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Slash: 'Music has lost its magic'.


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Slash has claimed that music has lost its "magic".

The guitarist, who is set to release his second solo album 'Apocalyptic Love' on May 21, told Absolute Radio that the growth of downloading and the fall in popularity of CDs had ruined the excitement of listening to new music for the first time.

"There was a certain excitement that came with the release of a new record, and a lot of it was just the package itself, and it was something that you milled over while you were listening to the record," he said.

"It was sad to see them sort of get phased out but, you know, with CDs at least you still had the booklets, but now, when you look at the digital situation, you're like 'There's nothing in it', you know."

He added: It's not even tangible any more. It's convenient, but you lose the magic of it.

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