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Axl Rose and Tim Maia similarities

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Tim Maia is in my opinion the greatest brazilian artist that ever lived, and him and Axl Rose have lots of similarities. His albums are being released now on the United Stated with a compilation called The Existential Soul of Tim Maia - Nobody Can Live Forever, I'm gonna first copy their official press release:

Tim was the man. As a teenager he dreamt of making it big in the United States and immigrated to America dead set on never returning home again. However, just a few years later, he got kicked out of the country for smoking pot in a stolen car. After a few years back in Brazil he revolutionized Brazilian popular music and became one of the greatest soul artists of his lifetime. He married five times (or did he?), served multiple prison sentences (that's for sure), and at the height of his fame joined that UFO-obsessed religious cult -- how about that?

Short movie narrated by Devendra Banhart: http://bit.ly/ZiRdvy

His and Axl's style are totally different though, Tim is a soul and funk musician, but apart from that, they are a lot alike. Tim Maia was born in a religious family, just like Axl. Tim also had (he is dead) problems with the church, eventually. He also always had many issues with the police. When he was young he moved to the United States, where he became a criminal and was actually arrested. When he came back to Brazil he properly released his carreer. He became an overnight success. His albums are amazing. He was an absolute junky, though. It was ruining his carreer, until he got to know a new age cult (that's right, just like Axl). He vanished, dropped everything, cut his hair, told the band to stop doing drugs and recorded a double album about The Rational Universe, called Racional I and Racional II, which was supposed to be his masterpiece. The Rational Cult said that if you were pure and stopped doing drugs, once the aliens came back to Earth (seriously), they would save you. It's his best album, by a gigantic mile. Because he was not doing any drugs, his voice was at it's best form ever, but the label refused to release it because of the association with that new age crap. His wife left him and he started to record a gigantic amount of what you'd call "butthurt" songs of how much he missed her. His band also left him. Last year a great film about his life was released, and there's a part he actually says "why does everyone who works with me eventually leaves me?!" and one of his bandmates say "if I were the genius you are, I'd not be in deep shit like you are." Reminds someone?

Once he got over that new age bullshit, he released "old school" albums and was an huge success again. When you hired him though, it was lottery. You never knew if he was gonna finish his concerts. He would leave concerts in the middle of it for whatever reasons he thought of. He constantly had problems with promoters, who sued him all the time and by the end of his live he managed to have an amazing amount of almost 50 legal actions. The drugs came back with the success though, and his obesity got a lot worse, until he had a heart attack in the middle of a concert being recorded for a TV special in 98 and died.

I'm sure Axl knows who he is. Not only because of the Lebeis, but because Axl is a musician, it would be a crime not to know Tim Maia. He is one of the greatest artists of all time. Rolling Stone elected him the best brazilian singer ever. Also, Robin Finck played one of his greatest successes, Sossego, on his solo spot on Rock in Rio III before 2001:

He says the actual name of the song is Sossego E Um Quilo do Bom - Chill Down and a Pound of the Good One, but the label refused tha title.

Tim Maia had always been famous, but only after his death people and the media started to appreciate and understand how much of genius he was. I hope the same doesn't happen with Axl; I hope he doesn't finish the same way Tim did. This is one of my favourite songs he released:


He has lots of songs in English:

Anyway, when I watched his bio movie I couldn't stop thinking of Axl at any time. By the way, his wife is played by Alinne Moraes :lol:

Edit: I think some brazilian guys around here are gonna disagree.

Edited by ManetsBR
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