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Do you ever wish Axl could have aged like Eddie Vedder?

Randy Lahey

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i wonder like someone else said if he is on some kind of painkiller, i dont think he is just this clumsy

He's a rock star in party mode....but he's old. God bless him trying to act 28 (live like he's 28).

maybe i just dont want him to have a serious fall and bust his head open or something

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Eddie Vedder sucks. Axl can get so much more pussy than Vedder, you or most people his age.

Eddie Vedder is married with kids so I doubt he gives a shit about that...

Anyways, Pearl Jam does some incredible things that I wish GNR did. They are an amazing band live because they drastically change up their setlist every night - according to Eddie the setlist sometimes isn't written until an hour or two before the show starts. The set is customized to where they are playing and sometimes they will add in songs because fans request them before the show or if a particular song is relevant to something currently going on in that area. Each night is different and they do so many different things that each show is its own entity and unique experience. That and they just simply kick ass live.

The fact they record all of their shows and release them as soundboard recordings for people is also fantastic, and every year they release a Holiday vinyl single to the fan club members. Members of the fan club also have special tickets you can order from the site with a special system, with a lottery that gives anyone a chance at getting front row tickets.

GNR should take notes from Pearl Jam :thumbsup:

Exactly this. It's so cool to go on their (and other fan-made) websites, to just browse their past setlists, and see what they've played. Also cool that you can go on the PJ site and buy the show you went to; and their fan club gives exclusive merchandise and unreleased tracks to members (not just a random t-shirt and belt buckles)

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This topic proves that most of us are tired of this re-run tour promoting nothing. Every time there is nothing to talk about, these start: 1) do you like axls clothes? 2)what if he died in 1994? 3) Do you think Axk is happy? 4) what does he eat for breakfast? and on and on. Its kind of funny and sad at the same time. For years we couldnt wait for the new CD and tour. Well, it came out with not so many fireworks as we all thought it would. It wasnt really a "success" when you think of how many songs actually play on the radio. Now we are all going to see the "chinese D." tour for the 1456th time and its still the same setlist give or take a few songs. We kept hearing that Axl wanted this new band to move in a "new" direction, but all we get is 80% old music.

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While I'm not really into Pearl Jam like I'm on other grunge bands, I have to admit they're fucking amazing when it comes to playing live. But Ed's living another life, very different from Axl's life, so it's understandable.

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Are we looking at the same pictures and videos? I think he still looks exceptionally easy on the eye (and magnetic).

He is not 28 and that way pulchritudinous, but he for sure looks better than most men his age and younger.

That fall just before SCOM looked really painful.

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Hardest thing to get is that Axl just barely 2 years ago had a hell of a strong and full of rasp voice and energetic stage performance and now it's barely above plain sad sometimes... :confused:

Only if Axl worked harder at getting fit I'm sure his voice if not dramatically improved would get better. But hey he's Axl fuckin'Rose and doesn't give a fuck about anything...

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