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Will Axl have the balls..


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If you call what GNR did last year at the 02 Arena, Copps, and Reading butchering songs, then I really want them to continue to butchering the songs in 2011.

But in all honesty, you have no clue what butchering a song means.

Example of butchering a song

Example of owning a song

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axl said he wanted to bury appetite' but still they butcher these songs at every show

'butcher' - I couldn't have put it better myself.

If 'butcher' means 'own' in this instance, then I understand.

So the new band is so good that the old band looks completely beaten down, dead, and butchered in comparison. I agree with that.

butcher [ˈbʊtʃə]


1. (Business / Professions) a retailer of meat

2. (Business / Professions) a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market

3. an indiscriminate or brutal murderer

4. a person who destroys, ruins, or bungles something

vb (tr)

1. to slaughter or dress (animals) for meat

2. to kill indiscriminately or brutally

3. to make a mess of; botch; ruin

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At the end of the day if you go and see a band or an artist who's been around for a long time you expect to hear the hits. Its what the vast majority at the concert want.

Plant still plays Zeppelin songs, Waters and Gilmour still play Floyd songs (hell Waters' past two tours have had little or no solo songs), Deep Purple still play mainly the old stuff and Peter Hook is now only playing Joy Division songs. And also lets not forget Slash also plays GN'R songs.

In fact the only band I've seen play the whole of a new album was Iron Maiden in 2006.

Naturally with the bands I'm really into I would rather hear the new songs because I've usually seen them a few times before. I remember being slightly disappointed when I saw Alice Cooper in 2005 and he only played one or two songs off Dirty Diamonds as I loved that album. Same goes with GN'R, I'd rather they play all of CD but hey I'm hardly complaining when they play all the hits.

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I remember the heckling U2 got when they declared they would no longer do the old songs. They only wanted to focus on the new stuff. Fans were not happy. I think that did change. Just goes to show you can never please all the fans all the time.

I would be happy just to see any incarnation of the band live. Somehow, I keep missing it.

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I remember the heckling U2 got when they declared they would no longer do the old songs. They only wanted to focus on the new stuff. Fans were not happy. I think that did change. Just goes to show you can never please all the fans all the time.

I would be happy just to see any incarnation of the band live. Somehow, I keep missing it.

Apples, and kiwis.

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Guest siliconmessiah

I remember the heckling U2 got when they declared they would no longer do the old songs. They only wanted to focus on the new stuff. Fans were not happy. I think that did change. Just goes to show you can never please all the fans all the time.

I would be happy just to see any incarnation of the band live. Somehow, I keep missing it.

At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

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At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

You're just butthurt because Axl doesn't care about you and your little computer. Grow up and get over yourself. Your delusional if you think you deserve anything more than a cd. This is exactly why Madison got banned because he started having delusions of grandeur and thought he was better than everyone else.

Edited by iftheworld
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Guest siliconmessiah
At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

You're just butthurt because Axl doesn't care about you and your little computer. Grow up and get over yourself. Your delusional if you think you deserve anything more than a cd. This is exactly why Madison got banned because he started having delusions of grandeur and thought he was better than everyone else.

I won´t even go in a fight with you over this. You having a username that resembles the worst song on Chinese Democracy says a lot about you.

I am glad that this is a free forum and that I as a fan can express my wiews on how Guns N´ Roses is being run, and how this silent flying circus becomes more of a joke in the music business each day that goes, is just sad to see as a fan.

I am glad that I freely can talk about how sad I think it is, that Axl Rose took hold of the name & legacy "Guns N´ Roses", just to tour AFD and do a minimal effort when it comes to releasing music.

Axl promised the fans to keep on doing music, and that was why he took hold of the name. It sounded like an ok deal for most fans!

But now we all finally got to that point when a Slash-lookalike was employed, and I guess the rest´ll be...history or something.

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I won´t even go in a fight with you over this. You having a username that resembles the worst song on Chinese Democracy says a lot about you.

I am glad that this is a free forum and that I as a fan can express my wiews on how Guns N´ Roses is being run, and how this silent flying circus becomes more of a joke in the music business each day that goes, is just sad to see as a fan.

I am glad that I freely can talk about how sad I think it is, that Axl Rose took hold of the name & legacy "Guns N´ Roses", just to tour AFD and do a minimal effort when it comes to releasing music.

Axl promised the fans to keep on doing music, and that was why he took hold of the name. It sounded like an ok deal for most fans!

But now we all finally got to that point when a Slash-lookalike was employed, and I guess the rest´ll be...history or something.

You've done nothing but bash the new GNR. There's a difference in talking freely and talking the same shit about the band over and over, week after week. You're not even relevant. Go away cupcake.

Edited by iftheworld
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Guest siliconmessiah
I won´t even go in a fight with you over this. You having a username that resembles the worst song on Chinese Democracy says a lot about you.

I am glad that this is a free forum and that I as a fan can express my wiews on how Guns N´ Roses is being run, and how this silent flying circus becomes more of a joke in the music business each day that goes, is just sad to see as a fan.

I am glad that I freely can talk about how sad I think it is, that Axl Rose took hold of the name & legacy "Guns N´ Roses", just to tour AFD and do a minimal effort when it comes to releasing music.

Axl promised the fans to keep on doing music, and that was why he took hold of the name. It sounded like an ok deal for most fans!

But now we all finally got to that point when a Slash-lookalike was employed, and I guess the rest´ll be...history or something.

You've done nothing but bash the new GNR. There's a difference in talking freely and talking the same shit about the band over and over, week after week. You're not even relevant. Go away cupcake.

If you don´t find me to be relevant, don´t go quote me or discuss with me.

I have my opinions about this band after being a fan for many years, and I am freely entitled to have one.

And I can stay here for all I want, there are actually a lot of nice people here that is cool to discuss things with.

Now. Get out and play.

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At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

You're just butthurt because Axl doesn't care about you and your little computer. Grow up and get over yourself. Your delusional if you think you deserve anything more than a cd. This is exactly why Madison got banned because he started having delusions of grandeur and thought he was better than everyone else.

Yeah! Axl doesn't give a fuck, and thats awesome. Thats true rock n roll man. Anybody who thinks he has poor leadership skills is clearly delusional.

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At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

You're just butthurt because Axl doesn't care about you and your little computer. Grow up and get over yourself. Your delusional if you think you deserve anything more than a cd. This is exactly why Madison got banned because he started having delusions of grandeur and thought he was better than everyone else.

Yeah! Axl doesn't give a fuck, and thats awesome. Thats true rock n roll man. Anybody who thinks he has poor leadership skills is clearly delusional.

That's not the problem here. The kid constantly bashes new GNR members simply to fulfill his GNR reunion hopes. As for poor leadership, that's your opinion. But you probably didn't catch the 70+ tour they just had last year that was amazing. That and the fact the DJ, Ron, Richard, & Dizzy have fun with the guy. I guess that's poor leadership. DELUSIONAL.

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I will never understand why people cannot just enjoy THE MUSIC.

+ 1,000,000,000

Because if it doesn't have the original members I guess it isn't good. It's complete and utter garbage. We got a 70+ tour last year, and a new album. Stop bitching.

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Guest siliconmessiah

+ 1,000,000,000

Because if it doesn't have the original members I guess it isn't good. It's complete and utter garbage. We got a 70+ tour last year, and a new album. Stop bitching.

Hey, fucker.

I think you need to look in the back-catalogue of my posts before you go on your imbecile-rampage on me mister.

Where the fuck do you see me endorse the garbage "this ain´t gnr, we need the original members" shit?

No. Never.

Because I have never endorsed or promoted that fucking shit around here. I support ALL LINE UPS of NEWGNR, of course even the original one as the soul of it, but not this new one that just shows how much of a clusterfuck this band is.

It´s just come and go you know. It´s fucked up and silence about what´s going on. And as a fan, I can freely express my feelings about that.

What I have supported though. Is a fucking band, with a legacy of epic proportions, that can get the fuck out there and make and albums, release some good shit and tell the fans what´s going on in the band, or if Guns N´ Roses of 2011 is a fucking lost cause.

Because that´s what you can understand from this dysfunctional acting joke of a band that it seems to be right now, when they employ a fucking caricature of their original guitarist!

And yeah, I didn´t mention the silence from Axl Rose. The sign that this band is being run and promoted as dysfunctional and weird as it has been for the last 5 or so years.

Axl said that he took hold of the name Guns N´ Roses to let it be alive, and to keep on releasing music. All well an good ya know, that´s totally alright with the fans. And we got promises, of videos, and music.

But take a look at things. We got a forced release of CD in 2008, that even was in the pipeline in 2004. A great album, but then? Nada. Nothing. Ah, yeah. We got 10:th year of the CD-tour and a website that was updated in 2008.

You...iftheworld. Just, get out of here.

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When is the new band gonna stop living off the creativity and image of the old band? You guys keep repeating crap like how nugnr plays the songs so much better, yet 99 percent of the GNR fans out there would much rather see the old lineup play the songs. Fact is, the current "band" has only released one very poor album. Actually, that was the last band. This band just covers that band in which covered the REAL guns n roses. Axl continues to play heavily AFD and UYI sets because he knows the audience doesn't give 2 shits about Chinese Democracy, they want to hear the old band's songs. Sure, they show up to hear the new band perform them. If Axl came to my town, I would go in a heartbeat to hear him perform. That doesn't mean for one second I accept this band as GNR or would prefer them over a full reunion. All i gotta do is search youtube for paris 92 and argentina 93 to see far superior performances. Seriously, how is it that you guys can sit here and say how much better the new lineup is, yet we all know they haven't created any timeless songs like the last band. If all they can do is release a half assed album after 14 years and do cash grab tours for 10 years living off the old band, how does that make them better?? What song on CD comes close to SCOM, Paradise City, Estranged, Coma, Breakdown, Rocketqueen, Nightrain, November Rain, YCBM???

Fact is, the current "band" has only released one very poor album. Actually, that was the last band. This band just covers that band in which covered the REAL guns n roses.

That's the whole point of my original point.

Atleast when cover band no.1 hit the road under the guise of Guns N'Roses, while they covered old songs, they played original material they had created. I have respect for that. Sure when they performed the original material it wasn't Guns N'Roses, it was atleast original. Cover band no.2 is total cover band. You've got Bumblefoot Butchering Buckethead's work, and DJ Ash Butchering Slash's and Robin's work. It really is the worst line up ever. They suck in so many ways.

Things can change. Maybe the new line up will make some music worth listening to, and stop being a cover band and pretending to be Guns N'Roses

- which they will never be :shrugs:

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At least the U2-fans got new music released, and news.

You're just butthurt because Axl doesn't care about you and your little computer. Grow up and get over yourself. Your delusional if you think you deserve anything more than a cd. This is exactly why Madison got banned because he started having delusions of grandeur and thought he was better than everyone else.

Yeah! Axl doesn't give a fuck, and thats awesome. Thats true rock n roll man. Anybody who thinks he has poor leadership skills is clearly delusional.

That's not the problem here. The kid constantly bashes new GNR members simply to fulfill his GNR reunion hopes. As for poor leadership, that's your opinion. But you probably didn't catch the 70+ tour they just had last year that was amazing. That and the fact the DJ, Ron, Richard, & Dizzy have fun with the guy. I guess that's poor leadership. DELUSIONAL.

No I actually missed the tour because Axl or whoever the fuck is responsible for this band doesn't have the stones to tour the states.

Axl can sing and write some badass lyrics, but he's no leader. If he was, he would be able to take responsibility for his mistakes, instead he points fingers like a child, not the staple of a good leader. Some fans can see past it and still adore him for his musical talent, but I think for the most part it's recognized for the shame it really is. It's not like people are joining the fan forums to insult somebody they don't like, the craziest most hardcore fans are the ones who aren't afraid to admit they're fed up with this shit. They want to see the band kick ass and take names, instead we get a pretty slow stream of news and not all of it is good. Remember the Del James interview? Its like he wants a divided fanbase

why the fuck am i even explaining this

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Let me get this straight......so Axl is a jerk because he caused the old band to break up, he kept the name of the old band, he isn't putting out music, he isn't keeping fans informed, most of you don't like Chinese Democracy, you hate his start times, you dislike most of the new band members.....but yet......you still come to a GnR forum and post messages on a daily basis. Wow.

And stop with the idiotic "legacy" thing. It is a band, who puts out music. Nothing Axl or Slash does today - good or bad - has any relevance on the old band's music. End of Story. Axl putting out an album every 14 years or Slash playing terrible songs with Fergie will EVER change the "legacy" of Appetite, Lies or Illusions. I don't remember who it was, maybe Brett Favre when people were saying he was tarnishing his legacy by playing one more year, commented "fans forget that it is MY legacy to do what I want with."

People get so wrapped up in the 'name' of a band and what happened 20 years ago and the legacy of the name of what GnR represents to THEM that they lose sight of reality.

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Let me get this straight......so Axl is a jerk because he caused the old band to break up, he kept the name of the old band, he isn't putting out music, he isn't keeping fans informed, most of you don't like Chinese Democracy, you hate his start times, you dislike most of the new band members.....but yet......you still come to a GnR forum and post messages on a daily basis. Wow.

And stop with the idiotic "legacy" thing. It is a band, who puts out music. Nothing Axl or Slash does today - good or bad - has any relevance on the old band's music. End of Story. Axl putting out an album every 14 years or Slash playing terrible songs with Fergie will EVER change the "legacy" of Appetite, Lies or Illusions. I don't remember who it was, maybe Brett Favre when people were saying he was tarnishing his legacy by playing one more year, commented "fans forget that it is MY legacy to do what I want with."

People get so wrapped up in the 'name' of a band and what happened 20 years ago and the legacy of the name of what GnR represents to THEM that they lose sight of reality.

You can't erase a legacy. Axl depends on it - which is the reason he will never ditch the name, as he needs it.

Without the name Guns N'Roses to cling onto, he would be nothing.

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Let me get this straight......so Axl is a jerk because he caused the old band to break up, he kept the name of the old band, he isn't putting out music, he isn't keeping fans informed, most of you don't like Chinese Democracy, you hate his start times, you dislike most of the new band members.....but yet......you still come to a GnR forum and post messages on a daily basis. Wow.

And stop with the idiotic "legacy" thing. It is a band, who puts out music. Nothing Axl or Slash does today - good or bad - has any relevance on the old band's music. End of Story. Axl putting out an album every 14 years or Slash playing terrible songs with Fergie will EVER change the "legacy" of Appetite, Lies or Illusions. I don't remember who it was, maybe Brett Favre when people were saying he was tarnishing his legacy by playing one more year, commented "fans forget that it is MY legacy to do what I want with."

People get so wrapped up in the 'name' of a band and what happened 20 years ago and the legacy of the name of what GnR represents to THEM that they lose sight of reality.

Were you planning on putting a response anywhere in there?

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Let me get this straight......so Axl is a jerk because he caused the old band to break up, he kept the name of the old band, he isn't putting out music, he isn't keeping fans informed, most of you don't like Chinese Democracy, you hate his start times, you dislike most of the new band members.....but yet......you still come to a GnR forum and post messages on a daily basis. Wow.

And stop with the idiotic "legacy" thing. It is a band, who puts out music. Nothing Axl or Slash does today - good or bad - has any relevance on the old band's music. End of Story. Axl putting out an album every 14 years or Slash playing terrible songs with Fergie will EVER change the "legacy" of Appetite, Lies or Illusions. I don't remember who it was, maybe Brett Favre when people were saying he was tarnishing his legacy by playing one more year, commented "fans forget that it is MY legacy to do what I want with."

People get so wrapped up in the 'name' of a band and what happened 20 years ago and the legacy of the name of what GnR represents to THEM that they lose sight of reality.

You can't erase a legacy. Axl depends on it - which is the reason he will never ditch the name, as he needs it.

Without the name Guns N'Roses to cling onto, he would be nothing.

Come on, give us a break. SO many things are wrong with your comment.

First - stop with the name thing. Only complete douchebags care more about the name than the actual music produced. Anytime you Slash-fanboys complain about the name, all your doing is showing that you care more about the name of a band than you do the music - and that is just idiotic.

Axl is nothing without the GnR name? Why? Axl-Haters love to say that. It sounds nice and insultive - but in reality, it is absolutely false. Let's look at reality. How many fans of GnR do not know that Slash/Duff and Izzy aren't in the band? One tenth of one percent? How many of the 3 million copies of CD were purchased by people who didn't know that Slash and Co. weren't in the band? How many people bought tickets to a GnR show last year and went "Wait....what? Where is Slash? Where is Duff? I didn't know they weren't in the band anymore."

If you are laying out $100 for a ticket to go see GnR, then you KNOW that Slash isn't in the band anymore.

Axl's name is iconic. Just like Robert Plant, Steven Tyler, David Lee Roth, Ozzy Osbourne and a few others. If you think that the Axl Rose Band wouldn't sell as many tickets in 2011 or 2012 as GnR (with current line-up) would - then you are delusional.

And the legacy. Please. So your such a fan of the old band and of Appetite and Illusions....that something Axl does now, 20 years later, or some of the terrible things Slash is doing now, 20 years later.....has an effect on how YOU as a fan view those first albums? WOW. That is sad. Axl could put out a polka album next year and Slash could tour with Justin Bieber, and it wouldn't change my opinion and love for songs like SCOM, RocketQueen, Coma, Yesterdays, Dont Cry, Civil War, etc. Amazes me that it would effect your opinion of the old songs. But I could care less about the name of a band, the "legacy" of a band, who is fueding with who, who is mad at who, who lied to who--All I care about is the music. All the rest of that stuff is fodder for the people INVOLVED in the band, and for 12 year old girls who posters of rock stars up on their walls.

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