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Posts posted by ronartest2004

  1. No.

    Neither left because a reunion was underway. Based on the little i know, I don't think formal talks between the various camps started in earnest until August of 2015.

    I believe both DJ and Ron left for similar reasons (relating to their involvement, or lack thereof, in the crafting of new music for the follow up to Chinese Democracy).

    In fact, I'd argue that Ron and DJ quitting helped to force the issue assuming Axl still wanted to keep going with Guns N' Roses. He was likely faced with the situation of having to find two new guitarists to tour behind music that had little to do with them. He did that already and doing it again likely wasn't wiling to try it again. The next option was to get back together with Slash with the help of Duff and make oodles of money. Not sure anyone in his position would choose the former.

    All I can say is that all communications between our staff and anyone connected with GNR effectively ended in August of 2015. Once the decision was made to see whether a reunion was possible, radio silence was essentially put into effect. That policy seemed to be in place until a week or two ago. I don't really blame them. Considering what was at stake and the amount of money involved, I wouldn't want anything getting out either. But hopefully now that plans for 2016 become a little more in focus the lines of communication will reemerge.

    Who approached who? Did axl approach duff about a reunion with slash or what it the other way around?, or no middle man (duff)?

  2. Before the allegations but not before having tons of kids up to his golf resort?

    He may innocent but it's not normal.

    Everything between mj and that kid happened in 1992, it didn't become public until 1993.

    And we have to remember back in the early 90s Axl was to interscope as what dr.dre is now, so I'm sure axl and gang had heard things about jackson before any of us.

    And who knows maybe slash said something about jackson being a weirdo after playing on "give in to me", so axl thought he was having slashs back, then slash turned around and played more songs with the guy.

    talk bad about someone, then turn around and work with them again. Sounds like what happened back in the mid 2000s with vr and scott.

    axl probably felt like "wtf"

  3. The thing that struck me was how axl looked at slash after he said what he did. Seemed like that thing we always heard about old gnr being a "gang".

    Also you can see how truly bloated the band was at that time...slash was loaded, axl was well...axl, and duff looked like he just walked off the set of interview with a vampire.

    • Like 1
  4. Why do I get a feeling that axl will soon release a statement like this-

    "Due to the unfortunate and untimely as some might call "news" I will not nor have I ever resumed any of my past business partnerships, n 4 any1 to comment or by there 4 assuming that they know the complexity of this or any situation involving past, present, or future gnr news is misinformed by the monotonous rumors bein' spread.

    N 4 any of the others that expect that I owe them anything FUCK YOU!!!!!!

    All others, big news comin' soon"

    • Like 4
  5. Axl was supposed to go on Howard according to fa-fa-flow-hi, it was supposed to be "1 magazine, 1 tv show, and 1 radio"...Axl did 2 of those...The radio interview was supposed to be howard. They talked about it on the show baba booey said he talked to a woman who was axls manager and she was very nice but told him she was trying to convince axl to agree to the interview.

    I truly believe Howard would be the only guy not star-struck by axl and would ask him the questions that we all want answers to. But axl also knows that which is why it will never happen.

  6. I have always thought that the Axl/Beta thing was a gift and a curse. I think Beta helped Axl through some extremely rough times in his life, but (and I hate to say this) I do think she had an financial interest in him keeping his sanity. Which I think over the years those closets to axl (not just beta) have done their best to shield him from outside interests (old friends, new friends ect...).

    I could very easily see axl having ideas such as meeting up with old friends or having plans for other things and the people who surround axl talking him out of it, for their own interests.

    But having said all of that I do not think we would've gotten Chinese democracy or the Blu Ray without Beta being involved. But I would be an idiot to think for a second that she helped move those releases along for us (the fans). I think she sees the finances and knows that the afd, uyi, ect... royalties aren't what they used to be and she knows what needs to be done to assure that she will have a job.

  7. Muddy is 100% correct, everyone involved with gnr since 1993 and on have said numerous times that they had heard 80+ songs, very few had lyrics and the ones that did weren't complete. But of course people take that and say "gnr has 80 songs that (insert name or record company here) won't release"

    And if you read further into it those that have pressed axl about finishing lyrics to songs were quickly removed from working with gnr.

    Even axl himself has said when speaking on baz talking about unreleased songs "I don't think he heard everything he thought he heard" I do think axl has had a big writers block for many years now, didn't zack even say something about talking with axl back in the mid to late 90s that axl said he couldn't think of anything to write and if he did it would be about lawyers and lawsuits..

  8. The more the Lebeis family is exposed for being the frauds they truly are the better as far as I'm concerned.

    Maybe you could explain how Beta engaged in fraudery in this instance. Did she threaten a fan? Did she diminish all hopes of a GNR record? Was she given a genuine question to begin with? All in all was her fairly simple reply characteristic of some Brazilian sorcery?

    Anybody without an inherent prejudice against current management could recognize that Beta didn't behave in any way inappropriately. A stupid rhetorical question was put to her which she clearly felt detracted from the real point of the picture, touring success.

    In this instance it seems like she did nothing wrong. But I will bring up a story that MSL told years back (before CD came out) when he was on the phone with Beta and she was telling him "you guys (fans) are going driving him (axl) crazy, wanting a new album, why can't you leave him alone?" (not an exact quote but pretty close)

    So it is pretty obvious that they (Management and/or Axl) dont want to be asked about it.

  9. Just downloaded Tom greens podcast episode with baz. If you download it the axl talk starts around the 39min mark.

    Has a story from 2006 involving bono and the edge from U2 giving axl a gift, and another story about talking with axl backstage before axl walked on stage.

    Worth a listen.

  10. Axl's problem is he doesn't talk about anything and lets people speculate. That is his 'sin' I would say. If he could just come out and let everyone knows what the heck is going on, we won't keep asking the same sets of questions pertaining to records being delayed.

    I see many threads of the same topic sprouting on this forum this year, some are just worded a bit differently but the gist is the same.

    You nailed it.

    They (meaning axl, the band, the management) allow the speculation to go on by not addressing common issues. Most people aren't asking in depth questions...most of the shit people want to know are things like "any new music?" or "any plans on a us tour?".

    But instead like everything else 94 and on we get cryptic responses and once speculation reaches an all time high and someone either in the band or the management comes on here and flips out on people, but then they act like we asked for it.

    I have said it before and I will say it again, I have never seen another band act this way towards fans with cryptic things, this band and the people around them say so much to not say anything at all.

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