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R&R HOF on tv?


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I think the Rock Hall in Cleveland will continue to show the whole thing uncut, even thought the ceremony's also there, but they've done it that way for years. As far as TV goes, Fuse has shown it for the past few years, but last year had taped it for a broadcast a few weeks later. HBO aired the 25th anniversary concert, not the induction.

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I'm guessing there'll be at least one person from this forum there and they will video tape it for Youtube or themselves. I'm sure it'll get posted on here, probably only for a little while before its taken down, but in some fashion. Or all we'll have are news broadcasts but we'll get something. My guess is alittle of both. And if HBO is broadcasting it, albeit a month too late, I have a feeling they'll do a good job with it. They won't edit it down as much as Fuse does and they don't have to worry about swearing.

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