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Posts posted by Schwarzgold

  1. "False hope"? "5-6years"? DJs and Rons statements do not lead automatically to this idea.

    DJ only said, that they are talking and throwin ideas around. He said it won't take as long as the last record. Ron sees that and he knows to what conclusion we will collectively come: "OHMAGAWD CD2 FOR XMAS OHMAGAWD!" - although DJ never said that. So Ron CLARIFIES that there is still a lot of work to do - something DJ never denied, he didn't say anything about that. He was just a little more optimistic and Ron, knowing the drill with us, calmed everything a little bit down before assumptions get out of hand. And her was absolutely right to do so, I might add, as the threads prove.

    So waht's the matter - they ARE talking, the DO throw ideas around, it WON'T take 17 years, but it very well WILL take a year or two.

    No need to talk of false hopes or 5 or 6 years of work in my opinion.

  2. Which road? What is going on here? :rofl-lol:

    He said: "We're talking about that right now. We've been throwing around a bunch of ideas and it should be good. We've got a lot of good stuff on the plate coming out... It won't take as long, I promise! I'm excited to get this next one rolling. Lot of great s**t - Axl [Rose] has a lot of good s**t up his sleeve - so I'm really excited about it."

    Thats as tentative ("throwin around", "talkin") as anything anyone from the band has said in the time 2000-2008 and these guys weren't going down a road - quite the contrary, we were happy when they said anything. The only thing he says commitedly is that it won't take 17 years again and I am willing to accept that bold statement. :xmasssanta:

  3. Jesus Christ...guys...

    Have you all missed the part where Ron basically said that no, a new album wasn't about to come out anytime soon ?

    Yet DJ insists that it IS, and even calls it NEWS.

    THAT'S why I reposted it.

    Jesus Christ ... guy ...

    Where does DJ "insist" on anything?!

    DJ said the thing on November 3rd.

    A few days later (November 11th?) Ron said that he sees the matter otherwise.

    That's all. Nothing happend since then. This Perez Hilton guy quotes DJs lines from November 3rd. But that is Hiltons doing, not DJs. DJ did NOT insist on anything, he didn't say anything on the matter since November 3rd.

  4. Why does he post youtube links to his solo stuff instead of let's say hist favorite moments of the tour? I'm all for the guy, but that seems a bit iffy imo.

    i have to agree , but obviously his solo stuff is number 1 to him gnr is just a paycheck , perhaps a lil more but not much i would guess .

    Negative nonsense. Like bacardimayne said, the song just fits perfectly.

  5. Since it fits nowhere else, a quote from Zakk Wylde:

    Do you have any goals?

    "I want to break Axl Rose's Chinese Democracy record. It took him what, 14 years? I plan on going away for 20 years. That's because I went away for four years and won a Golden God award. So I figure if I go away for 20 years, I'll win a Nobel Peace Prize. The sad part is, I spend the majority of my nights thinking about this stuff. That's pathetic."


  6. It's not their official Facebook that is saying that.

    Nothing is confirmed.

    Oh - I always thought, the "Chinese Democracy World Tour" site on Facebook was official also.

    If not so: My bad.

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