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Nine Inch Nails: The Slip

Rebel Yell

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I could just never, ever, get into NIN. The only songs I enjoy are "Hurt", "Hand That Feeds", and the Joy Division cover for The Crow.

I don't know what all that you've heard, but the first time I heard The Downward Spiral, I hated it. Later on, thanks to Madison and others on here who were big fans, I caved in and bought Broken. Broken sold me on the band immediately. "Wish", "Last", and "Physical" are still some of my favorite NIN songs.

Now I'm a rabid fan and absolutely love The Downward Spiral and the rest of the main releases (favorite being The Fragile, of course.)

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I'm kind of disappointed that Robin hasn't updated his website by now. I figured that after his contributions to the album were complete he would at least try to promote it on his website.

EDIT: Haha, Trent Reznor just got pissed at all the people on Echoing The Sound for criticizing his free album in get this, the official The Slip complaint/criticism thread. I didn't think it was really him but everyone on the board just accepted it as fact so I assume it's known over there what his Username is.

I checked the last couple of pages of this drivel, and for what it's worth... FUCK YOU! The Slip is what it is - it's not The Fragile or YZ or anything else. The songs are in the order they are because that's the way I wanted it to be. It was done the way it was done because that's the way I wanted it to be. When every record I've done comes out, a chorus of naysayers appear bitching about it not sounding like what they expect it to. The record has been out for what, four days now? If you don't like it, don't listen to the fucker.

I love the guys work and he has truly enriched my life with his awesome music, but I'm sorry, that's fucked up. I LIKE this album, but telling fans who were mainly offering constructive criticism or who just weren't feeling the album "fuck you" is inappropriate and highly immature. I understand if it was directed at mindless flamers or something, but most of the responses in the thread were honest and well thought out, all the while thanking Trent for the free album and appreciating what he was doing for the fans.

Edited by UltraMav
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Reznor is definitely a douche, always has been. The dude bashed Johnny Cash when he covered "Hurt", then when Reznor heard the song, suddenly he was all like it surpassed his version and all that stuff.

Cash > than you

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Reznor is definitely a douche, always has been. The dude bashed Johnny Cash when he covered "Hurt", then when Reznor heard the song, suddenly he was all like it surpassed his version and all that stuff.

Cash > than you

I'm pretty sure he didn't bash him, he said something about how he thought it was an odd choice for someone to cover, since it was a personal song and Johnny Cash covering NIN would normally sound weird, but it worked out great.
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