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Posts posted by maynard

  1. 6 hours ago, double talkin jive mfkr said:

    true that, should've stuck to rock and roll but without izzy impossible feat 

    Yeah, a back to basics album would do wonders after they whole UYI thing. Maybe even a southern rock album. Who could really say people would not pay attention to it? They had all the talent in the world to make southern rock mainstream again.

  2. Yeah, it's funny when you read an interview from Bruce, Adrian or Nicko about a Maiden record and they say... "Well, you'll have to ask Steve" or "Steve is still working on some songs". So similar to NuGNR, they are both real bands where the band members work together on the music, decide when to release it, what details they can tell us, etc.

    NuGNR was a real band, not only that, it was a legitimate GUNS N ROSES lineup. The same band that released AFD released CD 20 years later. Of course. It's not a solo project at all, even though Ron BF Thal, Richard Tobias and Robin Finch had no idea when the album was going to be released. Tommy Stuson was calling all the shots, just like Axl. Of course. A real band.

    • Like 1
  3. 49 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

    How did I avoid the question when I answered unequivocally? While also likening it to AC/DC and Angus Young (mistakenly said Johnson)?

    Right ... rock fans are "dumb" for wanting to go out and hear some of their favorite songs and see some of their favorite performers.

    You don't have to be familiar with any band to say yes or no if they singer decided to hire a bunch of musicians and still keep the band's name.

    So Mick Jagger + hired musicians. Is it a Rolling Stones record or not?

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

    I am not as familiar with the history of The Rolling Stones, so then forcing me to simply answer yes or no is unfair. Izzy left on his own accord. Axl shouldn't be punished by not being able to continue GNR. From what I know of the Stones, Jagger and Richards were akin to Axl and Izzy in they were the key songwriters, right? So then if you're asking me if Richards left the band and Mick wanted to continue, would it still be The Rolling Stones? Sure. 

    The two have been together much longer than Izzy and Axl or Axl and Slash. 50+ years. Brian Johnson is the last one standing in AC/DC and he's still calling it AC/DC. 

    What a way to avoid a simple question :lol:

    Mick Jagger was honest enough to use his own name when making a solo record. Same for Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Dickinson and many others...

    Angus milking the legacy with a completely different band and a new singer covering ACDC is just as pathetic as NuGNR. Rock fans are dumb so he knows he can exploit them. Just like Axl.


    • Like 3
  5. 24 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Nooooo Maynard. No more ChiDem arguments :facepalm:

    The poser thing is just as boring :lol:

    I mean, all rock musicians are posers. And everyone past the age of 15 should NOT really care about who is a poser and what rock musicians say about each other.

    This is not the case with Axl fans. They are at a 'Boyband fan girl' level of retardness.

    It's just... How can anyone who has watched any video from 2010 say Axl sounds good in the current tour?

    Or that an album recorded by Axl and a bunch of hired musicians is a Guns N' Roses album, like AFD and UYI were?

    A NIN album has NINE INCH NAILS written in its cover but I am aware it's just Trent Reznor and additional musicians he invited/paid to help him to create his album.

    CD has GUNS N ROSES written in its cover but I am aware it's just Axl Rose and additional musicians he paid to help him to create his album.

    Is Trent a band? No.

    Is Axl a band? Apparently it is.

    Weird isn't it?

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

    Wow. I can't believe some of you claim to be fans of the band. 

    There's objectivity and there's complete bullshit. 

    Axl has sounded good during this tour. Chinese Democracy is a Guns N' Roses record. And following your own vision rather than selling out or doing what's safe isn't being a poseur. Being a poseur is Metallica cutting their hair and wearing suits and making an alternative record. Being a poseur is a guy naming himself Marilyn Manson and using shock to sell his music. Being a poseur is talking shit about  the biggest band in the world, calling them corporate rock while you write pop songs and pose for corporate rock magazines, all while playing acoustic shows for MTV and granting interviews to any media personnel who will listen to you complain about how much you don't want to be a rock star.

    Someone here said Axl should have written a couple songs and let the rest of the band handle the rest. Duff and Axl were on the same side of the fence in that time period, both opposing the songs and sound Slash wrote with Clarke and Sorum. How the fuck do people consider Chinese a solo project but a record written by Slash, Sorum and Clarke would have been GNR?

    They all had a hand in the disintigation of the AfD lineup/Illusions lineup. Adler was/is a fuckup. Izzy was disinterested. Duff was getting sober and starting a family. Slash and Axl were stuck in a power play over the direction of the band.

    I am a fan.

    Axl sounds like shit currently and has been sounding like shit since 2011. Chinese Democracy is a record done by Axl Rose and hired musicians. He decided to name it Guns n' Rose because he owns the name. Just like Trent Reznor calls his solo project NIN, Axl called his solo project GNR. Axl didn't really follow a vision. He wanted GNR to sound like PJ, Nirvana, NIN, Moby, all at the same time because he wanted to sound cool to the 90s kids. Nobody wanted a GNR record with only Slash songs, people wanted collaboration from all of them, like a real band. Not a dictatorship which was Axl's wish.

    11 hours ago, GnR Chris said:


    No. Bullshit is saying Axl sounds bad during this tour. He doesn't. 


    Or that  he was chasing trends just because he wanted to incorporate certain styles into his music. 

    Or that Chinese Democraxy isn't Guns N' Roses.





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  7. 1 hour ago, Tom2112 said:

    I agree for the most part. He did sound consistent with AC/DC. Does he sound bad with GNR? no, but he doesn't sound great like he did in 2006 or even 2010... which I know everyone loves 2010, but it wasn't that exceptional, he was fairly out of shape and pitchy. I KNOW! he had loads of rasp on a consistent basis! but he was really out of breath. 

    Dude, it was exceptional. He sounds really bad nowadays, especially compared to that era. Do you know why everyone loves 2010? Because Axl sounded like.... Axl Rose!

    He wasn't out of breath at all compared to the current tour or post 2011 shows. I don't like that cicle because of DJ Ashba but Axl was great.

    He sounds like shit nowadays with that awful clean and weak voice. It's a shame.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Sunset Gardner said:

    i dig stinson and the replacements.  but i hate how he talks like he was an actual member of guns n' roses.  like he wasn't just hired as an employee by his boss axl rose to write and tour behind axl's solo record.  these guitarists he speaks of: bucketface, clownfoot - these guys were all employees, hired by their boss.  they will never be gnr.  ever.  now matter how hard axl tries to sell it and slash and duff go along and play it, CD will never be a gnr record.


    Best post I read here today. Amen, bro!

    • Like 2
  9. I don't think every performance should be good. But every performance shouldn't be bad either. And Axl's vocal performance has been bad since 2011 in 99% of the time.

    Compare to 2006-2010 and Axl/DC where he sounds good every night. It's like a completely different person. Feel free to disagree but you're an idiot for doing so.

    It's sad to see how bad Axl has been singing his own songs for the last 6 years.

    EDIT: Holy shit, 7,999 posts!

  10. 2 hours ago, vail2004 said:

    Love Axl or not there has never been a rock star or celebrity less contrived or more authentic.  he is who is and he doesnt give a shit.  part of who he is is being a bit crazy and having thin skin to any kind of criticism ...but he never hides and is as honest to himself and his core as you will find.  james hetfield and plenty of others were insanely jealous of Axl for his talent and success.

    He doesn't give a shit about who he is but has a thin skin? That doesn't make sense!

    He gives a lot of shit about what people are thinking IMO. He has a thin skin IMO.

    And that sucks because he's talented and should release more music but he's afraid of people's reaction. And his music shouldn't use layers and layers to hide his insecurity.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, EvanG said:

    Maybe CD was exactly what he wanted, I understand you not liking it, that's cool, you can't argue taste, but for him this album might not be a failure at all. Personally I only like half of it, but if this album represents what he wanted to make then I can only respect that.

    I really like Aerosmith, but they didn't really change a lot in the last 45 years. Yes, they went more pop and mainstream since the 70's, but compared to a lot of other bands they haven't changed much at all. I mean, when I think about artists or bands really evolving musically I think about David Bowie and Radiohead. Whether you like their transformation or not, at least they're keeping it interesting for themselves and aren't doing the same thing every time.

    Sure. But Aerosmith is more of a fair comparsion. Axl is many leagues below Bowie and Radiohead. Although his pretentiousness is much higher than theirs.

    I don't think CD is really what he wanted. He kept adding stuff as new musicians were hired. I think the closest we will hear from Axl's original vision (I hate this word, in this context) are the Rio 3 versions.

  12. It's funny how feminists don't really embrace this movie. It must be because it's a beautiful woman with a sexy outfit in the lead role.

    This movie looks good for a superhero flick. I hope more hot female superheroes movies get made. That Catwoman/Harley/Poison Ivy movie sounds promising. Lots of candy for the eyes and complaints from fat feminazis.

    • Like 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, EvanG said:

    I commend him for trying something new, at least he's not the Foo Fighters or Aerosmith, both great bands, but they've never changed their sound and keep making the same albums. But I agree that he shouldn't have used the GnR name, that was really his biggest mistake. Whether CD is any good or not is purely subjective.


    I'd commed him if it was a case of him truly getting to understand how noise, experimental, EDM, industrial, alternative rock or even nu metal work. CD is the sound of a fish out of water, IMO. It's too pretentious for me to respect it. Axl is a singer and piano player, not Trent Reznor.

    Aerosmith changed their sound in the 90s and became a good pop rock band IMO. They moved to a new direction as a band. (They sold out a bit but fuck, 'Pink' and 'Miss a Thing' are damn good songs). Axl wanted to force GNR to become something else by himself. I can't commend that either.

    Agreed on using the GNR name being a mistake.

    I'll always think about an angry Axl solo record with 12 Oh My Gods. Produced by Sean Beaven. Axl singing like a demon (and not assuming production duties). Guitars by Robin and BH.


    A man can dream.




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