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The Wall of Sound technique

Vincent Vega

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What do you think of it? I mean the technique used on a lot of those 50s-60s pop songs and by other acts like The Beach Boys and shit. Most notable is The Ronettes "Be My Baby". I think some variation of the technique, modernized, could be great for pop music. That and more random sort of lyrics, like, no one just goes "doo doo doo" or just freely rolls little words off their tongues in pop, it's too structured in some way, too plastic and synthesized.

Edited by Vincent Vega
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What is the wall of sound technique Miser? As in what does it entail?

I'm not an audio engineer but to my ears, echo, sort of reverb or whatever the term is, vocals in the mix along with the main vocals, the drums have sort of an echo, it all just meshes together, all aspects of the song, to really suck you in, draw your ears to it. It's a BIG sound, as in, very in your face in some ways, lots of instruments, very grabbing. Like I said I'm no audio engineer I'm just going by how I hear it.

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Haven't thousands of albums done that?

There's just something different about IMO when you listen to those classic numbers. Can't even explain it. It's just mesmerizing almost. It's just a dense and layered sound yet it doesn't sound fake or overdone. It's perfect.

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