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New Pearl Jam Song and Album Announced on Conan's First Episode


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Song kicks fuckin ass, can't wait for the album and for August 15th, when I'm seeing them live in Berlin!

Song's called "Got some" according to PearlJam.com

Agree- not even a big PJ fan but that tune rocks- kinda different sound; major props to them for getting probably the most high-profile slot of the year (TV-wise) to kick off their promo (guess who could take a HUGE lesson from them- but I s'pose that's for another thread, isn't it?)

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Meh. All their fast paced songs since 1996 have sounded exactly the same, and none are anything worth listening to. (Except Life Wasted, that one's ok) It's the ballads that make their discography since No Code. This pseudo-punk shit ihas been really boring for too long now. It annoys the hell out of me that half of their albums and shows consist of it. I'm not one to ususally demand something form a band, or to act like I know exactly what they SHOULD do, but their constant need to 'rock' could be more wisely directed into making fewer but better and more imaginative rockers. I get it - you like Rockin' In A Free World, ok, now stop copying it!

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Much as I love the band I hated the Riot Act album. The last album was great though and this single isn't too bad. Their best albums are everything from Ten up to Binaural really, with the exception of avocado.

However, I think since Riot Act the band have just come across a bit tired and uninspired to me. Eddie comes across a bit workmanlike, like he's going through the ropes. They are one of the most hard-working and prolific bands around with a new album once every two or three years and pretty much constant touring, but maybe they need to take a longer break. I'm not really a fan of their "punk" stuff either.

Having said that, I can't wait for their new album and shows. I'll be seeing them in London in August!

Edited by myguiltysecret
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