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  1. 34 years of silence, 34 years of paaaiiiin, 34 years that are gone forever, and I'll never have agaiiiaannnn.
  2. Only a civil suit can be brought, and the statute of limitations is again about to close this week. 100% cash grab. A porn star goes to a rock star's hotel to f*** and 34 years later, when she's all washed up, wants to get paid. I'm not having it... If she sued when this happened, i'd be more supportive. BTW, i believe the allegations, probably happened mostly like she describes. But F-off for waiting so long. Sorry to be blunt but call it for what it is. Not trying to "victim" shame here. Totally different story if she files criminal charges or lawsuit when this happened. I'm not saying Axl is or was an angel either...
  3. Get Axl, Duff, Slash writing new material with a new producer ASAP. Go back to some of their 2 guitar, piano driven roots. Perhaps Andrew Watt?
  4. Makes sense, Fernando's lawyer goes to mygnrforum to defend him against internet trolls. That's where the case will be won! Anyway, done with this topic I'll be going moving to the "what pants is Axl wearing" topic, more interesting and intellectually stimulating.
  5. Sorry I don't live on the forum board dude and post all day just so I can get attacked by other people. In fact, this is why I don't post much because as soon as you do you get attacked by some loser that thinks he's holier than thou because he is a master poster on a forum. What ulterior motive would I have? I could give a shit either way. Just my opinions.
  6. That last sentence was a joke, I'll retract it. It isn't a good look for the band management, whether Fernando is a good manager is not my point at all I wouldn't know that. He doesn't sound very professional at best. I'm not his lawyer. LOL.
  7. You have it backwards, what I am saying is just because she alleges things doesn't make them true, or untrue for that matter. Seems like most folks on this forum assume all her allegations are true, which is not fair or reasonable either. I have seen enough of these things to know the truth lies somewhere in between. But who care what keyboard warriors think...
  8. As a lawyer myself, I see this as nothing more than financial dispute. Bringing claims of harassment and retaliation won't survive if she isn't an employee. An employment relationship is a prerequisite, she herself admits she was a 1099 contractor and not an employee. At best, these are breach of contract and copyright claims. The employment/harassment related claims are to attempt to gain leverage and are likely just salacious in nature (and could potentially invoke a reimbursement of attorneys fees in California). I suspect GNR/Lebeis will file a demurrer motion to this complaint rather swiftly. This case will probably be settled out of court fairly quickly. It's a typical business dispute, these things happen all the time in business and GNR, touring, and music industry is no different. I will add that I read the complaint by Benzova's lawyer, it was pretty sloppy, and he's been licensed for only ONE YEAR. He will be outmatched. Not to say her claims don't have some merit, I wouldn't know that one way or another. But just because she alleges things doesn't make them true. She could take any little off color joke made in the last 7 years of touring, and spin it to look salacious and bad. Curious to know whether she played along and made any jokes or innuendos along the way... Hell hath no fury like a photographer scorned!
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