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New G'nR - the Motley Crue effect

Original Gunner

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Now back on topic... the original Crue will apparently be playing with Axl's PuppetShow at the RDS in Dublin, Ireland. I'm thinking Crue will blow them away. Comments? ..

You're behind the times dude. The Crue has already issued a statement saying they won't be there.

It's a shame you don't spend more time researching your information - and less time acting like an internet cupcake on a GNR fan forum.

Check and mate.

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The Clown.

Excellent. Now I can use it even more.


Next time I'm across the pond, Grimo, we'll have to have a brew at a local pub on me. Seems like you and I are on the same wavelength... lol.

Great minds think alike Matt, and Bunkys deserve it, simple as that. :)

Oh, and mines a Corona ;) Maybe Original Gunner can join us... :drevil:


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Axl Rose w/o Slash & Duff vs. Motley Crue w/o Vince Neal?

No contest. Axl is GNR.

Axl is the new GnR. That's fine with me, but you can't say Axl is Paradise City, It's So easy or Welcome To The Jungle. Slash & Duff had a big part to those, maybe an even bigger one that Axl

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Now back on topic... the original Crue will apparently be playing with Axl's PuppetShow at the RDS in Dublin, Ireland. I'm thinking Crue will blow them away. Comments? ..

You're behind the times dude. The Crue has already issued a statement saying they won't be there.

It's a shame you don't spend more time researching your information - and less time acting like an internet cupcake on a GNR fan forum.

the proof is in the pudding :)

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One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

god damnit man, would you fucking give up. every fucking post you make is dissing axl and the new band, saying that they will never get anywhere without the old members. well look at your setting. i doubt that there is one person here (other than you) that doesnt want to hear the new stuff. bottom line


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Quote from John Lennon "Before ELVIS PRESLEY there was nothing".

even this is erroneous...Elvis made rock n' roll accessible to white fans, but he did not invent rock, he wasn't even a songwriter. Black musicians, and there are many, dating back to the delta blues invented rock...

but, Motley Crue should not even be mentioned in the same breath as Guns(in any form). Musically, lyrically and artisticly Axl is on another planet far away from the feckin' Crue. Hell, Motley only made 1 great record and that was Shout, without Bob Rock the fans would have continued to get weak offeringslike Theatre of Pain, and that such nonsense. I bought Theatre when I was 12 and I even knew then it was a piece of shit.

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Quote from John Lennon "Before ELVIS PRESLEY there was nothing".

even this is erroneous...Elvis made rock n' roll accessible to white fans, but he did not invent rock, he wasn't even a songwriter. Black musicians, and there are many, dating back to the delta blues invented rock...

but, Motley Crue should not even be mentioned in the same breath as Guns(in any form). Musically, lyrically and artisticly Axl is on another planet far away from the feckin' Crue. Hell, Motley only made 1 great record and that was Shout, without Bob Rock the fans would have continued to get weak offeringslike Theatre of Pain, and that such nonsense. I bought Theatre when I was 12 and I even knew then it was a piece of shit.

It's such bullshit to say that black musicians invented rock music. They played a part in it but there is also the huge part that folk singers and song writers played in it, like woody gutherie. He inspired bob dylan and he inspired springsteen.

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The show in Finland sold out in 8 minutes so I doubt that people care if it's only Axl...

I hope that everyone who purchased a ticket realizes they aren't going to see the Guns N' Roses they remember..

..would be a shame.

If you'd like to talk about statistics, I could note that the original Guns N' Roses sold out two areans that could seat 50,000 in less than 10 minutes..

It shall be interesting to see how Axl fares in the US..

Edit: And for those who are going to piss and moan.. I wish Axl all the best ;)


Edited by Kickingthehabit
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One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you? <_<

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One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you? <_<

Hi Marissa - thanks for the compliment :) I have been asked by a number of Group members if i write for a magazine but alas no - i couldn't take the pay cut. And no, i didn't take it from a magazine although you can check out similar such writings in such publications as Rolling Stone. Take care now! rock3

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A couple of points:

That record with Corabi was not their best. If Nikki and Tommy admit that, I am surprised.

The Crue are out there for money. I think Nikki and possibly Mick are doing if for more than money, but Tommy and Vince....nope. They aren't out there to prove anything, except that nostalgic Motley Crue really did rock. And good for them.

Axl is out to prove something. He has had a vision for Guns, one that differed greatly from Slash and Duff, and they chose not to come along for the ride. I don't think Duff and Slash wanted to push themselves. Look at the condition they were in. But they didn't want to stretch their talents and try new things. To Axl, Guns was about evolution. Some of that is good, some bad. Like Zeppelin, the Stones, Beatles, U2 all of these great bands were willing to take a risk. That is what was so attractive about the original Guns and Appetite. But that was a long time ago. We will always have that, but time to move along.

The old line up will not get back together. Part of Axls lyrics in his songs, aside from Stephanie, are about his old band mates and the pain he went through to reconstruct his life and his dream. Unless Slash and Duff had a complete 180 and felt they wanted to try something different (musically), and made amends with Axl, likewise him with them, it will never happen.

Axl is the strongest character that ever was in that band. Yes, Slash is one of the best guitarists in the world, and Duff is a cool guy but they can't do it on their own, or even together. Axl can create magic in whatever he touches. Axl pulled the best out of those guys when they played together. And Axl will pull the best from the new guys. Listen to The Blues or Madagascar and tell me that they aren't powerful, moving magical songs.

So back on point, the new Guns will not be like Motley. This is not a greatest hits tour. This is not about money. It is about one mans vision to achieve a goal he set for himself long ago. To make a difference. Then he will go away and leave his legacy to speak for itself.

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Guest Matt13

One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you? <_<

Hi Marissa - thanks for the compliment :) I have been asked by a number of Group members if i write for a magazine but alas no - i couldn't take the pay cut. And no, i didn't take it from a magazine although you can check out similar such writings in such publications as Rolling Stone. Take care now! rock3

What fucking 'group' are you talking about? It is certainly not here... all I see is 'the group' shelling your ass like it's the cave Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in. Furthermore, half of what you write does not make sense in quite a literal sense... and the other half is shit you pull out of your ass that is false, misconstrued, completely one sided and totally opinionated points of view that you call facts. I picture a snot nosed, 50cent listening, puss faced piece of WT wearing a wife beater, white Reebok tennis shoes and cut off shorts with an oversized baseball cap on sideways littered with home-made tattoos that say 'Bunky loves Betty' sitting in front of mommy's computer with nothing better to do but make a complete ass out of himself on a GNR fan forum because he flunked out of school.

Magazine writer? Yea, Nickelodeon for kids, maybe. Hooked on Phonics DID NOT work for you.

Now grab the duct tape and go fix the leak in the trailor's roof.

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One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you? <_<

Hi Marissa - thanks for the compliment :) I have been asked by a number of Group members if i write for a magazine but alas no - i couldn't take the pay cut. And no, i didn't take it from a magazine although you can check out similar such writings in such publications as Rolling Stone. Take care now! rock3

What fucking 'group' are you talking about? It is certainly not here... all I see is 'the group' shelling your ass like it's the cave Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in. Furthermore, half of what you write does not make sense in quite a literal sense... and the other half is shit you pull out of your ass that is false, misconstrued, completely one sided and totally opinionated points of view that you call facts. I picture a snot nosed, 50cent listening, puss faced piece of WT wearing a wife beater, white Reebok tennis shoes and cut off shorts with an oversized baseball cap on sideways littered with home-made tattoos that say 'Bunky loves Betty' sitting in front of mommy's computer with nothing better to do but make a complete ass out of himself on a GNR fan forum because he flunked out of school.

Magazine writer? Yea, Nickelodeon for kids, maybe. Hooked on Phonics DID NOT work for you.

Now grab the duct tape and go fix the leak in the trailor's roof.

Last time i checked this forum was about G 'N' R kid not me. You seem obsessed, i dunno but fantisizing about what i look and dress like comes across as being a bit... creepy. :shocked: How about sticking to G 'n' R and the topics raised son - there's a good kid. :rofl-lol:

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Last time i checked this forum was about G 'N' R kid not me. You seem obsessed, i dunno but fantisizing about what i look and dress like comes across as being a bit... creepy. :shocked: How about sticking to G 'n' R and the topics raised son - there's a good kid. :rofl-lol:

how about sticking to the original GNR section then?

you have your opinion, and thats fine. There are even people here who share your views, but most of them(not all but most) at least have the respect to not flood this section with pointless bashing and the same tired arguments about axl keeping the name, etc..

Edited by Axls_Disillusion
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Guest Matt13

One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!

DISCUSS!!!!!!!!!! rock1

Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you? <_<

Hi Marissa - thanks for the compliment :) I have been asked by a number of Group members if i write for a magazine but alas no - i couldn't take the pay cut. And no, i didn't take it from a magazine although you can check out similar such writings in such publications as Rolling Stone. Take care now! rock3

What fucking 'group' are you talking about? It is certainly not here... all I see is 'the group' shelling your ass like it's the cave Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in. Furthermore, half of what you write does not make sense in quite a literal sense... and the other half is shit you pull out of your ass that is false, misconstrued, completely one sided and totally opinionated points of view that you call facts. I picture a snot nosed, 50cent listening, puss faced piece of WT wearing a wife beater, white Reebok tennis shoes and cut off shorts with an oversized baseball cap on sideways littered with home-made tattoos that say 'Bunky loves Betty' sitting in front of mommy's computer with nothing better to do but make a complete ass out of himself on a GNR fan forum because he flunked out of school.

Magazine writer? Yea, Nickelodeon for kids, maybe. Hooked on Phonics DID NOT work for you.

Now grab the duct tape and go fix the leak in the trailor's roof.

Last time i checked this forum was about G 'N' R kid not me. You seem obsessed, i dunno but fantisizing about what i look and dress like comes across as being a bit... creepy. :shocked: How about sticking to G 'n' R and the topics raised son - there's a good kid. :rofl-lol:

Ahhh bunky. 'Kid', 'Son'. I bet you walk around like a rap star using that kind of white trash slang when you pick on 10 year olds at the local mall... which probably doesn't amount to anything more than Rite Aid at the corner of your trailor park.

My problem really isn't with you, bunky. Yea, you are one stupid motherfucker based on some of your posts. You also have a problem with attacking other people who substantiate their own opinions on things that you may not agree with. I bet you're a democrat... wait a minute... you probably don't know what that means... score that... you probably didn't understand that either (I crack myself up)... back to my point... it's my job to make you look like the stupid motherfucker you are because there are a lot of other stupid motherfuckers here that may actually take what you say as fact. On top of that, someone has to defend the other stupid motherfuckers when king stupid motherfucker... yea you, bunky... tries to make them sound like a stupid motherfucker.

So, stupid motherfucker, answer my motherfucking question. What group are you talking about, because I don't see too many motherfuckers in this group that think you make any sense? You're the only stupid motherfucker that thinks his motherfucking shit doesn't stink.

So, shit-for-brains (yea, the stupid motherfucker shit was getting old), maybe next time you want to drop on by a GNR forum to BASH them any chance you get, BASH their fans that have a different opinion than yours and to avoid assholes like me, maybe you'll use the search function on the forum when you get better acquainted with mommy's computer and find that the shit you're talking about has been talked about time and time and over and over again by the same old dime-a-dozen, shit-for-brains stupid know-it-all motherfuckers like yourself.

If I were a mod here, I wouldn't delete posts like this. I'd put them in a place called the 'Garbage Can'. A forum completely dedicated to the dime-a-dozen, shit-for-brains stupid know-it-all motherfuckers like yourself, bunky,so you can all go lead happy little internet lives in your own shit storm of repetitive shit, while the folks with an ounce of intelligence can enjoy a clutter and retarded-free web experience here in the Guns N' Roses part of the forum.

But, I'm not a mod.

I'm just the voice of reason.

Can I get an Amen?

Edited by Matt13
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One of my many supporters on the group has asked me to compare what has happened to Motley Crue to that of G'n'R. Now, Crue were huge back in the day and like the five original Gunners, the band was made up of four distinct A-type personalities that the fans instantly related to and loved as a complete UNIT! Now, when it all went tits up in Crue - the band hired a new singer and released arguably their best record with John Corabi on vocals (even Tommy and Nikki acknowledge this). However, the record bombed and the tour went so bad that they had to fund it out of their own pockets and go from arenas to theaters. Now, with only one original gunner left, Axl, the question is, no matter how good CD might turn out to be, will the fans not accept the stand-ins and then some time later demand the original guys to reform as they did with Crue?

As a footnote - the Motley Crue original member tour is third in popularity/box-office to only U2 and Rolling Stones in 2005!


Your post sounds like something you took from a magazine or something! Did you?

Hi Marissa - thanks for the compliment :) I have been asked by a number of Group members if i write for a magazine but alas no - i couldn't take the pay cut. And no, i didn't take it from a magazine although you can check out similar such writings in such publications as Rolling Stone. Take care now! rock3

What fucking 'group' are you talking about? It is certainly not here... all I see is 'the group' shelling your ass like it's the cave Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in. Furthermore, half of what you write does not make sense in quite a literal sense... and the other half is shit you pull out of your ass that is false, misconstrued, completely one sided and totally opinionated points of view that you call facts. I picture a snot nosed, 50cent listening, puss faced piece of WT wearing a wife beater, white Reebok tennis shoes and cut off shorts with an oversized baseball cap on sideways littered with home-made tattoos that say 'Bunky loves Betty' sitting in front of mommy's computer with nothing better to do but make a complete ass out of himself on a GNR fan forum because he flunked out of school.

Magazine writer? Yea, Nickelodeon for kids, maybe. Hooked on Phonics DID NOT work for you.

Now grab the duct tape and go fix the leak in the trailor's roof.

Last time i checked this forum was about G 'N' R kid not me. You seem obsessed, i dunno but fantisizing about what i look and dress like comes across as being a bit... creepy. :shocked: How about sticking to G 'n' R and the topics raised son - there's a good kid.

Ahhh bunky. 'Kid', 'Son'. I bet you walk around like a rap star using that kind of white trash slang when you pick on 10 year olds at the local mall... which probably doesn't amount to anything more than Rite Aid at the corner of your trailor park.

My problem really isn't with you, bunky. Yea, you are one stupid motherfucker based on some of your posts. You also have a problem with attacking other people who substantiate their own opinions on things that you may not agree with. I bet you're a democrat... wait a minute... you probably don't know what that means... score that... you probably didn't understand that either (I crack myself up)... back to my point... it's my job to make you look like the stupid motherfucker you are because there are a lot of other stupid motherfuckers here that may actually take what you say as fact. On top of that, someone has to defend the other stupid motherfuckers when king stupid motherfucker... yea you, bunky... tries to make them sound like a stupid motherfucker.

So, stupid motherfucker, answer my motherfucking question. What group are you talking about, because I don't see too many motherfuckers in this group that think you make any sense? You're the only stupid motherfucker that thinks his motherfucking shit doesn't stink.

So, shit-for-brains (yea, the stupid motherfucker shit was getting old), maybe next time you want to drop on by a GNR forum to BASH them any chance you get, BASH their fans that have a different opinion than yours and to avoid assholes like me, maybe you'll use the search function on the forum when you get better acquainted with mommy's computer and find that the shit you're talking about has been talked about time and time and over and over again by the same old dime-a-dozen, shit-for-brains stupid know-it-all motherfuckers like yourself.

If I were a mod here, I wouldn't delete posts like this. I'd put them in a place called the 'Garbage Can'. A forum completely dedicated to the dime-a-dozen, shit-for-brains stupid know-it-all motherfuckers like yourself, bunky,so you can all go lead happy little internet lives in your own shit storm of repetitive shit, while the folks with an ounce of intelligence can enjoy a clutter and retarded-free web experience here in the Guns N' Roses part of the forum.

But, I'm not a mod.

I'm just the voice of reason.

Can I get an Amen?

:laugh::laugh::rofl-lol: thats a classic!, talking about teaing off on your ass!

good stuff.

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I have seen Motlry Crue both old and New and I've seen GNR both old and new....I've also seen hundreds of shows of all sorts as i work in the concert industry. Motley Crue were and still are rock N roll badasses.....they have not skipped a beat in the kick ass department. They may even be right back to where they were in the mid 80's if you saw the backstage atmosphere that i saw....This is not to say MC is a better band musically which is obvious they aren't. This isn't to say they sound better live cuz they don't. But the showmanship and antics and the no BS straight ahead rock of their show is where it should be and would be tough to beat. Their doing something right and the fans are eating it up and loving it. GNR unfortunatley did not do the same in 2002.....the numbers don't lie. MC showing up at their shows and giving the fans what they paid to see helps as well. I'm hoping Axl has learned a lesson from 2002 and will return to the stage and do what he is capable of doing and kickass as he has done before and bury MC live..... rock3rock3

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I have seen Motlry Crue both old and New and I've seen GNR both old and new....I've also seen hundreds of shows of all sorts as i work in the concert industry. Motley Crue were and still are rock N roll badasses.....they have not skipped a beat in the kick ass department. They may even be right back to where they were in the mid 80's if you saw the backstage atmosphere that i saw....This is not to say MC is a better band musically which is obvious they aren't. This isn't to say they sound better live cuz they don't. But the showmanship and antics and the no BS straight ahead rock of their show is where it should be and would be tough to beat. Their doing something right and the fans are eating it up and loving it. GNR unfortunatley did not do the same in 2002.....the numbers don't lie. MC showing up at their shows and giving the fans what they paid to see helps as well. I'm hoping Axl has learned a lesson from 2002 and will return to the stage and do what he is capable of doing and kickass as he has done before and bury MC live..... rock3rock3

Hands down, the worst concert I have ever been to was in 1999, I think. It was right after the Generation Swine album came out. Vince literally couldn't go two songs without taking a breather. He was off pitch, in clothes that were way too small for him. The band was ok, but Vince sucked donkey. I was Soooooooooooo disappointed. So was my wife, who saw them in their heyday and liked them. So, to say that they "have not skipped a beat" means either you don't know what you're talking about or you were not around to see them in those years.

If you're talking about keeping up a rebellious, rock 'n' roll image, Vince Neil was on the Surreal Life and had a show about all of the plastic surgery he did. Real rock n roll rebellion there.

Stop comparing the two. Motley had some good rock tunes, but they're not as deep, diverse, true to rock n roll, or good as GnR

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