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Posts posted by DoMw94

  1. 5 hours ago, mikeman5150 said:

    Speaking of, is anyone else surprised Nikki Sixx is bringing in John 5 to replace Mick Mars instead of DJ?

    Huh, now you mention it, that's a good point!

    I dunno, he seemed to be well 'in' with a few classic rock guys in previous years (Axl, Mötley etc.) but we (or at least I) don't seem to see that interaction these days, he seems very much out there on his own besides the odd throwback Insta post.

    I wonder what that's all about 🤔

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ShadowOfTheWave said:

    I'm shocked that Slash is still delusional enough to think that a "new" GNR album is possible. Axl hasn't written a single song with him in the seven years they've been reunited

    I mean, the guy's in the band. We know nothing as outsiders, so to call him "deluded" is a stretch. Isn't it deluded that fans always think they know what's going in these guys' heads better than they themselves do?

    As for hasn't written a song, just because we haven't heard it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, thunderram said:

    To your point, while I don’t know this to be true, I get the sense that AXL has animosity toward Myles Kennedy performing GN’R tunes not only with Slash on tour but also as part of the RnR HOF thing.

    Perhaps I’m wrong, but it fits AXL’s personality.

    Nonsense. There's never been any indication of this. He approved the release of Slash/SMKC GN'R covers.

    And as for the RnR HOF, he's since performed with three others from that lineup, so that night's obviously long forgotten.

    Why do fans make up beef like this? I honestly reckon 99.9% of what these boards 'think Axl thinks' is way wide of the mark

    • Like 3
  4. 4 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

    Would be surprised, as Glasto wont pay more than £1.5m to headline acts. GnR got £5m for download festival. So they'd be doing it for the heritage of the festival rather than money. which doesnt sound like modern GnR

    They'll probably get less than that if they do end up doing Glastonbury


  5. 1 hour ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    But the whole argument was "it's unrealistic a professional drummer would need lessons"

    That wasn't the argument, the argument was that the band wouldn't fly a former member in and take them on tour just to give lessons.

    Even Duff has openly admitted to having lessons since getting sober

  6. 1 hour ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    Your argument fell apart the moment you called Frank a professional drummer:lol:The only professional part of his playing is his paycheck lol, he is goddamn awful and only there because he was loyal to Axl and Steven wasnt an option anymore, and those are Duffs and Slashs own words, if you believe Matts book, anyways.

    He's in the band 🤷‍♂️ Enough said

  7. As if people really believe that a big name band would fly someone in to teach a professional drummer a song! 😂 That is one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

    It's not like it's the first time Brain's been around the band since he left/Slash and Duff came back either. Bands are big machines and businesses, he'll have a role somewhere, and it won't be that of teacher or babysitter for a guy who's been in the band for nearly 20 years! 😂

    • Like 3
  8. 51 minutes ago, We love Axl Rose said:

    It would also be in GN'R style to debut the song at the 1st show after Rock in Rio. :lol:

    Probably intentional to not debut a song at Rio since it was broadcast. Arctic Monkeys did the same with Reading/Leeds, the BBC wasn't allowed to broadcast their new stuff (apparently – I didn't actually watch).

    I know they did in 2001 but the Internet wasn't what it is now back then and I'm just comparing to a (somewhat) similar situation from now

  9. 3 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Of course there was no official announcement with dates etc., but Slash did announce that that was the plan (European tour in the beginning of 2023), it wasn't just a hint. And that tour isn't happening. That's all that I said.

    That's not an 'announcement' though. And how do you know it isn't happening? There's been no official word on whether or not there will be a tour

  10. 3 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    he had announced a European tour for the first months of 2023 (and then probably South America, Asia and Australia), but this tour is not happening. Unless SMKC does a European festival tour in the summer, which means that GN'R either won't tour at all or only play a limited number of shows.

    Nothing was announced, just hinted at. What makes you think it won't be happening?

    Based on the last album cycle, there's a good chance we'll see SMKC in Europe after the Alter Bridge tour wraps

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