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Why is Coldplay huge in the US compared to Oasis?

Randy Lahey

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Coldplay songs have "hooks".........After their third album, Oasis songs did not.

By the way, Coldplay fans........Coldplay totally ripped The Doves off with Viva La Vida.

Viva La Vida sounds excatly like The Dove's 2002 album, The Last Broadcast.

So much so.....I think the Doves seriously should consider sueing.

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Coldplay songs have "hooks".........After their third album, Oasis songs did not.

By the way, Coldplay fans........Coldplay totally ripped The Doves off with Viva La Vida.

Viva La Vida sounds excatly like The Dove's 2002 album, The Last Broadcast.

So much so.....I think the Doves seriously should consider sueing.

maybe The Doves are going to try and keep a low profile and forget they recorded that album?

I really just don't get the popularity of Viva La Vida....I tried listening to that song a few times

and I just don't get it, I really think that song sucks, maybe it's a girl song, I don't know......

Edited by Getizzyback
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I've enjoyed singles by both bands. I recently bought but haven't yet listened to "What's the Story Morning Glory" and "Definitely Maybe". I've been contemplating buying "Parachutes" and "A Rush of Blood to the Head". I really only know maybe 6 Oasis songs. I'm really looking forward to sitting down and listening to those two albums.

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Noel is always good for a quote, "I'm just warning you, I'm getting completely plastered tonight."

That was probably a misquote.

"I do miss the attention. That's why I'm going to leave this interview and knee the first person I see in the balls." - Liam, also a misquote.

I can't see the difference in their albums really, they are still the same it's just Coldplay's turn in the sun, in 10 years Coldplay won't be selling so great.

What kind of wine do you want?

"Anything French." - Noel.

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You are right and it really is absurd

The average person/female will tell you Coldplay is better because the radios pump their songs continuously -

Oasis is a much better band, imo -

Just think, there are people who actually would prefer the movie "Twighlight" over "Bram Stoker's Dracula" as well

Go figure

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Because Coldplay fit Americas idea of what the english are like...kinda quaint nice polite young men that are very bland and impotent and kinda charming in being so and anybody that deviates from that can be a bit disconcerting. Shame cuz england had the better bands, always has done.

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