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Arcade Roses

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man, thats a blast from the past. I was in like 10th grade when I used to post on that forum. My screen name was something like "rose387"...

fucking 6 years ago.

Axl did post on there, and from what I remember, he was the one that had it shut down. Something about some guy posting his phone number on there.

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man, thats a blast from the past. I was in like 10th grade when I used to post on that forum. My screen name was something like "rose387"...

fucking 6 years ago.

Axl did post on there, and from what I remember, he was the one that had it shut down. Something about some guy posting his phone number on there.

ive heard about that

James S.

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wow, i think i didn't have internet back then..

what was Axl's nickname??

I was around about 1999, i think his name was felix the cat, that or else that guy seemed in the know.

Felix the cat has an awesome bag, ahh, i remember the good ol' days :lol: , lol it could turn into anything!!!

i want one.. :huh:

James S.

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wow, i think i didn't have internet back then..

what was Axl's nickname??

I was around durring that time. I'm pretty sure he used a few different nicks but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Usually the posts were in defense of Axlette and that whole situation. I remember one post that was very detailed about the Halloween party Axl threw one year - stuff that only someone that was there would know and then a few months later that post was confirmed by the big cover story that Rolling Stone did. Of course people were still assholes and didn't believe that Axlette's story had actually happened and continued to post a bunch of BS about stuff that they couldn't possibly know.(Xozi was a big poster that did this) Hence why Axl singled Xozi out at RIR3 for "thinking they know everything, but have no idea."

I was pretty involved with the boards and stuff around that time, but things got so ugly and I just got so dissatisfied w/ the whole online GNR scene that I got the hell out of dodge for a while(as Axl and Axlette both seemingly did as well), only recently have I started reading some boards again.

Speaking of the old GNR boards, does anyone remember Lolli? I used to get some crazy e-mails from her for no other reason than the fact that I live near Axl. (For those that don't know, Lolli turned out to be an actual stalker of Axl's who he has a restraining order against.) At least nowadays there seem to be quite a few less crazies on the GNR boards(at least relatively^_^). Cause I'm telling you, back in those days there were some people that were just out and out nuts.

Edited by SunshineSlayer
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I used to log on there a bit when i used to visit internet cafes just to access the internet, i weren't really a regular so i don't recall much, i seem to remember something about axl's phone number being posted on there and he got really pissed off about it, but that's really the only thing that has stuck in my mind.

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wow i didn't know any of that, interesting because it was 4 or 5 years before i starting using the net!, i thought message boards were for losers with nothing better to do, now i'm finnished school and have a job and girlfriend, tied down......... you know how it is, so yeah i'm on here alot now,

that pisses me off, the hole posting personal shit about axl on here, that recked the normal people's chance to chat with there hero! role model! whatever! those freaks would get burned out of this forum nice and quick i'm thinking.

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Last Post

March 7, 2000


March 7,2000


back then,I didnt know what internet actually means :ph34r:

That forum was going before that date, can't remember the exact date i first logged onto it but it was way before that.

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wow i didn't know any of that, interesting because it was 4 or 5 years before i starting using the net!, i thought message boards were for losers with nothing better to do, now i'm finnished school and have a job and girlfriend, tied down......... you know how it is, so yeah i'm on here alot now,

that pisses me off, the hole posting personal shit about axl on here, that recked the normal people's chance to chat with there hero! role model! whatever! those freaks would get burned out of this forum nice and quick i'm thinking.

Well, it's not as if he came right out and said, "Hey I'm Axl Rose", but some people were able to deduce it based on the content of the messages and somebody did some research into his IP if I'm not mistaken. And then of course it was pretty much confirmed that some of those posts were in fact him when he went on his internet rant at RIR.

But yes, a select few people ruined that board for everyone.

Edited by SunshineSlayer
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