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Posts posted by dobadog

  1. Maybe Gn'R/Merck should look beyond the Gn'R fan base and promote Gn'R as if they were something new. They have after all been out of the lime light for years and years and years. To all intense and purpose (bar Axl and the name Gn'R) Gn'R are a new band that could use some promotion :)

    There should be posters, bill boards, television adverts and radio adverts etc. Gn'R should be appearing on television shows/radio programs *as a band* talking about *the music* to generate a buzz. Inteviews *as a band* with magazines would be cool too.

    I kinda get the impression that Axl thinks Gn'R are big enough and well known enough to not need promotion. When Axl was at the UK Grand Prix this year and was approached by Martin Brundel, Axl just stood there and said as little as possible. Not that i suppose Martin Brundel (ex F1 driver) could care either way ;)

  2. The video looked real enough. Looked like it had been shot using a mobile phone video camera. If you didn't see it, you didn't miss much. The video simply showed what appeared to be an empty dance floor, with Axl and some snatch fooling around, possibly drunk, obviously happy.

  3. Thanks for posting that up on YouTube. Megadownload is bollox, as it nearly never works for me and YouSendIt has a habit of being over used, thus resulting in me not being able to download anything.

    The Axl rant was funny.

    ..and time for its time for a little bitch from me :D"as a bench mark i tend to listen to Nightrain and the last part of November Rain. Just checked out November Rain (the last part) and its ok, and both are in need of either Slash or Buckethead"

    /runs for cover, prepares to be flamed :D

  4. Not only has the video been removed, i looks like the whole MySpace site has been deleted. Such is the power of Merck :D

    They should make a new Superman movie: "Superman meets Merck!"

  5. Some of the tracks have red stars * next to them. What are these for?

    "straight away i went into overanalyze mode and read into the list too much. I went though some dark sh*t. What could the red stars stand for? were they a sign? was there a hidden message in there for the fans? first thoughts were: All the tracks with red stars next to them were tracks from Chinese Democracy. Those thoughts were quickly quashed as my eager overanalyzing eyes spotted that Rocket Queen did in fact have a red star by the side of it." :D

    I did my best with my analytical thinking cap, and I came up with nothing. I can tell you what it's NOT...

    It's not; a guest singer, pyro, song that the band is good at playing, song with backing vocals or a song that is vocally difficult for Axl.

    My only guess is that those songs are before or after a guitarist solo.

    There are 4 red stars in total. Maybe if any one of the 4 red star songs are played, the other 3 cannot be played.

  6. Some of the tracks have red stars * next to them. What are these for?

    "straight away i went into overanalyze mode and read into the list too much. I went though some dark sh*t. What could the red stars stand for? were they a sign? was there a hidden message in there for the fans? first thoughts were: All the tracks with red stars next to them were tracks from Chinese Democracy. Those thoughts were quickly quashed as my eager overanalyzing eyes spotted that Rocket Queen did in fact have a red star by the side of it." :D

  7. Fucking awesome picture!! But:

    I know its been removed, but the column is still here:


    But i still dont see the picture of the setlist? Some1 said it had been replaced by a hellofa cool picture of Axl, but there isnt any picture of axl? Wtf is going on? :P


    Edited image version.

    (the original version of the image showed the paper in perspective on the desk)

    thanks, but where is the picture of axl that some1 said were replacing the picture of the desk? :) do you know? :)

    I donot recall any photo's of Axl being on there.

  8. The Del James press release said nothing to me. They should have either posted some new live footage of the band onto the GnR site or a released a release date :)

    I really have no interest in how the band warms up before a show. I would imagine that all bands in the same position as GnR warm up before hitting the stage.

  9. I wanna hear Prostitute. I'm very curious to hear if this will be a serious song or comical song (Pretty Tied Up). Rocket Queen could have been called Prostitue. Where as Rocket Queen was about a particular girl, i would guess that Prostitute will be more about the overal picture (opposed to being about just one person).

  10. Once the album drops, will that change the situation. Will the band play more material from the new album. Once the album does drop it might not change a thing, the band could continue to play the new tracks they've been playing since 2001, as they (the new tracks) could be the best the new album has to offer.

  11. Fucking awesome picture!! But:

    I know its been removed, but the column is still here:


    But i still dont see the picture of the setlist? Some1 said it had been replaced by a hellofa cool picture of Axl, but there isnt any picture of axl? Wtf is going on? :P


    Edited image version.

    (the original version of the image showed the paper in perspective on the desk)

  12. It's year of the Dog at the moment over in China. Next year it'll be year of the Boar. If the album don't drop this year i will be boar'ed with Guns n'Roses come 2007 :laugh:

    Year of the Dog

    Dogs are honest and faithful to those they love but they tend to worry too much and find fault with others.

    They make ideal secret agents or business people.

    Guess Merck wasn't born during year of the dog :laugh:

  13. why not have a calender which features the new line up of the band

    Once they've completed 12 shows, they'll have the 12 different group photo's required to fill a calendar.

    Word on the street is, they've yet to appear together in an official studio shoot.

  14. "8. What exactly happened between 2002-2004?"

    That's an easy one, even i can anwser that question:

    Between 2002-2004 Axl was mostly getting his hair fixed.

    He probably tried i few unsuccessful ideas before settling with the braids.

    Robin probably had it written into his (new) contract "Fix your hair/Grow some more".

    Robin obviously took this literally and developed a beard as well as growing a full head of hair.

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