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Posts posted by RockerRoller

  1. Simple. No melody.

    All the classic GNR songs would still sound good with just one guy singing with an acoustic guitar. Rhiad doesn't have a strrong melody - its all just clever production and noise to cover up the fact that there's nothing really going on.

    And those 'Ah-ah-ahhhhhhh' lyrics (if you can call it that) are cringeworthy.

    beyond cringeworthy, just awful, it embarrasses me to listen to in front of people, they're just like wtf thats gnr? ugh

  2. Hitman on MSL's forum says that Blood In The Water is NOT a song, but simply that vocal loop remixed into Prostitute. Personally, I don't understand that one bit. "Blood In The Water" could easily be a song in itself, we just haven't heard it. Any confirmation that BITW is indeed an existing song would be much appreciated.

    No disrespect to Hitman. He seems to have quite a bit of knowledge in GNR/Unreleased Material, but just because BITW isn't available to them from the 9-11 song set they've heard, well, thats not sayin much.

    Hitman was describing the remix that was leaked a few days ago (which he reviewed on M's podcast a few months ago). He was spot on.

    yeah i remember that

  3. It's evident to me now that a lot of the members on this forum were not around between the years 1999-2008.

    Anyone who lived through the era of no news, especially 2002-2007 (remember being excited cause Dizzy's fucking MOM said the album was "coming soon?") knows way better than to believe anything is happening now.

    It's actually kinda shocking that there are "new" fans that got into the band AFTER CD came out. Crazy.

    god i remember that, i had to leave chinesedemocracy.com because people were so crazy over there with no news, so i came here and it wasnt much better lol

  4. It used to bother me that Axl was soiling the GNR name like he has, but of late it has become apparent that the name was really his punishment for unparalleled hubris when he decided to keep it in the first place.

    His career is in the toilet, he is a joke to the general public and he now looks like a bizarre cross between Paul Teuttel from American Chopper and Vince Neil.

    Karma has kicked Axl's ass backwards and forwards, and he is one of the few people you can say generally deserves the mess that has become his career.

    For all his protestations to the contrary, Axl has been revealed as the biggest money lover of them all.

    The GNR name meant nothing more to him than a free meal ticket for life to tour around on Slash/Duff/Izzy/Adler's music because he deep down was too afraid and lazy to ever start a new chapter of his career.

    Had someone told me a decade ago Axl would surpass even Steven Adler as far as living in the past and just touring around anywhere he could book to churn out the hits I would have refused to believe it.

    Every setback and humiliation he has encountered this past decade has been nature's way of telling true GNR fans it has our backs, and that if he wants to continue perpetuating this sham he will continue to run into nothing but problems and roadblocks as he has.

    this is so sadly true, great post

  5. i swear if my friends and i didnt find any coke we would have left the show we went to last year pretty damn quick, i had to get messed up just to enjoy the music and ive been a fan since 89

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