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UPDATE: Bobby Brown Denies Having Heart Attack


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LOS ANGELES (AP) - Bobby Brown spent a night in the hospital after suffering a mild heart attack, his attorney said Wednesday.

Brown had severe chest pains Tuesday night and was taken to two hospitals. He was admitted to Tarzana Regional Medical Center in the San Fernando Valley.

"This morning they did diagnose him as suffering from a mild heart attack ... they attributed (it) to stress and diet," said his attorney, Phaedra Parks, in Atlanta.

His father and brother stayed with Brown and he was released Wednesday morning in good condition, Parks said.

"He is in great spirits, he's doing very well," she said. "He's speaking with family members."

Brown thanked fans for their good wishes and hoped to make a scheduled performance Saturday in Los Angeles, his attorney said.

"He just wants the fans to know that he is definitely going to come back full speed ahead," Parks said.

Brown, 38, lives in Southern California. He is the former husband of Whitney Houston and is seeking custody of their teenage daughter



LOS ANGELES (AP) - Bobby Brown denied Wednesday that he had a mild heart attack, something his attorney said earlier he had suffered this week in Los Angeles. The 38-year-old singer told Associated Press Radio that he is feeling fine and went to the hospital just for a checkup.

"None of it's true," Brown said. "I went in for a checkup. The doc gave me a clean bill of health."

His account differed from that of his Atlanta attorney, Phaedra Parks, who earlier in the day told The Associated Press that Brown had severe chest pains Tuesday night and was taken to two hospitals.

"This morning they did diagnose him as suffering from a mild heart attack ... they attributed to stress and diet," Parks said, noting that she had spoken with him.

She said Brown was released Wednesday morning from a hospital in good condition.

Parks could not be reached for comment after Brown made his statements. She did not immediately respond to a telephone and an e-mail message.

Brown, who has a performance scheduled Saturday in Los Angeles, said that the reports about him having a heart attack gave him a "jolt" and that he felt he had to speak out.

"I did go to the hospital ... to just get a checkup, get everything tested out so that I could go on this tour, and everything is fine," Brown said.

"I don't know where the heart attack thing came from," Brown said. "I got my heart and everything checked out earlier this morning, and I'm just fine."

Brown lives in Southern California. He is the former husband of singer Whitney Houston and is seeking custody of their teenage daughter.


Edited by Budweiser
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