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Posts posted by Destiny

  1. Well, I ain't exactly Indy at making sigs, but I did what I could with what I had....

    I think Jim Morrison hates me... :( every time I tried to do his picture my computer either froze or shutdown... <_<



    If you want me to change anything, just ask...that's what I'm here for.. ;)

  2. Here is an idea I've got for a sig. Something like RnRc's sig, I'm thinking 2 black roses, Jim Morrison, Axl, and my username.


    I'll try and make one for ya Alex...

    Just give me a day, and I'll see what I can do... ;)


    Instead of my username, could you use 'Almost Famous'? And like, with the roses, have one at each end, I mean like the stems crossed in the middle of the picture, with dead black roses drooping at the ends of it. If I'm confuseing you Destiny, let me know and I'll draw what I mean in paint. :P


    Got 'cha....

    I'll have it ready by tomarrow.. :)

  3. Here is an idea I've got for a sig. Something like RnRc's sig, I'm thinking 2 black roses, Jim Morrison, Axl, and my username.


    I'll try and make one for ya Alex...

    Just give me a day, and I'll see what I can do... ;)

  4. i just made my new sig in about 5 minutes, im kinda happy with it for a quick job. its nothing special or funky but it does the job.



    That looks nifty :o

    Apparently the Axl pic is copyrighted. Nut tried to use it in her sig but got bitched about the pic, so she says its unfair that GNR Estranged can use it.  ;)


    Well if someone says I should take it down and have a new sig that is OK. I can do that. But then Again. Isn't the GNR logo copyrighted. And most of the pic that are used here :blink:


    Yeah, but the dude who took that picture didn't want anyone to use it. So.

    ...and I liked my Axl sig, too :(

    I'd be surprised if anyone of this forum understands my current signature :book:


    No not really Nut....

    Is it a powerpuff girl??? :huh:

  5. I don't remember Axl wearing an ear piece bak in the nineties.

    Has he only recently gotten into it? Or was that happening all along?


    Nah, he recently started doing it..... :)

  6. HECK YES,lol


    Figured -_-

    I went through an animé/manga phase myself, but it didn't last long. And I never really got into it, because I'm too lazy to buy entire series without seeing one episode of them, like otakus do... I still buy manga, haven't finished X and Ceres...

    I never checked out J-Rock, 'cuz I like understanding the lyrics. But that Gackt dude is crazy talented, he can play so many instruments, yet he's so young. o.o;;


    Ever heard of J-Pop??

    I went through a big phase back in Junior High, Megumi Hayashibara was my favorite...

    I was looking through a lot of old things the other day, and I came across these songs that I still have from back then and I listened to them and was surprised that I still remember the words to all of them!!Yes, I can sing in Japenese.... :blink:

  7. the colors are different. it looks like the board has been updated since the last time i was here.


    It has been updated


    you should have seen it when it was white, people were going crazy... :laugh:

  8. Here's something you might not know.....I like Mariah Carey..... :ph34r:

    Also Selena, she was my first major musical influence, I wonder where she would be if she was still alive today....RIP :heart:

  9. Oh please, people. Stop signing your posts, it's getting old :rolleyes:



    Hey you should put *NuT* as your initials, that'd be cool....

    Des ;)

    (Ha, but no one else uses a smily in there initial xept me!) :kiss:

  10. This might be kinda wierd, but does any one here remember an old video game called "Off Road"? It was for Nintendo console...

    Anyway, some part of "Spirit of Radio" sounds like the theme song to that game, don't you think?? :huh:

  11. I do it on every email, letter, sms, pm and post i make. It's just one of those things i do. If you're lucky you might get my full name :P



    You mean Rick right?? ^_^

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