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Posts posted by warchild

  1. For all you die-hard GNR fans out there that hate me, just picture me at the Hamerstein Ballroom front row watching Axl sing Better for the first time live...Got a picture yet? That's it, yeah, how good does it look from your punk ass location?

    Thats kinda ironic, seeing as you really hate this band judgeing by your comments.

    My was thinking the same. He's like the worlds nr1 Axl hater and now this :rolleyes:


    Kaneda, make up your fucking mind. Its either you cant do that or you have just been a huge attention whore with your controvecial comments on a GNR message board.

    PM warchild for PIC of this loser...we have a kaneda sighting........and his Dog????Mom???

    just if you SEE this guy at the NYC show............... :rolleyes:

  2. warchild doesnt know shit about music.

    I'm afraid he does my friend. Sounds like he has been playing guitar for 20 years like me

    YEAH, my friend...been around a while.......piano was my first choice but I can play guitar now!!!

    had numerous songs copyrighted, and have a little band........do Lead Vocals too!!

    These Kids don't have a fucking clue what goes into finished music!!!


    that dammned warchild

    I've never heard a song by Warchild, so this isn't directed at you, but there is some pretty shitty songs that have been put onto albums, much less merely copyrighted.

    Congrats on your successes - continued good luck and skill to you, but they don't do anything to establish your musical knowledge. How about downloading some of it so we can judge your talents for ourselves???


    we are all anonymous here...........and I don't release shitty music!

    IF you have never heard of the replacements.....Do Yourself a favor and buy one of their CD's.......

    and HELL NO, I'm not uploading SHIT.........crazy, but not THAT crazy......I'll let you know when and where

    .......release is gonna happen!!

    Fucking warchild

    LMFAO listen to this wannabe - where's your fucking songs man? where's your MySpace page?

    Wheres your gig dates? publishing deal? Piss or get off the pot War Fag! You're a psuedo-muso. END OF STORY!! :rofl-lol:

    Hmmm - He spends so much time in the studio yet he's on here raggin on teens 24/7 and spouting dumbass quotes rejected by the Beavis and Butthead script writers? MMMyeahh

    I smell - BSSSSSSSSSSSS - it smells like WAR Fagggggg!!!! :shocked:

    Anyways back on topic - yah Duff is the man... 40 MILLION reasons why and counting rock3

    No, myspace is for wannabes.............and I have been noted to make monthly and better MIAs........

    MY contract and MY songs come under MY business.....I used to post lyrics.in work on here, but decided

    to desist.....I now mail and discuss them with select people.........

    Just wait and see who's onstage...IF you can see the fkn stage from your pitiful seats..........

    I will have no problems..........

    not YOUR call to say who's Onstage Fuckwit with hamster testicles

    "Oh I wish he had a brain"

    Fucking Warchild

  3. This is a Goddamn ridiculous thread. and all in all it doesn't matter WHO YOU LIKE...........

    It's up to THE BAND.....not the Fans...........!!!

    Yeah, I do have an attitude when some half-wit comes up with a fucktarded post that IS NOT GONNA

    make one rat's ass in the outcome of things.......I have YET to see one of my releases in ANY bargain bin

    and I do fair business.........

    Lording it Over because I am a dues paid, stressed out, bona fied MUSICIAN????

    Yeah, it gives one a bit of an attitude, deal with it or don't read my posts......simpletons!!!

    Psst.....WC is NOT a fag, either......have had some prime property and have references.......!!

    Sooooo this thread is dumb beyond all meaning because YOU WON'T CHOOSE WHO PLAYS BASS in GnR....



  4. warchild doesnt know shit about music.

    I'm afraid he does my friend. Sounds like he has been playing guitar for 20 years like me

    YEAH, my friend...been around a while.......piano was my first choice but I can play guitar now!!!

    had numerous songs copyrighted, and have a little band........do Lead Vocals too!!

    These Kids don't have a fucking clue what goes into finished music!!!


    that dammned warchild

    I've never heard a song by Warchild, so this isn't directed at you, but there is some pretty shitty songs that have been put onto albums, much less merely copyrighted.

    Congrats on your successes - continued good luck and skill to you, but they don't do anything to establish your musical knowledge. How about downloading some of it so we can judge your talents for ourselves???


    we are all anonymous here...........and I don't release shitty music!

    IF you have never heard of the replacements.....Do Yourself a favor and buy one of their CD's.......

    and HELL NO, I'm not uploading SHIT.........crazy, but not THAT crazy......I'll let you know when and where

    .......release is gonna happen!!

    Fucking warchild

  5. warchild, your a dumbfuck

    tommy stinson is a good bassist and so is duff. but duff is a helluva lot more worthy to be in gnr than stinson, not cuz he was an original member, mainly cuz he is a real rock n roller. Stinson was in a garage band that got lucky, i honestly never heard opf the replacements untill i herd he was in gnr. If you walk up to a kid and ask "who is kooler, duff mckagan or tommy stinson?" they will say "who the fuck is tommy stinson?" i think they are pretty equal as for talent (on just bass, tommy's writing is so-so but duff is pretty good), but duff is more of an icon than stinson will ever be

    No, actually I am a Smartass....ask anybody!!

    and kid...you are OUT of your league............

    are YOU a Musician?......I am....professionally!

    also REPORTED.........

    now, go the fuck away...warchild bites!

  6. Yeah, the new band memebers are keeping their mouth shut about GNR, Axl must be holding something against them.

    But of course we want Duff over Stinson, Duff is a way better musician. Stinson just seems like hes along for the ride at this point.

    Well. just wait for the concert YOU are going to, and see who's ONSTAGE.............

    and Stinson's NOT in REhab

  7. warchild doesnt know shit about music.

    I'm afraid he does my friend. Sounds like he has been playing guitar for 20 years like me

    YEAH, my friend...been around a while.......piano was my first choice but I can play guitar now!!!

    had numerous songs copyrighted, and have a little band........do Lead Vocals too!!

    These Kids don't have a fucking clue what goes into finished music!!!


    that dammned warchild

  8. "all things considered."...Stinson is a better bassist!

    Nobody cares if Stinson is a better bassist or if he owns a pancreas, because...

    Duff is the man ! rock4

    GNR forever !

    THIS GnR.......agreed

    and Saint Seeya........

    Wanna make a wager on that? or has your mouth overridden your ass?????

    Warchild is a practicing musician, writes lyrics, and spends waaay too much time in the studio.......

    instruments played...Guitar, piano, Vocals.........how many songs have YOU had copyrighted????

    so take that and staple it to your pointed little head.......


  9. Right, so right..........

    This is a ridiculous arguement, that only MUSICIANS should have a say-so in.........

    1 in 1000 people have perfect pitch!!!

    Wonder how many hours this tool has spent in a studio????

    Love Page,Slowhand, SRV, Randy R.(rip)...and ZAKK is fucking awesome........

    "all things considered."...Stinson is a better bassist! AND he owns a pancreas!!

    That Dammned Warchild, MUSICIAN

  10. I will be clicking and dialing like a madman at 10am on 4/21, I need those tics!

    GREAT POST Dr. GOAB................

    me? gonna be watching all the "insider wanna bes" try and sneak backstage.....From MY vantage point!!!

    did you know auf Deutsch...Rock Am Ringin is selling GET IN THE RING TOUR SHIRTS???

    got emailed german fan site..........


    That Goddamned warchild

    Will Warchild be in attendance?

    You Better Believe it...........I'll be the loud obnoxious Hellraiser with the attitude.......

    watching ALL the naysayers fall with one vast SWOOP..........

    warm fuzzy feeling inside

    That Goddamn WARCHILD

    I am gonna be at 5/15 show warchild

    I'l be the one flashing my tits to Axl :wub:

    DAMN BABY.........thought those were PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!!!! :wub:

    that damnnable WARchild

    HIYA SANTANA......Didn't see you...........

    Dr. Goab did make an excellent post!!!

    Ice, Ice, Baby

    that Dammned WArchild

  11. look Ratfuck suitcase.....don't down T.S. in a far fetched effort to promote Mr. Spineless........

    If you are going by Billboard record sales, go jack off to a picture of Britney, and leave the REAL

    musicianship up to other people...........

    Are YOU a Musician????? Hmmmmmm????

    that goddamned warchild

  12. I will be clicking and dialing like a madman at 10am on 4/21, I need those tics!

    GREAT POST Dr. GOAB................

    me? gonna be watching all the "insider wanna bes" try and sneak backstage.....From MY vantage point!!!

    did you know auf Deutsch...Rock Am Ringin is selling GET IN THE RING TOUR SHIRTS???

    got emailed german fan site..........


    That Goddamned warchild

    Will Warchild be in attendance?

    You Better Believe it...........I'll be the loud obnoxious Hellraiser with the attitude.......

    watching ALL the naysayers fall with one vast SWOOP..........

    warm fuzzy feeling inside

    That Goddamn WARCHILD

    Say hi to Kaneda for me - give him the name of a good tailer :rofl-lol:

    Stay calm, even if he is heckling

    CALM MY ASS......and personally I don't think the piss-ant has the Testicular fortitude to heckle.........

    going to any overseas shows GOAB?? I got my bags packed, my ass in gear, my passport up to date

    and a packable portable. indestructable? Laptop..................


    that goddamn warchild

  13. I will be clicking and dialing like a madman at 10am on 4/21, I need those tics!

    GREAT POST Dr. GOAB................

    me? gonna be watching all the "insider wanna bes" try and sneak backstage.....From MY vantage point!!!

    did you know auf Deutsch...Rock Am Ringin is selling GET IN THE RING TOUR SHIRTS???

    got emailed german fan site..........


    That Goddamned warchild

    Will Warchild be in attendance?

    You Better Believe it...........I'll be the loud obnoxious Hellraiser with the attitude.......

    watching ALL the naysayers fall with one vast SWOOP..........

    warm fuzzy feeling inside

    That Goddamn WARCHILD

  14. The bass lines on You Could Be Mine and Rocket Queen are so cool ! And the intro of It's So Easy ! :heart:

    Duff is the man ! rock4

    I guess we will see...............

    that goddamned warchild

  15. I will be clicking and dialing like a madman at 10am on 4/21, I need those tics!

    GREAT POST Dr. GOAB................

    me? gonna be watching all the "insider wanna bes" try and sneak backstage.....From MY vantage point!!!

    did you know auf Deutsch...Rock Am Ringin is selling GET IN THE RING TOUR SHIRTS???

    got emailed german fan site..........


    That Goddamned warchild

  16. Duff---the most overated bass player i ever heard---and yes Tommy runs circles around him as far as skill

    Not overrated because he himself states that he plays 'in the pocket', which is the perfect way to play for Guns and any true rockin band. You obviously don't know that Duff is actually a GUITAR player who realised that he would have to switch to bass when he moved to LA in order to even get in a band as the place was awash with wannabe guitarists. Smart move in hindsight. Besides this he's playing GUITAR alongside Jerry Cantrell in AIC this summer and that in itself proves the playing worth of the man. You cocksuckers really don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about on here. :anger: Try watching Duff command the stage in the intro to 'it's so easy' on old G'n'R live footage and opening the show for VR with his Suckertrain Blues intro. The guys a fucking living legend while Tommy Stinson is shit on my shoe in comparison. :fuckyou:

    You don't know S*&T --- If you watch the old boots Duff is constantly fucking up and playing wrong notes. Want an example-- listen to the intro of Sweet Child from Paris 92. He fucks up the song so bad-- a song he has played hundreds of times at that point of time. I have been listening to him for over 15 years and he is an average at best bass and guitar player. And yes I know all about his shitty guitar playing. By far the weakest link of old GNR IMHO. I do think he is cool and like him as a person though


    KUDOS !!!! CONGRATS!!!!

    case fucking CLOSED


  17. With Guns you can never really enjoy it. You are always one hissy fit away from a Tour cancellation and the album being put on the back burner for a year or three.

    THE FUCK BUSNGABB THREAD.......now, shoow your love, people


    be there with balls on......(thought I was gonna say Bells?????)


    Just of interest warchild but are you no longer warchild anymore? :(

    Oh hell yes.......just a mild attack of synapses

    and Niveen.......it's now or Later...or SOON

    stilll gonna be there front and center!!!!!!

    that motherfucking warchild

  18. With Guns you can never really enjoy it. You are always one hissy fit away from a Tour cancellation and the album being put on the back burner for a year or three.

    THE FUCK BUSNGABB THREAD.......now, shoow your love, people


    be there with balls on......(thought I was gonna say Bells?????)


  19. "And it was nice to clear somethings up."


    yeah intresting

    im quite surprised he didnt give any info about it.... like what they actualy "cleared up" ...

    Because some FUCK aka "Insider" would post it HERE for all to see.......and some things aren't for public consumption

    used ta be warchild.....that motherfucker

  20. Stinson is Miles better and much entertaining on stage!

    Duff is a fucking tool!

    Get the hell off this board.

    A bit of fucking news........YOU DON'T OWN THIS BOARD.......(not directed in Funeral's direction)



    Stinson is Miles better and much entertaining on stage!

    Duff is a fucking tool!

    man its dumb asses like this guy that makes me regret ever joining this forum.

    Then LEAVE, by all means.....go the fuck home.....you won't be missed!!!!

    "what do scanners see?" That everthing will not be alright!


  21. Why do you talk as if you knew it all ?

    You don´t know whether he is or he is not at rehersals and that´s none of your business. Axl is not stupid and he knows his shit and knows what he´s doing.

    He doesn´t need to be said what to do or what not to do by a bunch of kids who have any idea of anything.

    He needs to reherse, his voice this,his voice that and bla bla and fucking bla. :rolleyes:

    Can´t you just wait and judge before you see what he/GNR have to offer?



    If half the fuck dohnuts on here are to be believed, they know better.

    You don't!. Axl is the one we are here for not fucking cock jockeys that wank off to high school pictures of thier school swimming classes.

    Leave the running of GnR to the man that knows how ( even though he puzzles me ) rock3

    THANX N.R. and Dr. GOAB

    too many fucking rehersals make you lose INTENSITY and SPONTAINAITY......

    used ta be warchild, but I had to kill him..........

  22. For all the "insiders" it must not be very difficult to get their tickets since they have connections... :P

    As for the rest...good luck everyone!!

    All these fucking insiders and none of them knew about this gig?

    Your all full of shit!

    Pssst....Dr. GOAB

    Those that TALK don't know......those that KNOW don't talk (until the last possible minute)

    and a great deal of the "Posters" and higher-ups (not Paul! he rocks)

    are indeed overflowing with excretement.............

    used ta be Warchild, but I had to kill him

  23. I'd be going except for the fact my mom's a fucking cunt. I offered to sell all my guitars for this trip and she said no. And I do live in NY state. :fuckyou::fuckyou::fuckyou:

    Listen you low-life blue-collar savage, you come on here and call your own mother a "cunt"? Weather it is true or not, you are a traitor to your family. There is not much worse than that. You are a piece of shit, and if I was your family I would kick your fucking ass. Over a fucking GNR concert? Who cares? It is fucking music! Your mother is your mother! Rarely do I come across such pathetic shit like yourself. Indeed, justice divine will surely smite you with it's hammer.

    AhemBULLSHIT;cough.......shall we revue Lyrics KID?

    "I called my Mother, she's just a cunt now"......From Bad Obsession.........

    smite???? Biblical talk???

    Thou art cereberally fornicated, thus sayeth ME!

    Used to be WARCHILD

  24. Guns N Roses

    Guns N Roses

    Monday, May 15, 2006 at 7:30 PM

    Hammerstein Ballroom

    New York, NY

    On Sale April 21, 2006 - 10:00AM

    Doors open 6:00 PM

    $65.00, $63.00

    HELL I DON'T KNOW ...CALL THE FUCKS AND ASK THEM........ain't my job description........

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