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How would you compare Led Zeppelin...

Chrisi Rokks

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Led Zeppelin is my favorite band ever. One listen to their live version of Dazed & Confused from their movie, and I was hooked. I've never seen that level of musicians acting as one and able to change direction on a whim so many times in one song.

Live, Zeppelin were insane.


Me 2. I bought their dvd an was totally blown away. I'd never seen anything like that before. Since I've been loving you though...that song just blew me away from the word go.


The Song Remains The Same > everything

Best DVD ever!

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I absolutely love both bands. However..

Page > Slash

Plant = Axl

John Paul Jones > Duff McKagan

John Bonham >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt Sorum & Steven Adler combined

And Izzy doesn't mind getting pwn3d so let's keep him off the list

However, I agree with moreblack, Gn'R pwn anybody at top hat use!

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Crash Diet, you're basically saying that Zeppelin being better than Guns N' Roses is a fact. Based on what?? More material?? Popularity?? Record sales?? More influentual??

Just a couple of days ago you said Beatles were overrated. Well, Beatles had lots of more (and better) material than Zeppelin, sold WAAAAAAY more records, John Lennon alone was more talanted and creative than all the Zeps combined, and they are the most influential band ever.

You might say that they were only influentual on pop music, not rock. It means that when you say Zeppelin is the greatest band ever, and Beatles are overrated, it's just your opinion because you like rock more than pop. Right??

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Led Zeppelin are a lot better.  Who is more influential?  Led Zep.  More great albums?  Led Zep.  More popular songs?  Led Zep.  Zep owns GN'R.


True dude, some people here just stick to their favourites and won't accept when something else is technically better.

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Led Zeppelin are a lot better.  Who is more influential?  Led Zep.  More great albums?  Led Zep.  More popular songs?  Led Zep.  Zep owns GN'R.


True dude, some people here just stick to their favourites and won't accept when something else is technically better.


And who the fuck are you to tell people what music to like? Are you sitting with all the right answers regarding taste in music because you fav band is the beatles? That's funny.

Technically better? Well, I can tell you it's not like black and white compared with Gnr. Technically better is a reason people have used for liking bands like Dream Theatre. Ye, they're fucking skilled but so what, too bad they can't make anything good out of it. I saw them live a couple of months ago so I know what Im talking about.

Ok, back to Led Zep. Im sick and tired of hearing people Led Zep are better than Gnr because that's just the way it is and that Stairway to Heaven is the best song ever. That song puts me to sleep everytime and the lyrics are just awful. Although I think Led Zep is a great band and I like the music but they're really nothing compared to what I feel about Guns N' Roses and how the music effects me.

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Guest +*Michelle*+

This is exactly what I was saying the other day, I love both gnr and Led zeppelin, funnily enough I love gnr more. ALTHOUGH I think zeppelin is way better than gnr ever was, you just can't compare the two of em!

Zeppelin 4 is amazing btw, am listening to no. 2 at the moment :shades:

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And who the fuck are you to tell people what music to like? Are you sitting with all the right answers regarding taste in music because you fav band is the beatles? That's funny.

Technically better? Well, I can tell you it's not like black and white compared with Gnr. Technically better is a reason people have used for liking bands like Dream Theatre. Ye, they're fucking skilled but so what, too bad they can't make anything good out of it. I saw them live a couple of months ago so I know what Im talking about.

Ok, back to Led Zep. Im sick and tired of hearing people Led Zep are better than Gnr because that's just the way it is and that Stairway to Heaven is the best song ever. That song puts me to sleep everytime and the lyrics are just awful. Although I think Led Zep is a great band and I like the music but they're really nothing compared to what I feel about Guns N' Roses and how the music effects me.


Great post. :)

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Led Zeppelin are a lot better.  Who is more influential?  Led Zep.  More great albums?  Led Zep.  More popular songs?  Led Zep.  Zep owns GN'R.


True dude, some people here just stick to their favourites and won't accept when something else is technically better.


And who the fuck are you to tell people what music to like? Are you sitting with all the right answers regarding taste in music because you fav band is the beatles? That's funny.

Technically better? Well, I can tell you it's not like black and white compared with Gnr. Technically better is a reason people have used for liking bands like Dream Theatre. Ye, they're fucking skilled but so what, too bad they can't make anything good out of it. I saw them live a couple of months ago so I know what Im talking about.

Yamisonic didn't cross any lines. A lot of people here don't know the difference between "better" and "prefer". Trust me on that. I complain about it just about every post I make. Like I said in my post, Zeppelin excelled in more areas than GN'R did. They are better. People can like GN'R more all they want, but that's another issue.

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Led Zeppelin are a lot better.  Who is more influential?  Led Zep.  More great albums?  Led Zep.  More popular songs?  Led Zep.  Zep owns GN'R.


True dude, some people here just stick to their favourites and won't accept when something else is technically better.


And who the fuck are you to tell people what music to like?

Dude wtf? I wasn't telling people what to listen to. I was just agreeing with Rumin there, overall Led Zeppelin are more recognized and sold more and all that crap. I like them and Guns N' Roses the same, man.

Are you sitting with all the right answers regarding taste in music because you fav band is the beatles?


No I'm not, so please shut up.

EDIT: I really didn't expect that from you. I thought we were cool.

Edited by Yamisonic
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i dont find LZ anywhere near as fun to listen to as GNR.


Led Zeppelin Are as Boring as FUCK!! :anger:

personally, stairway to heaven was a fluke of a song...

other than that, they have no other good songs and they are soooooooo repetitive...


I pity you :no:

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i dont find LZ anywhere near as fun to listen to as GNR.


Led Zeppelin Are as Boring as FUCK!! :anger:

personally, stairway to heaven was a fluke of a song...

other than that, they have no other good songs and they are soooooooo repetitive...


I pity you :no:


You Aint The First... :fuckyou:

Led Zep are just no fun to listen to... id personally rate Eminem And Nine Inch Nails as more fun than led zep because well.... they are!!

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i dont find LZ anywhere near as fun to listen to as GNR.


Led Zeppelin Are as Boring as FUCK!! :anger:

personally, stairway to heaven was a fluke of a song...

other than that, they have no other good songs and they are soooooooo repetitive...


Umm.....which Led Zeppelin songs are repetitive? I'm really curious. I own three albums and no two songs sound remotely alike.

My definition of repetive is a band releasing two songs with the same name and same tune. Like Guns N' Roses did with Don't Cry. I really like both songs, but they are the same thing.

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Bear in mind this is completely from my perspective:

I think I'd love Zeppelin if some of the music was better produced. I know it's probably a bit superficial to say that, but sometimes it is like looking at a masterpiece through a dirty window. Sometimes it's just a bit tinny. Especially on stuff like Kashmir and their older work.

I'm a sucker for the rain song. But I don't own any albums so I don't sonsider myself knowledgeable enough to go into more detail.

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I believe Plant to be a better front man than Axl too. The open shirted and tight blue jeaned rock god.


Plant was a lot better. He had a ton of charisma and stage presence. And he actually showed up to his concerts once in a while.

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Zeppelin were definitely the more talented band. I love both bands obviously but Zeppelin were better. I prefer Plant over Axl as a singer (Axl does write better lyrics though, some of Plants are pretty dumb), Page is a better guitar player tha Stradlin and Slash, Jones is way better than Duff, and Bonham towers over their drummers (never been that impressed by the drumming in GNR).

I will say this though I feel AFD blows Led Zeppelins debut away.

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