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i am a hippie

who else is a hippie here? i know hippies arent into stuff like gnr

but hey, i like it (after all im here right ;) )

so who else likes jimi hendrix, grateful dead, pink floyd, country joe & the fish, jefferson aeroplane and them?

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what exactly makes a person fall under the category of "hippie"


pretty much you like good psychadelic music, you like the idea of peace, and uhhhh i dunno its just the way you are :rolleyes:

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I don't think being a hippie is all about the music and 'peace'. I guess it is for a lot of the ignorant, uneducated potheads out there (not pointing at you, Ringo).



thats not cool <_<

im not saying its all about music and peace...but thats a good chunck of it

there is no real definition of it.

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i am a hippie

who else is a hippie here? i know hippies arent into stuff like gnr

but hey, i like it (after all im here right ;) )

so who else likes jimi hendrix, grateful dead, pink floyd, country joe & the fish, jefferson aeroplane and them?


Jimi Hendrix :wub:

I wouldn't consider myself a hippie, but I do enjoy the music of the times.

Beatles, Janis Joplin, Jimi, Ten Years After (only heard one song [i'm Going Home]). Woodstock of I think '69 was great! But yeah, got no probs with Hippies and think they shouldn't be stereotyped as dirty, dreaded pot-heads *cough shiaobundan cough* that do nothing but LSD and cry about peace 24/7. They're more that that ;)

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But yeah, got no probs with Hippies and think they shouldn't be stereotyped as dirty, dreaded pot-heads *cough shiaobundan cough* that do nothing but LSD and cry about peace 24/7. They're more that that ;)


... :book:

I didn't say hippies were potheads. I said that a lot of "hippies" think that everything is about peace and drugs...

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Best southpark episode ever is the one where Cartman works as a hippie exterminator. And the best weapon against them is metal. So he puts on Slayers raining blood and wacks the hippies  rock3  rock3


Hahaha thats gold !!!

Don't you have to be on lsd to be a hippie ?

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you can't be a REAL hippy anymore

i mean i bet you don't drive to san francisco with flowers in your hair. then not wash for several weeks and have casual sex with women in muddy fields and have acid trips while listening to jefferson airplane ( ok maybe you can still do that).

i don't know what i wud say i was. probably just ur average rocker...

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peers call me a hippie...long hair...they're just jealous...

i occasionally wear tye-dye...i don't know why...

big dead-head and lz and jefferson airplane and janis and jimi fan...i wish i'd been there at woodstock...i'd give my left nut :wub:

i also abhor war and go for peace...love is not a bad thing to spread.

i'm reading on the road by jack keroac

but no, i'm not a hippie...i'm more of the beatnik...i don't do drugs and abhor the lifestyle...altho i hang out in liberal cafes reading poetry and i play dylan songs all day on the acoustic

i dunno...you decide

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just cause you do lsd and pot doesnt make you a hippie

you just might be a little more suseptible to using them ;)rock3

and no i dont wear sunflowers in my hair and no bathe and fuck chicks in muddy fields :rolleyes: i dont think anyone does that anymore

just cause you dont to things like that doesnt mean you cant be a hippie

Stop Stereotyping!!

Edited by Ringo
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Lindy and RAMM are probably the biggest hippies you'll find on any board.


Yeah me and Ramm were walking in Christiania (which is some anarchy-peace and love-place in Denmark www.christiania.org) and some woman said it was deadnice to see "hippiefreaks" like us being in love walking to gether and how she loved the long hair and jewellery and stuff and it just ruled anyway, ja.

Ramm wants to put this :mellow: but I'm putting this :)

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