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Does this song sound to dated? (youtube)

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The Occupant

This song means much to me because it was one of the first songs I wrote.. But does ot sound dated?

Please, leave some comment on youtube;) Critics is welcome but if u´re going to be harsh, be that to our other songs as well(same U-tube user)! And yes, I wrote some of them too so this isn´t my ego speaking:P

Edited by shootingstar
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It reminded me of the Crue, but with better lyrics and a better voice.

But after listening to the whole song I disagree with myself, pretty good song I think, I reckon it'd do better than your "hit" honestly.

Edited by FunkyMonk
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It reminded me of the Crue, but with better lyrics and a better voice.

But after listening to the whole song I disagree with myself, pretty good song I think, I reckon it'd do better than your "hit" honestly.

Thanks:) If u think it´s better than our "hit", write it on youtube so that my bandmembers can see that. lol. I like that song, but some in my band don´t. They say they don´t "beleve" in that cind of music. And thats a big problem we have right now.. We can´t really agree what songs we should play. And beleve me, we have plenty of them and I want to play them all but.. We have not even recorded what I think could be our HIT;)

Edited by shootingstar
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The intro , the distortion on the intro is just wrong , have it be clean or slightly distroted , and yes it does sound quite dated , but with the right producer , mixer and distortion , u can achieve a modern sound .

Whats your band's situation? have you gone to labels? , have you hired a manager to pen a contract with a label? an agent?

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The intro , the distortion on the intro is just wrong , have it be clean or slightly distroted , and yes it does sound quite dated , but with the right producer , mixer and distortion , u can achieve a modern sound .

Whats your band's situation? have you gone to labels? , have you hired a manager to pen a contract with a label? an agent?

Thanks for the comments everyone! :) No, nothing of that. I have the feeling that swedish labels are extremly mainstream. They want a good looking vocalist, nothing more. Not the whole package as we offer.. But we are open for suggestions. Want some gigs, and that could be all over the world. If someone would offer us a gig in australia(the other side of earth from here), we would go there just as long as we would afford the trip:)

I think we should try to go to other labels outside our country.. Want to be our manager btw?? ;)

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Lol , thx , but no , im 17 , and im still holed in my room working on my Demo cd , gona be working on as many songa as possible for the ext 4-5 years.

do what i do , listen to mainstream radio , identify poeple's like's etc and then find a way to merge it to your style.

and if you guys are serious and really want to see your dream come to reality , pack your shit and go tour U.S / canada/U.k bars /clubs and try finding an agent. no other way .

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Lol , thx , but no , im 17 , and im still holed in my room working on my Demo cd , gona be working on as many songa as possible for the ext 4-5 years.

do what i do , listen to mainstream radio , identify poeple's like's etc and then find a way to merge it to your style.

and if you guys are serious and really want to see your dream come to reality , pack your shit and go tour U.S / canada/U.k bars /clubs and try finding an agent. no other way .

Thanks for your advise young man;) Oh, let me know when your songs are ready. Cheers

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It's a great song, Shootingstar. The guitar work is great and I love the main riff. The singer does a good job, even though his voice is a bit uncharacteristic, if you get my point.

I'm gonna have a listen to your other songs.

I´m the singer but it´s ok if you think that. There is another version where the song/voice sound better. I´m not really pleased with how my voice sound on that one either. The depth is gone and it sound flat sort of.. On that version the vocals isn´t mixed. No EQ, nothing. Just some reverb..

when u listen to our other songs u´ll see that the character is maby better, but at least different;)

glad you liked the main riff!:)

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It's a great song, Shootingstar. The guitar work is great and I love the main riff. The singer does a good job, even though his voice is a bit uncharacteristic, if you get my point.

I'm gonna have a listen to your other songs.

I´m the singer but it´s ok if you think that. There is another version where the song/voice sound better. I´m not really pleased with how my voice sound on that one either. The depth is gone and it sound flat sort of.. On that version the vocals isn´t mixed. No EQ, nothing. Just some reverb..

when u listen to our other songs u´ll see that the character is maby better, but at least different;)

glad you liked the main riff!:)

Yeah man, I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, you have a good voice but nothing about it stands out and makes it completely unique. At least in that song, I'll hold my judgement til I've heard the other songs.

But hey, you're from Sweden? Fint land.

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It's a great song, Shootingstar. The guitar work is great and I love the main riff. The singer does a good job, even though his voice is a bit uncharacteristic, if you get my point.

I'm gonna have a listen to your other songs.

I´m the singer but it´s ok if you think that. There is another version where the song/voice sound better. I´m not really pleased with how my voice sound on that one either. The depth is gone and it sound flat sort of.. On that version the vocals isn´t mixed. No EQ, nothing. Just some reverb..

when u listen to our other songs u´ll see that the character is maby better, but at least different;)

glad you liked the main riff!:)

Yeah man, I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, you have a good voice but nothing about it stands out and makes it completely unique. At least in that song, I'll hold my judgement til I've heard the other songs.

But hey, you're from Sweden? Fint land.

No, I totally agree with you! There´s a ballad that is called False Things which Im very pleased with and fits my voice well.. We considered to upload it on youtube but some words were fucked up so.. For example I sing "they" insted of "them" and so on.. So if you have english as mother tounge it must sound terrible :P We will re-record it

Sverige kan vara nice ibland(för de mesta!)

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