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As long as Axl goes out on top


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I don't think he'll be singing forever. He can't. The style is just too harsh on the body.

Only Axl knows if he can still sing. He's made a lot of money off less than acceptable vocals over the past three years. He just may have something left the tank to finish this thing off for good.

There are other older rock singers who are getting it done, but they simpley do not sing like Axl, and no matter what, there age shows. There is no way Axl can expect to sing Axl Rose Guns N' Roses songs into his 60s, at least none an informed audience would want to hear.

He still takes the stage--still gets a rise from the crowd appearing to love it. So that desire is satisfied. He has proven to himself that he can still get satisfaction with foreign vocals.

I'm betting that Axl ends his stage career with the best Axl Rose voice that anyone could expect from Axl Rose--a last Hurrah.

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I'm betting Axl goes out the way all once great fighters go out. One too many fights. And if he never puts out an album that hits with the public or even the majority of fans then no he will never go out on top.

Not to be a dick but I think his opportunity to go out on top sailed by in 2006 when they should've put out the album(for the second time) and then followed it up in 2008 or 2009. But nope it's all just been one big clusterfuck..The sad reality is Axl will be known equally for two things. 1. For being one of, if not the most badass frontman in rock history and 2. for being a complete fuck up who ruined arguably the greatest rock band ever and became a complete joke. Sadly the "what have ya done for me lately" theory holds so much weight in this case. Especially when Slash has done nothing but improve his legacy.

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I don't think he'll be singing forever. He can't. The style is just too harsh on the body.

Only Axl knows if he can still sing. He's made a lot of money off less than acceptable vocals over the past three years. He just may have something left the tank to finish this thing off for good.

There are other older rock singers who are getting it done, but they simpley do not sing like Axl, and no matter what, there age shows. There is no way Axl can expect to sing Axl Rose Guns N' Roses songs into his 60s, at least none an informed audience would want to hear.

He still takes the stage--still gets a rise from the crowd appearing to love it. So that desire is satisfied. He has proven to himself that he can still get satisfaction with foreign vocals.

I'm betting that Axl ends his stage career with the best Axl Rose voice that anyone could expect from Axl Rose--a last Hurrah.

That would have been 1993.

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Sorry, but thats way too fantasy like. If he were to get better, it would have happened already. He'll go out a shadow of what he once was. Probably not terrible, as he'll still be acting like Axl Rose, but he won't go out the greatest rock star on earth. Sorry, but he's long since going out on top. That'll never happen.

He could have gone out on top in 2006. He was still in pretty good form and at that point he had the respect that would have been acceptable for him to end on. Also, if he had ended there, you would have never know what would have happened later, particularly an era of no work and constant touring. He could have ended with mystery. If he ends now, there's nothing left to think about. Over the past 6 years we saw what he was capable of and it wasn't pretty.

Edited by classicguns4life
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I don't get it how people put across that Axl is the special snowflake when it comes to vocals, just for example Brian Johnson from ACDC has been screaming his guts out since the 70s!

Axl has vocally had his ups and downs, he is just as likely to sound fucking great one day and shithouse the next or vice versa.

If Mr Rose was to knuckle down like in say 06 and reunite with the "classic" GNR he could be on top again...but we all know that isn't gonna happen and something would happen like it always does with him that failure would be snatched from the jaws of victory once again.

Edited by DR DOOM
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