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Art Brut - "Axl Rose"

Estranged Reality

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I want to give the world the middle finger

With the exception of my favorite lead singer



On the track "Axl Rose", Argos has said that "I think GnR are a great band. I think if you got into an argument with someone, you’d want Axl in your corner. He’s a good guy to have on your side. You know, you don’t want Rivers Cuomo defending you. Axl Rose is the guy who will stand up for you. It’s funny, I was recording the song with Frank Black, and he's going, “you know, if there’s one thing you can say about Axl, it’s that he tells people to fuck off!” It was pretty amazing having a conversation with Black Francis about Axl Rose" [19]

The album track "Axl Rose" marks the second time that Argos has written about the troubled Guns N' Roses frontman. The first was his 'Open Letter To Axl Rose', first published in Artrocker magazine, in which he says that, while he is a fan of Rose's work and that Guns N' Roses "have some of the world’s greatest songs in their arsenal", he feels that Axl needs to address his punctuality and perhaps trim down the band's current lineup". [20] It was written in response to the Axl's controversial[21] Reading Festival performance the previous year.

Edited by Estranged Reality
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