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Richie Sambora: A Good Replacement for Ron?


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Didn't Bon Jovi gross more than Taylor Swift and Kanye West, like $80M for the last tour. Why on earth would he accept a demotion to become an employee? If he had problems with Jon how well would he work with Axl? :lol:

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Didn't Bon Jovi gross more than Taylor Swift and Kanye West, like $80M for the last tour. Why on earth would he accept a demotion to become an employee? If he had problems with Jon how well would he work with Axl? :lol:

They might have been the top grossing tour this year.

People call Bon Jovi a sell out......well, he is selling out to the millions of fans who still love what he does. Bon Jovi puts out music for his fans on a regular basis and is extremely media/fan friendly. Or, the exact OPPOSITE approach of Axl and Beta/Fernando.

Sambora is a professional who has a padded bank account. There is no way in the world that he would join GnR.

The only people that are going to come to work for Axl are up-and-coming guitar players or solid session studio type vets who need to add money to their retirement account. The days of getting a Slash, Bucket or Robin are LONG gone. And you guys can thank Beta/Fernando and Axl for that.

If BBF quits they should just go with the two guitar players. Maybe drop Dizzy as well and go back to being a traditional rock n roll band.

Edited by Groghan
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I think Sambora could bring a style and flow to GNR that could bring something magical. However, the level or magnitude of what that would stand for, would still be irrelevant. I think that this band would bring a style that would rock the music world.

I also believe in Axl. Some way, some how.

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Richie has been kicked out of his own band of 30 years for having too high of a percentage of the profits


That's his version. The version of everyone else is that he drinks too much.

I'm sure that 2 million a month profit(20% of the band's money) was the real reason. Drinking is the bullshit cover story.

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No one could ever replace Ron.

That was said(and is still said) about Slash.

It was also said about Buckethead. He had unique ability.

I think it has been shown that in order to replace any current GNR member, you just need to learn the classics.

If thats the case I can play the classics equal to or better than DJ, certainly better than Paul Huge and as well as Fink...at least the part where he fucked up tone, timbre tempo and key.

Sambora was fired from the tour because he was making like 2 million a month and not contributing to the show. Hes still part of Bon Jovi and may if they record again be on board. Sambora is and will always be the Bon Jovi guitarist BECAUSE any other would be a hired hand and a scab worker and a pretender to the throne. Without his contribution it would be like .. like a Jon Bon Jovi SOLO record...even if it SOUNDS like a BON JOVI record and is promoted as a BON JOVI record. THat line of thinking doesnt apply to the la la land of GNR though.

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Lol an ex bon phony member in GN'R.

"Bon Jovi can suck my dick" --W. Axl Rose

ok? he said that in what, the 80's?

Then Axl and Baz had dinner with Jon Bon Jovi or something..read the story awhile back so.. I'm sure it's all subject to change.

Jon and Bill could have realized the media's manipulation in an effort to make $$$, and that there is really no reason they shouldn't be friends.

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