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Posts posted by Schwarzgold

  1. Hey Axl,

    great to hear of you. One question regarding future releases: One of the greatest wishes of most people here is to see and hear more of the stuff that happened behind closed doors over the years. And I don't mean the ugly stuff, I mean the cool band stuff - backstage footage from the tours, interviews with the guys, talking bout the music - stuff like that.

    Since there ist some footage circulating (Lush Productions, 4mins or so), here the question: Is it planned to release anything of that kind in the near future - maybe a DVD?

    Thank you!

  2. Funny how when this first came up the thread was being flooded with "Yay" etc.. now when its stated that Brian May says no he is not playing with Gn'r, no one gives two shits.

    MAYBE this is because we trust Brain Mays official homepage MORE than a anonymous poster with 48 post on an internet forum. :krider:

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