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Posts posted by gunsnaxls

  1. I think this whole situation is hilarious and is great for Axl and the boys. He hasn't done anything in the last decade (with the exception of the airport incident) that has labeled him as a "rock star." Now this....

    Look, I don't want him to jeopardize the tour or anything like that, but a little drunken brawl is the rock star way. Finally, with the great shows over the last two months and the rock-star publicity, he is showing us that the old Axl Rose is back, and I couldn't be happier. The Fox News segment is coming up any second...

  2. Yeah, I was just going to mention that Motley Crue released a self-titled album in 1994 with John Corabi on vocals, the only album they released w/o Vince Neil. It was a much different, more grungy/metal album than most of the prior stuff (with maybe the exception of Shout at the Devil, but that sounded very Crueish, unlike their album with Corabi). Point it, the Crue did it, and Gnr would be doing something similar; releasing an album with different band members and one that sounds different than the older material. I like "Chinese Democracy," but I wouldn't object to the self-titled idea either.

  3. The person who has played every single solo in any old Guns N' Roses song the best is Slash, end of discussion. He wrote a vast majority of them and only he can play them in the way they should be played. That being said, some of the new guitarists have done a nice job with them, but their job shouldn't be to outdo Slash on old songs; instead they should make the songs sound solid, but not necessarily mind-blowing like Slash did, but create outstanding guitar work on NEW songs. I really don't care much anymore about how these guys sound on the old songs anymore because I am getting tired of seeing the same old setlists every night. I want a new album with new songs, and only then will this new lineup be looked at as completely legitimate.

  4. I'll always say that Slash is the best, regardless of who comes into the band. Remember, the simple fact that he wrote most of his solos and many of his riffs puts him above everyone else, even those players who do a great job of covering his material. He was so vital to the signature Gnr sound in the heyday. On the new songs, the quality of the songs (many of which I like) is, in my opinion at least, not heavily influenced by great guitar work. That being said, Bumblefoot and Fortus were outstanding tonight, and Buckethead was a good shredder. I'm not going to sit here and be stubborn and say I wish Slash was back in the band; instead, even though I think Slash is the best, I'll support whomever plays guitar for this band. And tonight gave me more hope that there is little to worry about in terms of guitar playing.

  5. I agree with most of what was said in the beginning of this thread. Axl, like I said in another post, sounded better in this concert than in any show with the new band. That being said, there were times where his helium voice was present (not many times) and he sounded like he did in 2002. But the major difference was that he was definitely trying to sound like that (even though most of us, myself included, do not like that voice) because he switched to the rasp very easily in many parts of the songs. The best example of this was in KOHD on one of the last screams where he actually began the scream in helium mode and switched to one of the raspiest howls you'll ever hear. And even his high-pitched voice seemed to have something more to it during this show. He seemed in complete vocal control. Also, I thought he sounded EXACTLY like he used to during the first two verses of Brownstone, and his sleevless look in the early going was really cool and reminded me of the old Axl. Good to see him rocking with sunglasses, tattoos, and great vocals. I was very impressed with everyone in the band tonight with the exception of Finck.

  6. "Di you all see the all time classic fingering with the mic-muff while he asked the people how many though they wouldn´t be there tonight!!"

    Yup, that's classic Axl. For once with the new band, I feel like I'm watching the old Axl, as opposed to some imitation that only vaguely reminds me of the old him. Btw, not to get down on the band, but Finck is brutal on the guitar. Fortus and Thal have both impressed me a lot and blow him away.

  7. I live here in the States and sometimes it says that it is not available, while other times it works perfectly fine with a very good quality stream. I would suggest that anyone experiencing problems to continue reloading and trying over and over again, because this has worked for me without trying too many times. I can't wait to see them tonight!!

  8. I haven't really heard Bumblefoot play, but I like his stage presence and image much better than Buckethead. That being said, Buckethead was a great player (mostly as a soloist), but he did not fit the image of the band at all and was very boring on stage, imo. Neither guy compares to Slash in my opinion, but that's a whole other story. I just want a new album, regardless of whether Bumble or Bucket plays on it.

  9. "Shut the hell up, I'm a third year media studies student @ university...The word "Nazi" fits fox news perfectly"

    Hmmm...Last time I checked, I was also a third year student at an elite university in an honors program, so you can stop believing that you what you say is the absolute truth. Nazi is defined as "an adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist." Just because Fox is biased to the right does not mean they are fascist or Nazi; they do not go nearly as far to the right as many real Nazis do, and backing up an argument with evidence that they do would be nearly impossible. CNN and most of the other major news stations are just as left-wing biased as Fox is right-wing biased, so don't think that Fox News is somehow completely different than the other stations out there. I already admitted that it is in fact biased to the right, but since when does that make it a "Nazi" station? So big deal, they lean their broadcasts to the right, yet they still somehow remain the most watched station in the U.S. That does not make them Nazis and certainly does not force you to watch them. I'll say again, this story was poorly portrayed and they should revise it and apologize, but Nazi is going way too far. Tell that to someone who survived a Nazi concentration camp and see what he says to you.

  10. I'd like to hear what they said EXACTLY before I email those shower of Nazi fuckheads.


    I'd rather watch a news station in North Korea than watch Fox News.

    "Nazi???" That's just going too far. Instead of being objective, you guys go way off the deep end and make gross over-generalizations about stations. Look, I'll admit right now, Fox News is biased to the right without question, but to label them "Nazis" is absurd. It looks like they totally messed this story up and they should be held accountable, but Axl's past behavior doesn't help the situation of the media (all of the media) putting him in a negative light. They should definitely apologize and get the story right, but that label is ridiculous and downplays the real Nazi regime of the 30s and 40s.

  11. That is so cool. Since the old band broke up, he has now played with Dizzy (obviously), Gilby, and now Izzy. Also, he talked to Matt last month, so the only ones he hasn't interacted with (as far as we know) are Slash, Duff, and, cough cough, Steven. I personally don't think this means anything in regards to a reunion, but it's so cool to see two (not just one) original Guns members playing an AFD song together, a song that's underrated as well. Personally, though, 14 Years would have been better and almost perfect since it's been roughly 14 years since Izzy quit Guns.

  12. If these NYC shows are in fact going to happen, I expect to hear something official very soon about what the lineup will look like. That will hopefully end all of these rumors, because at this point it seems impossible to guess who exactly is in the band.

  13. When VR were on Headbanger's Ball in June 2004, Matt talked about how he did run into Axl one time a few years earlier in a hotel bathroom. He said something like "we had a little chat" and then like "it wasn't a big deal" or something and went on to the next thing. So it looks like he's pretty consistent in his stories anyway.

  14. I'm really happy that these two guys were able to bury their past differences and have a nice exchange. Because Matt said some bad things about the breakup and stuff like that...

    Anyway, I think the most important thing about this is the fact that Axl is still in NYC. Unless he has moved there, it shows that he is not spending much time on the album, unless it is being mastered. I believe this once again points to them being done with the musical portion of the album, again unless there is work being done in NYC, which seems unlikely other than mastering.

  15. AxlBooey, that was the most ridiculous post I've ever read. If you actually believe W. had this last election fixed, then you are way out of touch with reality. He won by 3 percentage points, which is a lot more than you think. He won fair and sqaure this second time. Maybe the reason you don't anyone who voted for him is because you live in New England, which is one of the most liberal regions in the U.S. As for the first election, that analysis by the University of Chicago showed that Bush did in fact win that one as well fair and square. Now many people had intended to vote for Gore and screwed up on their ballot and voted for Buchanan instead, but that's their own fault; I've seen the ballots, and if you can't figure that out or are too careless, then that's too bad. Also, there's no definitive proof to corroborate people being threatened or moved away from polling stations or that any of Bush's people fixed the election. He lost the popular vote in 2000, but won the electoral vote, and that's the law. If I were you, I would definitely be pissed after 2000 as well, but not because one side or the other cheated. He won fair and square both times, especially the last election, so don't make statements when you have no proof otherwise.

  16. This has been discussed so many times in the last few years. It's very hard to tell exactly what he is. There are so many things that he has done that would tend to show his support for one side or the other, but he has not been consistent in any of them. It seems like he's generally anti-political, and I believe he has said this in an interview. He seems like the type of guy that goes with the flow and doesn't have a specified political party that he favors.

  17. I won't believe anything until I actually see it or hear an official statement, and I'm very skeptical at this point, but the following could be possible...

    That rumor earlier today that Scott was drunk, and the rumors that Duff had a drug relapse could indicate even more friction in the VR camp, and it's possible the band is over. Then, Duff goes on tour with AIC (because Slash and Duff have issues, if you believe Axl's statement that Slash said Duff is "spineless"). Slash quits (because he didn't appreciate Scott's statement and Scott's lack of defense of Slash in that statement) and re-joins Gnr as the new lead guitarist (replacing Buckethead), and the rest of the lineup is virtually the same as it is now. Matt may just join Camp Freddy with Scott full-time (these two have been hanging out a lot recently together) or re-join the Cult for the opening act for Gn'r (would make for an interesting and cool situation). So, in the end, VR is history, Scott and Matt are in Camp Freddy, Slash is in Gn'r with the rest of the new band, and another phase of the Gnr legacy is opened. Of course, this is WILD speculation on my part and as I'm typing it, I'm almost laughing about how ridiculous it is, but if you believe everything, then this is at least possible.

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