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Posts posted by Sprite

  1. 7 hours ago, wasted said:

    I think you have to agree with Axl to get what you want. I think UYI was really taken away from Niven, it was much more expansive than Izzy seemed to want to go. And Slash and Duff were hesitant. And that is actually understandable coming off AFD. Then suddenly Axl is at the piano, doing huge videos. But really all that stuff worked. But yeah Niven is still being a bitch about it after all the worldwide success that UYI had. Laugh at the videos or whinge about 10 minute ballads now, but it worked and put GNR so far beyond other rock bands at the time. So much so there was a huge backlash. Having said that maybe Niven is right in that it destroyed the band as it tore them apart at the time. They could have been a lot more commercially wise. But that's not what GNR was I guess. It always has this "this is ridiculous...but so awesome" feel for me. For me Patience was like a wtf. Then Nov Rain was too. Then 90s influences on CD too is ill advised. But it always works that's how the greats do it, you never know. They dance to their own drum. Not what others think they should do to be successful. 

    Like you said, it worked though. All the decadence, all the "what the fucks", it's all part of the machine that has kept the name relevant all these years. Guns N Roses were their own band. Trailblazers of sorts. I try and think of similar bands and I arrive at Lynard Skynard. They kind of did their own ugly thing but god damn it worked. I think those expansive music videos and the piano route really helped cement themselves over time and it's aged the band well because it kept the catalog expansive. But the quality was still there completely. So many try to expand and it just doesn't work.

    Every Guns album has that "I don't give a fuck" attitude, even CD. Very authentic. And I don't mean that in an immature way of being "without a fuck to give". More like this is the music we want to make. That is Guns N Roses legacy to me. The band that did their own thing despite labels of bloated, retro, egotistical, you name it. I wouldn't have it any other way. It's why the next album has such a high standard. 

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, Lumikki said:

    I don't mind people being spiritual or having their own understanding of the world or whatever, but these people are just blatant rip-offs. These are the same people who took 70 000 dollars or something from Axl for an exorcism. I really despise frauds like that who prey on people who are dumb, vulnerable or desperate enough to fall for them.

    (And yes, eating crackers and wine and pretending it's someone's body and blood is equally out there to me and I say that as someone who was raised Catholic.)

    I guess to each their own. Not everyone shares your opinion of it being a ripoff. That's pretty much the extent of this topic... There is never going to be a "true" answer that works for everyone. There is just a lot of unexplained things and we have a lot of different methods of understanding. Some more popular than others.

    I know what you mean though about the fraudulent people that do stuff like this. I'm thinking fortune tellers, magic bean salesman, etc. I think it depends where you are coming at it from though and that's entirely up to the salesman and recipient. Like the placebo effect. If you take a sugar pill that you think is medicine and it makes you feel better.. well it still made you feel better. So what is real?

    It seems a little presumptions to say Axl was scammed or these people are blatant rip offs when you've never met anyone involved. Imagine if I started telling you about your catholic upbringing and what was specifically wrong with the way you went about it. You'd be like "Dude, what the fuck! I don't know you." But celebrities are mythical so it bridges the gap on "What the fuck" and "Fun chatter". 

  3. This happened to me too. It happened on several computers and all browsers on my iphone (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). The forum would keep defaulting back to the April 1st page when it crashed that afternoon of the Troubadour show.  It got really frustrating because the forum basically became unusable. I have no idea what fixed mine, but I haven't had the problem for several weeks now. I would clear cache/cookies and that would help temporarily, but as soon as I clicked in the news section or on a random topic and clicked the "mygnrforum" banner to go back to the main page, I would again be logged out and defaulted to that April 1st page. The only thing I did different that seems to have stopped it is clear my cache & cookies, then once I got a successful login that wasn't dated back to the April 1st page, I repeatedly refreshed my screen. Sometimes I would refresh and I would be logged out. Then the next refresh I was logged back in. I did this about 5-10 times until it kept me logged in and the forum up to date. Haven't had a problem since. I'm not a computer wizard so I don't know if this has any basis in reality in terms of refreshing being the fix, but it seems to have helped me. 

  4. Arguing over a 1-2 million sales over the course of 8 years. Oh boy. Record sales debates are the musical equivalent of the cuckold category in pornography. If you write out pornography it doesn't seem as dirty so I'm hoping this isn't inappropriate. People really need others to buy it to satisfy themselves? Whatever makes you feel good.

    Any of those numbers in the digital age of music is good. You had no promotion but that was also met equally with more curiosity than your typical album, even if the genre was on life support from a pop culture standpoint. You see but that is the thing with Axl. That is what makes it a perfect guns n roses album. It had all the attitude of the man pissed at the world like in Appetite, but it went internal. Like the anger shifted from them to me. That shows evolution as a person to me. And it had that desperation that every guns album seems to have. Just too much elephant noises and sub bass for some.

    When CD was released I remember it came in at #3 behind a Kanye and T. Swift album. I just looked them up to compare. Looks like Kanye's 808's has sold just under 2 million to date. And Taylor Swift's was 7 million to date. So no, Chinese didn't do bad at all either way. 



  5. Wild expectations. That's the short answer for me.

    I think what was true 10-15 years ago is ringing true today and that is fans want nostalgia. A lot aren't interested in new or different. Let's get Adler back and spin Appetite another 10,000 times type thing. Beat 'em like a cheap mule. Musicians are a commodity don't you know? This has been beaten to death but had Axl done this all as a solo career he might have reaped this 2016 positivity much earlier in his career.

    The big issue people I knew and from my experience seemed to have had was that it was sans Slash mostly. A few rogue ones would say Slash & "___" need to be there. The mavericks of the GNR world claim it's not GNR without Steven. That only proves pleasing everyone is impossible.

    I think Nugnr were not as abysmal as many on here seem to think. The premise of the question is coming from the perspective as if they should have done something different, but their resume isn't all bad. If they were a productive band that released more albums, there would likely be more complaints here about the additional shitty music. Be happy with what is I guess.

    If you think they went from about 2000-2014. Toured all over the world in front of millions of people. Released the most critic-anticipated (I say this because it was and still is but becoming less of, the album people love to hate) album. Rolling Stone called Better the 34th best song of 2008. They performed on national TV a few times. Did a late night appearance. Did a couple residencies. Released a professional concert DVD. Magazine interviews. TV interviews. If you look at the resume objectively and not "where's slash" than it's not bad. I think they also might have been one of the most criticized bands of this century. You don't pick on poor people if you know what im sayin'. They had success for sure. 

    I think it wasn't what went wrong with them on why it ended. I think it was more the time was right for you know who to come back and Tommy to leave for his reasons. But this current band is just as much "nu" as "old". So from that perspective it's still going strong and that band I asked you to look objectively at is touring stadiums this summer. Not possible without Slash I know.

    The way I see it Axl assembled a group of incredibly talented musicians and put out a killer record and a lot of good memories for me. I blast If the world while running or catcher in the rye while winding down. Its helped me as a person. Sub bass surrounds my life. Pitman's bass solo in If the World is the stuff of legends. I could give a fuck about record sales. Shania Twain sold more than Appetite and released it 10 years after. That pretty much says all you need to know about record sales. I'm interested in quality. Or is the discussion why does the lowest quality material usually sell the best? I'm sitting here thinking Mc Hammer has more songs but he's playing can't touch this for the third time tonight. Jimmy was a stimulator though.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, wasted said:

    Like len was saying anout the working classes having pride and never losing hope. The status quo is comfortable as well. You have to be sociopath to really see behind the curtain (or a politician). People watch the news to be told what's happening and to be reassured everything is ok by a nice guy or a milf. But in my experience people get jittery when they see and kind of block it out. 

    Even Obama. I think he doubled the military budget and these drone strikes are horrible. But still he's seen as avoiding invasion of Iran. But as I see it he laid did Syria by proxy. No need to go in gung ho if everyone will take the hit. And the agreement with Iran is just laying ground work for Trump. There's no way the US military has been sweeping around the world they not going to stop. Even Obama gets told what to do by Jack Nicholson. 

    But people see this and turn away because it's not in their best interest. But how long? Not long because what you reap is what you sow. 

    But like you said is the alternative any better. It's all downhill skiing with a gold fish bowl on your head. 

    But bad shit is happening, but I'm like nah leave it, when's Axl releasing the vault?!

    There was a poll in the New York times once that surveyed 1,000 people and 40% of them said they had a mystical or psychedelic experience that changed who they were. Of those 40% who had it, 80% said they never want to have it again. It upset the apple cart. There is comfort in freedom is a 6 pack of beer and a night off work I guess.

    It is a fine line between crazy and genius or politician and actor. Manson was the EPA before that was cool but we locked him up instead. I guess it's all about timing.

    138,000 civilians killed by America in the Middle East since 2003. Drone strikes only increasing. Obama is the hip uncle that comes over on the 4th of July. He's really cool and easy to get along with the family. He evens works the grill and brought the little cousins a frisbee. But for gods sake don't mention the time he stuck his finger in your butt behind the shed that Memorial Day. That's what the loyalist of Obama supporters have really become. The family that forgets about the finger incident? Marriage equality is hip and he mic drops with biggie but mention the death orders and the apple cart Gets smashed. You're so white.

    its all perspective though and learning to balance. There is only so much you can control. The point is to be your own person and when a ghost comes from behind and says boo, the point isn't to jump but instead to say "I see you going boo and here we are". 

  7. On May 17, 2016 at 7:39 AM, wasted said:

    Religion or ideology is just a mask. They are just broke as fuck "criminals". People become terrorists or join regimes just to get a better pay check. Or a pay check. Everywhere is the same. Human nature is the same. It just depends what kind of video budget you got. I mean would isis do youtube beheadings if they had Heal the World video budget. No, with money you can finesse shit. Like drones, that's a fancy, arty, "pc" way to kill kids in schools. But you got Obama, the Sidney of Politics walking like a pimp living in the White House. It's a big budget production. Then we got the same thing over in some broke ass shit hell hole in desert. No budget. They gotta hijack planes to make their MTV video. I think I might of got off topic. Cocktails anyone?

    I think this might be your most creatively described post yet! No I don't think isis would do youtube beheadings if they had the heal the world video budget. Haha. I get it.

    Its hard to do much about the way it is though when most people simply cannot or do not want to tune into this level of thought. What could do it? Let's follow McKenna and dose the world with psilocybin. Or hang out like summer at Harvard and an acid tea cups all around. That might be the most immediate way down the rabbit hole. But it's not likely so you find comfort in knowing the winds of change are gonna blow one way or the other and alls i's gots is time.

  8. I ordered some night train and had it shipped from NJ. I polished off the first bottle last night. 17.5% all aboard straight to nowhere. It's to the late 80s what 4loko was to 2009. I wouldn't recommend it but it was pretty great for nostalgic reasons and continued to get better the more I drank.

  9. 38 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Somebody replace Lebies management with Apollo.

    I would personally, preceding this tour so now basically, create two songs and release them on soundtracks or as a single. Then play those two songs on the upcoming tour. That would have the added effect of making this reunion feel not just another nostalgic cash-grab basically and give the fans some new material to listen to throughout the period, waiting for their show to occur. Whether those songs would be newly written by Messrs. Axl, Slash and Duff, or something salvaged from CD2, I have no idea as we do not know what Axl has locked away in that vault of his, however the former would be preferable.

    Then when the tour is over they can begin to think of recording a full -blooded GN'R album.

    See I think this is a good point. I'm not one to think I'm entitled to anything in regards to new music, but Guns N Roses has a history of great music. They are legends of industry. It's hard to believe there isn't 1 song somewhere that's ready to go. Or could be ready to go. Wouldn't that only enhance the perception? They have a lot of catchy jams, I'm sure they've got 1 more. 

    But that doesn't seem to be the case. It's probably a lot murkier label wise than any of us realize though.  I'm only a fan and can only speak from this point of view, but this doesn't seem to be asking a lot and it's disappointing we really have nothing to look forward to new music wise.

    Doesn't Nic Cage need a soundtrack for a movie or something? Somewhere? 

    My Guns N Roses itunes playlist has 99 songs because they kept look at your game girl as a hidden track. Sympathy for the Devil included. Throw me a bone.

    But alas I'm seeing them in August. They are playing Coma. Slash and Axl are back. Today was pay day. I'm really into War Pigs right now. The world is ok.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, downzy said:

    I do think the government should play a role when it comes to racist or sexist behaviour affecting individuals even within the private sphere.  Every company or sole proprietorship has a right to refuse a customer for no reason given.  But if a reason is given and it is based on racism or sexism, they lose that right.  It was wrong in the 1960s when businesses were turning away black people and it's wrong now.  Private club or private business, discrimination is and should be illegal whether de facto or in spirit.  

    "Tolerate the pain and wait for justice..."  That's what African Americans did for decades before the 1960s civil rights protests.  Sometimes equality requires a certain level of justice.  It's easy to suggest a laissez-fair approach when you and your group benefit from unequal power advantages, another when you're disadvantaged by the same system.

    I agree with you in what you are saying about the government should protect and set a standard of equality. But for things that matter. To me, this is a private club's decision about a fairly unimportant aspect of equality which is "golfing freedom". It's not like telling black folks they can't drink from a public faucet. A leisurely place to go to get drunk and golf. This is a first world problem to a T. Spend 3 days out in the desert and tell me how important it is that this private club allows a woman.

    I think it's apples and oranges really to compare it to the civil rights movement of the 60's. Where does it end though?

    African American "safe spaces" in universities are popping up- http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25748/

    All female colleges

    I have to review applications today at work. You know that question you fill out on an application, 'what race/ ethnicity are you?' Well for me that means if you pick anything other than white, you go to the top of the line. 

    If this club was all female, or all Hispanic, is this a topic being discussed today on the forum?

    In our crusade of equality I know we want to throw the biggest stone at whitey because there are more of him than anyone else. But that's where Gandi's line about an eye for an eye comes in. At a certain point it almost seems like being a white male gives permission to anyone else to do what they want or impose their view. How dare white males have a voice? It's not like they're human. 

    Obviously I know the advantages in a lot of ways to a lot of people of being a white male. But I think my point still rings a hint of truth.


    Throwing a wet blanket over everything doesn't fix the issue, it just creates more. Or it shifts the power dynamic over time and then you've simply flip flopped the roll.


    But this is one of those outliers of the social action movement of ultra inclusion for anyone. First world problem. Wet blanket can't fix everything.

    I'm all for equality. I'm all for a private club running their rules too. 

    I'm all for Transgender bathrooms and being comfortable in the skin you feel comfortable in. A lot of those women are women. I don't know if that means Chuck should be able to change his birth certificate to say woman though and be able to take his beer bellied, full bearded self and piss next to my wife at Chili's.

    Let's take it situation by situation. Ok. You want to play your silly game without females around? Have at it. I for one love women and think they enhance nearly everything!! But let's focus the attention to the 138,000 civilians killed in the middle east by America since 2003, know what i'm sayin'?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, downzy said:


    Because Murfield is one of the top courses in the world.  Why should bigotry deny fifty percent of the population from playing one of the most esteemed golf courses in the world?

    It shouldn't. But why should a government mandate say a private club has to alter its rules of practice when it's not a necessity to life or liberty? 

    You don't poke an eye when you've been poked. You tolerate the pain and wait for justice if you want to heal the fastest.

    politics follows social action. Lay down righteousness and just lay together. The truth finds a way.

    • Like 1
  12. 48 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Desiring new material from a band that has only put out one album - I repeat, one album - in twenty-five years is considered 'greedy' now, is it?

    Dude you should check out The spaghetti Incident in 93, Live Era in 99 and CD in 08. They are great. Either that or your math is off. You aren't being cynical again are you?

  13. Aerosmith without Steven seems odd. Like GNR without Axl. He's the voice and face of it all. Joe Perry is his Slash. Joey Kramer his Duff.

    AC/DC to me is different because the focus hasn't necessarily been on the singer, more so the music. Not to take away anything from Brian and Bon because both are great. I guess it's all subjective.

    I saw Aerosmith in the Tacoma Dome and Cheap Trick opened in 2012. They put on a good show. It was really short though.. like 80-90 minutes. 

  14. I think a lot of our old ways are dying and it's never been more apparent. The music industry, politics, capitalism. So the idea is will nostalgia save us?

    Donald Trump wants America great again.

    Guns N Roses stadium tour to save rock n roll.

    You start at the ground up and become a millionaire just like when America was great!

    It's all a blast from the past nowadays because nostalgia will save us from the uncertain future.

    What we need is to shadow the porn industry and see how they adapted to the new market. The internet could have wiped out all those companies but most have never been more profitable. The internet changed everything.

    Records are cool and maybe it could work for the GNR's of the world short term. But I think something new is coming that no one can think of but it will be much more simplistic an idea.

    If I told you in 1996 you could watch people having sex from a tiny rectangle you carry around in your pocket I'd be laughed at. But it happens. 

    Technology will have to do what nostalgia attempts to do and that is carry the torch towards the uncertain future. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, Apollo said:

    Or the band could just get together and see what naturally comes out during jamming and writing sessions. 

    I wonder what style comes out if this were the case? 

    Velvet Revolver part 3? I'm ok with that. 

    Maybe Axl wants to shelve CD2 and add it to the ever growing stack of 'to do's' and start fresh. ACDC has him inspired and pissed off. 

    12 tracks. Balls to the wall. She builds quick machines production but you could be mine attitude. Let's play ball.

    • Like 1
  16. I know it wasn't the first but looking back Black Sabbath's Paranoid was so mean. I think it was 1970? Hearing War Pigs during Vietnam and seeing the war for what it was must have been a release for so many. That song made a statement. It birthed the aggression that makes up hard rock in a way, not only musically but lyrically. As emphatic of fuck you as you can get.That's as heavy as heavy metal gets.

    I guess it's all perspective. But there is a message in that form of rock. The anger is needed to balance the craziness of everything. Ozzy is a hero. The prince of darkness is but the other side of the King of light.

  17. 10 hours ago, wasted said:


    Back in Black invented the hard rock genre as we know it I suppose. The format, the no frills, no filler, all killer. You can't sing about druids or mopeds if you're hard rock.

    Very true. It's got to be sleezy. And a little dirty. "Too many women, too many pills"

    I think Appetite mastered this.

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