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Posts posted by maynard

  1. 47 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    The guy does not have vocal issues. How he sang with ACDC last year proves it, what more evidence do people need? He even had the midrange rasp there on songs like Rock N Roll Thunder. He CHOOSES to sing how he does with Guns, why is up for debate. I just wish it would stop before they do a live release

    Yeah, the ACDC gig raises many theories. And the most likely one is that Axl chooses to sing clean with GNR :(

    It's sad that ACDC gets real Axl and GNR gets a bad parody of himself.

    • Like 1
  2. @xBrownstonex He sounds good in about 2 or 3 songs on the set, I can give you that. He sounds absolutely shit on the remaining songs.

    I don't bash for the sake of it. I give my honest opinion. Axl sounds like shit and even worse compared to AC/DC. Sorry if this opinion hurts you.

    Thank God I'm not taken seriously. Nobody here should be. Nothing here should be. If you take this place seriously, I'm afraid your real life may be a little sad.

    This is a place for fun, to discuss the same shit a hundred times. To share a laugh. To share cool vids and pics.

    "And never will be" :lol:


  3. 8 hours ago, Manfisman said:

    Is not 1992 anymore.

    Yeah but 2010 was not so long ago. And then there's Axl/DC.

    Bring on your best excuses. This 1992 one is a classic.

    Axl sounds like shit with GNR and great with ACDC.

    Axl, not many years ago (2010) was singing like a beast and since 2011 has sounded like shit.

    1 hour ago, God of Thunder said:

    Why would anyone say that his voice is bad? I attended 2 shows this year with people who are definetely no hardcore GnR fans who loved it and were genuinely impressed by Axl`s performance. If it is good enough for them, why should the real fans complain?? makes no sense

    Because it is bad, especially compared to his performance with ACDC.

    Being considered good by casual listeners means nothing.

    If I attended a Bon Jovi concert I'd probably go home satisfied but it doesn't erase the fact that Jon sounds like shit nowadays.

    • Like 1
  4. I've read some responses very similar to my thoughts. Trying to keep it short:

    Slash and Duff returning was the best thing to happen to GNR since 1993. No discussion. But things got boring really fast. Same set as NuGNR, Axl sounding like shit and songs played in an insanely tempo. Too many covers, too coreographed. No interviews, no press and of course, no new music.

    See? There are many flaws. Flaws that seem to happen only with this band.

    So it's a lil bitersweet. While it's good it's still far from what they could truly achieve if their heart was on it. Once you have a heart on, things get more interesting. The shows are a little lifeless, corporate, by the motions... They all look bored because it's really boring.

    • Like 1
  5. On 28/03/2017 at 11:44 AM, Lio said:

    I'm a translator. Judging from Google Translate, I'm not overly worried yet. It would be nice to hold it out until I can retire, but who knows? For now, computers/robots don't seem to be able to grasp some nuances that humans can (or should :P).

    I do wonder though, if all our jobs are taken by robots, will we all just get some kind of benefits? I mean, robots don't consume, so people will still be needed to do that. How can we if we don't have a job anymore?

    Recently, I read about a restaurant that only works with kitchen staff anymore, there are no waiters. You just enter your order in a computer and it will tell you when to pick up your meal from the kitchen. Maybe I'm just getting old, but that idea doesn't really appeal to me.

    Heeey, I'm a translator too! If you ever need Portuguese translations give me a heads up. :)

  6. 43 minutes ago, EvanG said:

    I really can't imagine Axl throwing away all the songs he has lying around just to start from scatch because Slash and Duff are back in the band for now. So even if we will get a new GnR album, it's most likely not going to be a 100% collaboration with Slash and Duff situation, even if they play on it. So a real new GnR album with a more or less equal songwriting collaboration , which is what most fans want, probably won't be until they are their 70s or something IF that will happen at all.

    All the songs? They might not even exist anymore at this point. Axl completely dumped his solo project in favor of reuniting with GNR. To do so he was probably very unhappy with the material he had. Like, complete lack of interest in that era, that sound, that style, etc. I doubt there are any songs left from the CD sessions. Axl is completely over it.

  7. Of course he's happy with GNR, he's made more money in the last year than probably all the past years he was out of the band.

    New GNR music is not what's going on right now. Let's be realistic here. Yes the reunion seemed impossible but to think Axl can make music again is just too unrealistic.

    The guy clearly gave up as an artist around 2010-2011, he only invited Slash back so he could go back to touring and making a profit. A NuNuNuNuGNR with Ashba, Stuson and Thal replacements wouldn't fill stadiums (except in Brazil).

    I ceratinly wish they would release something but let's try to be realistic here. Money is their motivation. As long as they can sell the tickets, they will keep touring. New music is not a priority and probably never will be. Slash and Duff probably want to do something but they won't risk their new partnership with Axl, who clearly is not interested in making music ever again.

    • Like 3
  8. 20 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

    Axl is a monster

    also loved this performance...sucks the mix is never good on TWAT but Axl uses 4 different voices here and so I imagine it's hard for the sound guys...whole song should be reworked into something simpler. IMO. But Axl does well here

    It's like two different singers. Amazing how shitty he sounds with GNR and his solo songs and yet brings it for ACDC. IMO, ACDC songs are easier for him and fit his current range better but still... He sounds almost amateurish in that video of GNR covering TWAT.

  9. Yep, it took me a good couple of years to finally watch some legendary concerts and we have to thank the amazing GNR ONLINE fanbase for all of this.

    A fanbase that promotes the band in a better way than the band itself.

    A fanbase that stayed loyal all these years.

    A fanbase that deserves more than half-assed eternal touring.

    A fanbase that will never listen to new music from the band again. :(

    • Like 1
  10. Robin Finck - texture, noise, chaos, beauty, my favorite ever.

    Claudio Sanchez and Travis Stever from Coheed and Cambria - proggy, pop, folk, best combo of the 2000s.

    Noel Gallagher - King of melody.

    The Edge - Effects, simplistic, 90s era was the best.

    Buckethead - Creativity, speed, underrated.

    Slash - Iconic, badass.

    Adrian Smith - My first contact with heavy music and what really keeps me interested in IM.

    John Petrucci - Incredible, even though not my style anymore.

    Mark Engles (dredg) - Also one of the best of the 2000s awesome era for rock music.



  11. It probably sold more in 2008 than CD itself :lol:

    I don't even know which songs are in it. Have zero interest in it. I'm just glad there weren't Axl overdubs done for this.

    The only likely new release from GNR is another GH type of album, maybe attached to a new blu-ray or something.

    There won't be new songs, there won't be b-sides, demos, any cool stuff that the fans would pay lots of money to have. There won't be nothing.

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