably, we got the latter.

    I would agree with you about most reunions but I 100% believe that Axl is trying to make the fans happy with the NITL tour. He is the one that genuinely appears to be having a great time playing with Slash and Duff. The shows are 3+ hours and not starting 2+ hours late. 

    As for me, I wasn't overly exited about the reunion tour as I've said in other post, I left 1992 in 1992 but as I've watched footage of a few of the shows, I realize that it's very special and I made a huge mistake taking my step daughter and waiting outside to pick her up from the show. I will forever regret that. She however, is thankful since I'm the crazy 50 yr old GnR fan in her mind. But I will proudly be a fan until the day I die. 

  2. So Constantine is Adlers's lead singer? He was on Idol back when I watched it. Simon didn't like him much and thought he was a poser. Maybe he's improved from his idol days but for some reason, I remember that he turned 30 during the season which is as old as a contestant can be. That has to be at least 10 years ago? He wasn't good enough for me to follow him after Idol but honestly, with the exception of Adam Lambert, kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, they're all forgettable. 

  3. I joined at the end of March and my profile has 517 views and only 4 members show as viewing. Is it possible to make my profile viewable by only members who are logged in? 


  4. 1 hour ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    He posted the other day a picture of himself out to dinner with a famous UFC fighter who answered him that it was a good catch up, it's gotta be Mickey. 

    There's so many different discussions in this topic, I'm quoting the last one for clarity only. I think it could be a legit account too. My hesitatation is less about it being verified and more about an understanding that things that celebrities are doing usually aren't "allowed" to be posted by their friends without their or their management approval. i think it's most probable that Axl is working out with a trainer and have no doubt his voice sounds as great as ever. And I can understand a friend wanting to declare that to the world with all the criticism that is out there. But is it really from Axl's close friend? I don't know. 

  5. 4 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:


    Well, since I come on this board everyday, it's still nice when someone in Dallas mentioned Axl and GNR.

    Most of the time when they mention Axl it's usually complaining about something he did 30 years ago, so hearing something positive was nice for a change.

    I agree on the radio talent in Dallas. 

  6. Has lightening struck any of us yet? 😆 What is fascinating about the Bible to me is the inspiration it has provided throughout history to act. Wars have been fought over religion because "everyone is fighting for the promised land". It can never be argued that the Bible has and is used for inspiration whether it be used to build us up and bring us together or to tear us apart. I suppose it's all in there just depends how it's interpreted. For this lifetime non church goer, I find my inspiration away from the book but I have been told, we win in the end. 

  7. 22 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:


    A classic rock station in Dallas mentioned that Axl is working with Angus, so hopefully it's true about a new AC/DC cd. My God, I think Axl would rock it. Still would love to hear new GNR songs, but at least Axl is writing something.

    92.5 in Dallas was referencing the Angry Anderson account of what Angus is up to. The Dallas radio station doesn't know anything that we haven't talked about. I hope all the rumors are true and we'll be blessed with new Axl vocals but we still have nothing from either camp. Like others, I don't think anything will be said until after NITLT Summer tour. 

    I'm excited for the possibilities of new music and a tour!!!!

  8. @Ratam, I'm out of reactions for the day but thank you. The amazing and special thing about it is that I held on to it all these years. My ever missed AFD with original artwork is long gone. That and my bootleg of LLAS were stolen during my drunken years. But @Mascadcar like you I look every thrift store and resale shop for either. Guess I'm hoping that someone wouldn't know what they had. Not likely. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, soon said:

    I have got to get the one you have.  Sounds incredible!


    I'm out of likes for the day, but I hope you find one. I'm sure they're out there. Just FYI, it's actually released by Revoltionary Comics if you start looking for it. Now I would love to find my bootleg copy of Live Like A Suicide. I don't think it's anywhere out there. There may be remastered digital tracks of it, by I want my poor quality bootleg copy. 😢

    • GNFNR 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, soon said:

    Very cool!  Yeah like that one!  I hadn't heard of GnR comic books before the GnR Central video and havent seen one in person.  Im not a memorabilia person nor a comic book person even: I just think thats so awesome though!

    Is there much of a plot?

    (GnR Central vid just for anyone curious about the reference)


    Cool! I watched the video, the one I have is the second he shows. It's in color and is a story about the beginning of GnR. So yes, if you find the beginning of GnR interesting and how the 5 came together, it's a great plot. 😉

    • GNFNR 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    , it was completely obliterated by a uninspired cash-grab pseudo-reunion. Hahaha. It's like the band does the exact opposite of what I want at every possible turn.

    I honestly believe that the NITLT is GnR giving back to the fans. I like you wasn't rushing to get my tickets. I did that in '88, '89 and '91. I would have loved new material but I think the majority of people as evident by the ticket sales don't care about new material sadly. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I suspect it is a straw man, to deflect Guns treating their fanbase like an used fanny-pad for so many years. 


    How can the fanbase now be complaining? GnR is giving the fanbase exactly what they want, NITLT tour. Fans have long wanted the original lineup back together and the big 3 with the occasional appearance of Adler on a song or 2 is as close to the original 5 as will likely ever happen. 

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